On March 2012, the timeframe of the contest has been changed but our rules stay the same: destroy the World of Tanks team members if they are in the opposite team or protect them if they are on your side.
From now on the contest starts each Tuesday and Thursday.
So this week sessions will be held on Tuesday, March 6th, and Thursday March 8th. The contest will last for an hour and it will take place three times a day: 12:00, 16:00 and 18:00 CET (11:00am, 3:00pm and 5:00pm GMT).
The main goal stays the same: try to destroy the World of Tanks team member. The first one who gets him, wins 500 gold per kill!
If you're a part of the Wargaming tank team, try to keep it alive. If WG_Community account survives the battle and their team wins, every Battle Hero from their team receives 250 gold!
On Tuesday, we will drive tier IV to tier VIII.
On Thursday, we will drive tier II to VI.
Don’t miss it and have fun!
Our team members are:
- wg_community_alfa
- wg_community_bravo
- wg_community_charlie
- wg_community_delta
- wg_community_echo
- wg_community_foxtrot
Some of our tanks will be driven by the following team members:
- Supercharge
- Tuccy
- Obirian
- rishyu
- Blanchard
- Elitxu
- Devil
Don’t be shy and enter the battlefield! You don't have to take screenshots of your victory. The Wargaming team member will do it for you.
Grab your best tank and go!
The winners of last session (Thursday, March 1st)
The last contest took place on Thursday, March 1st.
The Battle Heroes from the Wargaming teams receive 250 gold each!
The World of Tanks team destroyers win 500 gold per kill!
Now, it's time to congratulate the winners.
The Hunters of the Wargaming tanks
Arkonor | flagan | leszek9999 | senoire8 |
biczuuu | flunscherl | Mamutis | Sherman_t54 |
BloodWorkGER | FurioZZ | MamWielkiGarp | Slaetor |
BViper | gazoo0202 | mariohol | tankopacb |
ciapek | grazyboy_cz | Nexus777 | tc_rodos |
danny1410 | Hanfixx | Ni_gashi | tobssucht |
deal96 | HighwayKillah | Nutleyboy | tudica |
deathkingro | Igor_Stroganov | Picker42 | Walther666 |
dino413 | JuhQ | rafalmp3 | xiao90 |
Drifo | kkergonu | Ramman | YoUr_g0D |
DziK1983 | korida | romo666 | Zaramoth85 |
Erikeine | Lachty92 | Scrab222 |
And also the Battle Heroes who helped our team members:
The Battle Heroes
aripaneagra | henkercoh | misterpants | Teamkiller_xp |
Beekon | Highkick | Nesquik_ | Tutank |
BuggelV | htr003 | pemoj | Tzsibike |
butcherr | Inferno130 | rabiopl | UltraSonics |
Cappo | KINGTIGER_2 | Remington | Waldhaus |
Cistic | krystofel1986 | robypaun | WaTeR_JoE |
crusnik | marko599 | saltas20 | xmoon82 |
DerGrind | melma | Skutti | |
Elucidate | miglanc | Soldat1981 |
Congratulations to all the participants! See you soon in another Hunt us Down event!