Get the Gang Back Together to Earn Rewards


Remember when you were teaming up with quick gunslingers who robbed tanks of HP, had shootouts at high noon, and brawled over capture points? Wouldn’t it be great to get the old gang back together to pull off more daring battles, earn rewards, and clean out the Saloon?

We just sent you a “Wanted” poster with your former crewmates via email—a reminder of all the tough folks you used to roll out with back in 2021. Sure, some might have hung up their Colts and are trying to live an honest life. Or maybe you're the one who turned away from a life of lawlessness. But wait until you see all the riches just waiting to be liberated! We're sure you'll want to get your old crew back in the game.

Play in a Platoon and Earn Tokens

Team up from May 18 at 07:00 CEST through May 25 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Depending on whether you're an active gunslinger who gets the gang back together and reactivates former Platoonmates or you're a returning Commander persuaded by an old friend and tempted by free goodies, you can earn tokens by playing in a Platoon and in Random Battles.

Battles in a Platoon are only counted towards the next token stage when teaming up with a player listed in the email. Platoons with other Commanders and dynamic Platoons will not increase your progress.
  • Token System for Active Players
  • Token System for Returning Players
Number of Battles Played Tokens Rewarded
Play 1–5 battles with a returning Commander 7 tokens
Play 6–10 battles with a returning Commander 15 tokens
Play 11–15 battles with a returning Commander 25 tokens
Play 16–20 battles with a returning Commander 40 tokens
Play 21+ battles with a returning Commander 50 tokens
Number of Battles Played Tokens Rewarded
One-time comeback bonus 70 tokens
Play 1–5 battles with an active Commander 2 tokens
Play 6–10 battles with an active Commander 6 tokens
Play 11–15 battles with an active Commander 10 tokens
Play 16–20 battles with an active Commander 20 tokens
Play 21+ battles with an active Commander 25 tokens
Play 1–5 battles without an active Commander 1 token
Play 6–10 battles without an active Commander 3 tokens
Play 11–15 battles without an active Commander 7 tokens
Play 16+ battles without an active Commander 15 tokens

The more matches you play together, the more tokens you earn. Platoon battles do not have to be consecutive to count, but they have to be with the same Commander from your list. Creating a team with more than one member from the “Wanted” list will not increase the number of tokens earned per completed stage.

Please be aware that tokens will be awarded with a one-day delay.

Rewards in the Saloon

Open for business from May 18 at 07:00 CEST through June 19 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Play in a Platoon with Commanders from your “Wanted” list to earn tokens that can be traded in the Saloon for heaps of great rewards. You can find the Saloon directly in-game under the DEPOT tab.

  • Rewards for Active Players
  • Rewards for Returning Players
Item Price in Tokens Restrictions
1 day of WoT Premium Account 10 Only once per account
1-day rental of the VIII M54 Renegade 5 Only once per account
1-day rental of the VIII LT-432 5 Only once per account
1-day rental of the VIII Strv S1 5 Only once per account
3-day rental of the VIII M54 Renegade 15 Only once per account
3-day rental of the VIII LT-432 15 Only once per account
3-day rental of the VIII Strv S1 15 Only once per account
Rat Rod 2D style 50 Only once per account
Red Desert 2D style 50 Only once per account
10 Large First Aid Kits 15 2 times per account
10 Large Repair Kits 15 2 times per account
10 Automatic Fire Extinguishers 15 2 times per account
3 missions: x5 XP for each victory with rental vehicle: VIII M54 Renegade 10 3 times per account
3 missions: x5 XP for each victory with rental vehicle: VIII LT-432 10 3 times per account
3 missions: x5 XP for each victory with rental vehicle: VIII Strv S1 10 3 times per account
Item Price in Tokens Restrictions
1 day of WoT Premium Account 10 Only once per account
1-day rental of the VIII M54 Renegade 5 Only once per account
1-day rental of the VIII LT-432 5 Only once per account
1-day rental of the VIII Strv S1 5 Only once per account
3-day rental of the VIII M54 Renegade 5 Only once per account
3-day rental of the VIII LT-432 5 Only once per account
3-day rental of the VIII Strv S1 1 Only once per account
10 Large First Aid Kits 15 2 times per account
10 Large Repair Kits 15 2 times per account
10 Automatic Fire Extinguishers 15 2 times per account
3 missions: x5 XP for each victory with rental vehicle: VIII M54 Renegade 10 3 times per account
3 missions: x5 XP for each victory with rental vehicle: VIII LT-432 10 3 times per account
3 missions: x5 XP for each victory with rental vehicle: VIII Strv S1 10 3 times per account
1 Garage slot 25 4 times per account
Rat Rod 2D Style
Red Desert 2D Style

So what are you waiting for? Dust off the old saddle and swing yourself back in the driver’s seat of your favorite vehicle.

Great riches await!
