Extra History: The Invasion of Normandy – Part 3


Today, Wargaming and Extra Credits, the creative minds behind one of YouTube's best channels on gaming and history, present to you the third episode of the short series about the Invasion of Normandy. In this episode we are focusing on France's resistance against the German occupants that helped pave the way for one of the most important operations of WWII.

We don't want to spoil too much though, so watch the episode now and enjoy!

Subtitles in our supported languages are also available by clicking on the icon in the bottom-right corner.

Missed the last episode? Watch now!

Who are Extra Credits?

Extra Credits discusses subjects from video games to world history in a weekly video lesson series with over a million YouTube subscribers. By applying the same research that the entertainment industries have so successfully used to get and keep people’s attention, Extra Credits makes education as engaging as watching a movie or playing a game.

If you're interested in history outside of tanks and similar machinery, you can also check out the Extra History: Hunting the Bismarck series on our World of Warships portal. Visit our website regularly so you don't miss the next part of this series. Also, check out the official Facebook page of our military expert The_Challenger.


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