Wersja 1.1: Misje osobiste: Drugi front

Wiele aktualizacji temu pojawiła się pierwsza iteracja misji osobistych. Te dodatkowe wyzwania nagradzały Was bardzo pożądanymi czołgistkami i zestawem specjalnych czołgów.

Jako miły dodatek, oto nigdy wcześniej nie prezentowany interfejs, który nie zszedł z linii produkcyjnej:

Prawie rok temu misje osobiste przeszły znaczącą przebudowę w aktualizacji 9.20.1. Aktualizacja ułatwiła graczom zrozumienie ogólnej koncepcji, a dodanie rozkazów podało im pomocną dłoń, umożliwiając ukończenie tego jednego pozostałego, wrednego zadania, które stało na drodze do żeńskiej załogi i pojazdu-nagrody.

Teraz przygotowujemy się do uruchomienia drugiego frontu: nowego zestawu misji z równie dobrymi nagrodami, jak w pierwszej kampanii! Na podstawie oryginalnych zasad, są to zupełnie nowe wyzwania, które pozwolą Wam zdobyć pamiątkowe nagrody.

Drugi front będzie dostępny dla wszystkich graczy. Gracze, którzy nie ukończyli pierwszej kampanii, będą mogli wypełniać oba zestawy misji osobistych jednocześnie.

Mała podpowiedź dla tych, którzy chcą być efektywni: przejrzyjcie misje drugiego frontu i wybierzcie podobne zadania z pierwszej kampanii, aby je ukończyć w jednej bitwie.

PRZYKŁAD: Wykonywanie jednocześnie Blok-2 (2. kampania) i Czołgi ciężkie misja 15 (1. kampania) oznacza, że możecie ukończyć dwie misje w jednej bitwie.

Najedź myszą na punkty, aby wyświetlić informacje o pojeździe
Charakterystyka podstawowa
750 PW
Średnie uszkodzenia
150/150/190 PW
Maksymalna prędkość / Prędkość cofania
50/15 km/h
Dowódca / Celowniczy / Kierowca / Ładowniczy (Radiooperator)
Średnie uszkodzenia
150/150/190 PW
Średnia penetracja
165/192/70 mm
Rozrzut na 100 m
0,3 m
Czas celowania
1,6 sek.
15 naboi/min
Czas przeładowania działa
4 sek.
Ograniczenia opuszczenia / Uniesienia działa
Prędkość obrotu
22 st./sek.
Zasięg sygnału
750 m
Pancerz wieży
50/30/7 mm
Zasięg widzenia
360 m
750 PW
Maksymalne obciążenie
30 t
Pancerz kadłuba
50/25/15 mm
60 szt.
Moc silnika
500 PW
Moc na tonę
18,3 PW/t
Prędkość obrotu
35 st./sek.
Maksymalna prędkość / Prędkość cofania
50/15 km/h


Najedź myszą na punkty, aby wyświetlić informacje o pojeździe
Charakterystyka podstawowa
1400 PW
Średnie uszkodzenia
440/440/530 PW
Maksymalna prędkość / Prędkość cofania
55/20 km/h
Dowódca / Celowniczy / Kierowca / Ładowniczy (Radiooperator)
Średnie uszkodzenia
440/440/530 PW
Średnia penetracja
202/252/64 mm
Rozrzut na 100 m
0,38 m
Czas celowania
2,9 sek.
3,63 naboi/min
Czas przeładowania działa
16,5 sek.
Ograniczenia opuszczenia / Uniesienia działa
Prędkość obrotu wieży
26 st./sek.
Zasięg sygnału
750 m
Pancerz wieży
203/76/76 mm
Zasięg widzenia
360 m
1400 PW
Maksymalne obciążenie
60 t
Pancerz kadłuba
114/76/50 mm
40 szt.
Moc silnika
900 KM
Moc na tonę
15,9 KM/t
Prędkość obrotu
30 st./sek.
Maksymalna prędkość / Prędkość cofania
55/20 km/h


Najedź myszą na punkty, aby wyświetlić informacje o pojeździe
Charakterystyka podstawowa
Object 279E
2400 PW
Średnie uszkodzenia
440/440/530 PW
Maksymalna prędkość / Prędkość cofania
40/13 km/h
Dowódca (Radiooperator) / Celowniczy / Kierowca / Ładowniczy
Średnie uszkodzenia
440/440/530 PW
Średnia penetracja
258/340/68 mm
Rozrzut na 100 m
0,38 m
Czas celowania
2,5 s
5,7 naboi/min
Czas przeładowania działa
10,5 s
Ograniczenia opuszczenia / Uniesienia działa
Prędkość obrotu wieży
28 st./sek.
Zasięg sygnału
720 m
Pancerz wieży
300/140/90 mm
Zasięg widzenia
400 m
2400 PW
Maksymalne obciążenie
65 t
Pancerz kadłuba
170/130/90 mm
40 szt.
Moc silnika
850 KM
Moc na tonę
14,2 KM/t
Prędkość obrotu
30 st./sek.
Maksymalna prędkość / Prędkość cofania
40/13 km/h

Więcej operacji, więcej nagród

Dla ogranych weteranów misje będą wydawały się podobne do tego, czego podejmowaliście się wcześniej, ale teraz pojawią się trzy różne zestawy operacji ze wspólnym warunkiem:

  • Pierwsza operacja polega wyłącznie na wytrwałości. To są misje, które można wykonywać przez jakiś czas i wymagają od Was wykazania się waleczności w zwyciężaniu i odporności w obliczu klęski. Zawierają one drugorzędne zadania, których wypełnienie nie jest wymagane do rozpoczęcia kolejnej misji, ale których ukończenie podwaja Wasze postępy ku zdobyciu planów.
  • Druga operacja polega na wykazaniu swoich umiejętności w jednej, konkretnej bitwie. Te misje koncentrują się na jednej rozgrywce i może to być zadanie określonej ilości uszkodzeń, zniszczenie określonej liczby czołgów przeciwnika lub jakiś inny cel. Przypominają nieco poprzednie misje osobiste.
  • Trzecia operacja to wypracowywanie spójnych, dobrych wyników przez kilka bitew. Te misje wymagają od Was więcej, niż tylko szczęścia. Pokażcie swoją wartość w serii bitew, aby je ukończyć.

Lista misji osobistych (tylko w języku angielskim)


1st operation

Progress acceleration: complete the secondary condition 5 times to earn an x2 increase in progress for the completion of the primary condition.

Mission Primary condition * Secondary condition

Union-1. Full Cooperation

Enable your allies to cause 15 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles that do not belong to Union by spotting them or destroying their tracks.

Reward: 100 000 

Survive the battle.

Reward: 50 000 

Bloc-1. Bad Seed

Cause 12 000 HP of damage to enemy medium tanks.

Reward: 100 000 

Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 50 000 

Alliance-1. Hard and Demanding Labor

 Destroy 20 enemy vehicles.

Reward: 100 000 

Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 50 000 

Coalition-1. The Key Target

Cause 12 000 HP of damage to enemy heavy tanks.

Reward: 100 000 

Destroy 2 enemy vehicles.

Reward: 50 000 

Union-2. Turn Off the Lights

Cause 8 000 HP of damage to enemy light tanks.

Reward: 100 000 

Cause 2 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 50 000 

Bloc-2. One More Time, Please

Block damage from 2 enemy vehicles 15 times.

Reward: 100 000 

Survive the battle.

Reward: 50 000 

Alliance-2. A Strike Out of the Blue

 Stun 30 different enemy vehicles.

Reward: 100 000 

Be among the top 3 players on your team by experience earned.

Reward: 50 000 

Coalition-2. Knock Out the Stuffing

Destroy enemy internal modules or injure crew members, totaling at least 40 modules or crew members.

Reward: 100 000 

Stun 2 enemy vehicles with one shot.

Reward: 50 000 

Union-3. V Is for Vengeance

Destroy 15 enemy vehicles that caused damage or hit your vehicle with no damage.

Reward: 100 000 

Survive the battle.

Reward: 50 000 

Bloc-3. Tanker Tailor Soldier Spotter

Destroy 10 light enemy tanks.

Reward: 100 000 

Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. 

Reward: 50 000 

Alliance-3. No More Traps

Cause 10 000 HP of damage to enemy tank destroyers.

Reward: 100 000 

Destroy 2 enemy vehicles.

Reward: 50 000 

Coalition-3. Viva la Coalition

Destroy 20 enemy vehicles that do not belong to Coalition.

Reward: 100 000 

Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. 

Reward: 50 000 

Union-4. Like a Stone Wall

Block 40 hits to your vehicles.

Reward: 100 000 

Survive the battle. 

Reward: 50 000 

Bloc-4. Take No Prisoners

Enable your allies to cause a total of 8 000 HP of damage to enemy light tanks, medium tanks or tank destroyers by spotting them or destroying their tracks.

Reward: 100 000 

Survive the battle.

Reward: 50 000 

Alliance-4. The All-Searching Eye

Spot 25 enemy vehicles while remaining unspotted.

Reward: 100 000 

Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). 

Reward: 50 000 

Coalition-4. Target Finder

Enable your allies to cause 15 000 of damage to enemy vehicles by spotting or destroying their tracks.

Reward: 100 000 

Survive the battle.

Reward: 50 000 

Union-5. I Follow SPG

 Cause 3 500 HP of damage to enemy SPGs.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Cause 2 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. 

Reward: 75 000 

Bloc-5 Like a Hot Knife Through Lard

Score an armor-penetrating hit to an enemy vehicle the indicated number of times: 60

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Destroy 2 enemy vehicles.

Reward: 75 000 

Alliance-5. Cut Off the Edge of Attack

Destroy 15 heavy enemy tanks.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. 

Reward: 75 000 

Coalition-5. Breaking Point

Cause 20 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles that do not belong to Coalition.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Destroy 3 enemy vehicles.

Reward: 75 000 

Union-6: Focal Point

Enable your allies to destroy a total of 12 of enemy light tanks, medium tanks or tank destroyers by spotting them or destroying their tracks.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Destroy an immobilized enemy vehicle.

Reward: 75 000 

Bloc-6. Gradual Disarmament

Destroy 30 enemy vehicles.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Stun an enemy vehicle the indicated number of times: 8

Reward: 75 000 

Alliance-6. You Might as Well Talk to a Brick Wall

Block 15 000 HP of damage.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Survive the battle.

Reward: 75 000 

Coalition-6. At the top of Olympus

Be the top player on your team by damage caused within 10 battles (updated).

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Survive the battle.

Reward: 75 000 

Union-7. A Heavy Blow to Medium Tanks

Destroy 15 medium enemy tanks.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Cause 2 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 75 000 

Bloc 7. The Lighting Rod

Be the top player on your team by total damage blocked by armor (at least 1 000 HP), 10 times

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Be the top player on your team by damage caused.

Reward: 75 000 

Alliance-7. Fire Till the Last Shell

Cause 25 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Finish the battle as the top player on your team by experience earned.

Reward: 75 000 

Coalition-7. First Among Equal

Destroy 20 enemy vehicles that of the same tier as your vehicle or higher.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 75 000 

Union-8. Call All the Shots

Enable your allies to cause 10 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles by spotting, stunning them or destroying their tracks.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Stun enemy vehicles for a total of 100 seconds.

Reward: 75 000 

Bloc-8. Everyone is Equal

Destroy 3 enemy vehicles of 2 different types 7 times.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Be the top player on your team by damage caused.

Reward: 75 000 

Alliance-8. There Is No Escape

Stun 2 enemy vehicles with one shot 7 times.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Stun enemy vehicles for a total of 100 seconds.

Reward: 75 000 

Coalition-8. Got Your Help

Enable your allies to destroy 10 enemy vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Destroy an immobilized enemy vehicle.

Reward: 75 000 

Union-9. Double or Nothing

Cause twice more damage than the hit points of your vehicle 10 times.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Destroy 2 enemy vehicles.

Reward: 75 000 

Bloc-9. The Sword of Damocles is Hanging

Enable your allies to destroy a total of 7 of enemy heavy or medium tanks by spotting them or destroying their tracks.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Destroy an immobilized enemy vehicle.

Reward: 75 000 

Alliance-9. The Survival of the Fittest

Destroy 10 enemy vehicles that belong to Alliance.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 75 000 

Coalition-9. Face to Face

Cause 15 000 HP of damage during the first 3 minutes of the battle.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode).

Reward: 75 000 

Union-10. Raise the Flag!

Participate in the successful capture of the base.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Be among the top 5 players on your team by experience earned. 

Reward: 75 000 

Bloc-10. Selective Approach

Cause 12 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles that belong to Bloc. 

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Destroy 2 enemy vehicles.

Reward: 75 000 

Alliance-10. Valuable Assistance

Enable your allies to cause a total of 5 000 HP of damage to enemy heavy or medium tanks by spotting them or destroying their tracks.

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Survive the battle.

Reward: 75 000 

Coalition-10. The Exemplary Performance

Finish the battle as the top player on your team by experience earned within 10 battles (updated). 

Reward: 2 Automatic Fire Extinguishers, 2 Large First Aid Kits, 2 Large Repair Kits

Survive the battle.

Reward: 75 000 

Union-11. Like a Rolling Stone

Destroy 2 enemy vehicles.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 750 

Bloc-11. Strike With All Your Might, Boys

Cause 35 000 of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Stun 3 different enemy vehicles.

Reward: 750 

Alliance-11. Strike the Iron While It Is Hot

Cause 1 500 HP of damage during the first 3 minutes of the battle 10 times.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode).

Reward: 750 

Coalition-11. Hunted Hunters

Destroy 10 enemy tank destroyers.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 750 

Union-12. Mr. Untouchable

Block twice more damage than the hit points of your vehicle 5 times.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Survive the battle.

Reward: 750 

Bloc-12. Easy Cooking

Destroy 2 enemy vehicles during the first 3 minutes of the battle 5 times.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode).

Reward: 750 

Alliance-12. Concrete Defense

Block 5 enemy hits 15 times.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Survive the battle.

Reward: 750 

Coalition-12. Irreparable Damage

Cause 25 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Destroy 2 enemy vehicles.

Reward: 750 

Union-13. Ramming Is the Weapon of Heroes!

Cause damage to an enemy vehicle by ramming.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Survive the battle.

Reward: 750 

Bloc-13. For the Common Good

Be among the top 3 players on both teams by damage caused 10 times.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Survive the battle.

Reward: 750 

Alliance-13. Counter-offensive

Destroy 15 enemy vehicles during the first 3 minutes of the battle.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 750 

Coalition-13. My Warmest Regards

Destroy 5 enemy SPGs.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 750 

Union-14. A Heavy Blow

Destroy 7 enemy vehicles that lost over 50% of their hit points as the result of your damage caused.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.

Reward: 750 

Bloc-14. A Hard Nut to Crack

Block twice more damage than the hit points of your vehicle.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Finish the battle as the top player on your team by damage blocked.

Reward: 750 

Alliance-14. A Crashing Blow

Allies must destroy 7 enemy vehicles stunned by you. 

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Stun 2 enemy vehicles with one shot.

Reward: 750 

Coalition-14. The Battle Is Calling

Cause 8 armor-penetrating shots during the first 3 minutes of the battle 10 times.

Reward: 50 000 , 750 

Destroy 2 enemy vehicles.

Reward: 750 

Union-15. For the Glory of Union!

Receive the Mastery Badge I Class or higher. 

Reward: Female crew member, Blueprint

Receive the Ace Tanker Mastery Badge, 3 times. 

Reward: 100 000 , Order for the 2nd Campaign

Bloc-15. Mouthful of Diamonds

Earn a total of 10 rewards of the Battle Hero category and epic medals in a battle (updated). 

Reward: Female crew member, Blueprint

Earn a total of 2 rewards of the Battle Hero category and/or epic medals in a battle, 3 times.

Reward: 100 000 , Order for the 2nd Campaign

Alliance-15. Alliance Hero

Receive the Mastery Badge I Class or higher 7 times. 

Reward: Female crew member, Blueprint

Receive the Ace Tanker Mastery Badge, 3 times.

Reward: 100 000 , Order for the 2nd Campaign

Coalition-15. This Is Gonna Be Legen-dary

Earn a total of 10 rewards of the Battle Hero category and/or epic medals in a battle (updated). 

Reward: Female crew member, Blueprint

Earn a total of 2 rewards of the Battle Hero category and/or epic medals in a battle. 

Reward: 100 000 , Order for the 2nd Campaign

2nd operation
Mission Primary condition  Secondary condition
Union-1. Make It to the Podium Be among the top 3 players on your team by experience earned. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Bloc-1. Just Routine Cause 6 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Be among the top 3 players on your team by experience earned.
Alliance-1. Invisible Contribution Cause 30% of the total amount of damage caused by your team. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Coalition-1. Break the Line Destroy a total of 3 enemy heavy/medium tanks. Cause 2 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.
Union-2. At the Forefront Destroy 1 enemy vehicle during the first 1.5 minutes of the battle. Survive the battle.
Bloc-2. Hit It to the Bone Destroy enemy internal modules or injure crew members, totaling at least 5 modules or crew members. Cause 2 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. At the end of the battle, have no injured crew members or damaged/destroyed internal modules.
Alliance-2. Whale Beach Destroy tracks of 3 different enemy vehicles. Your allies must cause 250 HP of damage to the vehicle immobilized by you. Destroy tracks of 2 enemy vehicles. Your allies must destroy the vehicles while they are immobilized.
Coalition-2. Credible Deterrent Destroy tracks of 3 different enemy vehicles. Cause 5 armor-penetrating shots to immobilized enemy vehicles. Destroy 2 immobilized enemy vehicles. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode).
Union-3. For the Good of the Team Be among the top 3 players on your team by experience earned. Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Bloc-3. At Point-blank Range Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles that are within your current view range (it may exceed 445 meters). Destroy 4 enemy vehicles.
Alliance-3. Cloudy with a Chance of Shells Stun an enemy vehicle 10 times. Cause 6 armor-penetrating shots to enemy vehicles.
Coalition-3. On Top Finish the battle as the top player on both teams by experience earned. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode).
Union-4. None Shall Pass Destroy 4 enemy vehicles of 2 different types (updated). Survive the battle.
Bloc-4. I Can See Everything Enable your allies to destroy 4 enemy vehicles spotted by you. Enable your allies to cause damage to 5 enemy vehicles spotted by you.
Alliance-4. There's Something In Those Trees Cause 3 000 HP HP of damage, remain unspotted at the moment when the damage is caused. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Coalition-4. Shell After Shell Cause damage to 6 different enemy vehicles. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Union-5. Enough Shells for Everyone Cause 15 armor-penetrating shots to enemy vehicles. Destroy 3 enemy vehicles.
Bloc-5. I Just Met You, And This is Crazy... Cause 3 armor-penetrating shots to enemy SPGs. Destroy 1 enemy SPGs. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Alliance-5. The Grim Grond Destroy an enemy vehicle by ramming. Survive the ramming attack on the enemy. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Coalition-5. Lucky to Be Alive Destroy an enemy vehicle by ramming, causing more damage to the enemy than your vehicle receives. Survive the ramming. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Union-6. Rain On the Parade Destroy 3 enemy vehicles during the first 3 minutes of the battle. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Bloc-6. Offensive Reconnaissance Cause 10 armor-penetrating shots to enemy vehicles. Spot 4 enemy vehicles. Destroy 3 enemy vehicles.
Alliance-6. Vertigo Stun enemy vehicles for a total of 150 seconds. Allies must destroy 2 enemy vehicles stunned or immobilized by you. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode).
Coalition-6. More Than a Match Cause 10 armor-penetrating shots to enemy vehicles that are of the same tier as your vehicle or higher. Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.
Union-7. SPG Wanted!5 Spot and cause damage to 1 enemy SPG. Destroy 1 enemy SPG. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Bloc-7. Getting Away With Murder Destroy 3 enemy vehicles, remaining unspotted at the moment of their destruction. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Alliance-7. Ahead of the Game Be the top player on your team by damage caused. Survive the battle.
Coalition-7. Better Luck Next Time Destroy an enemy light tank during the first 2 minutes of the battle. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Union-8. It's Tiptop. I'm Just Not Sure About the Color. Destroy enemy internal modules or injure crew members, totaling at least7 modules or crew members. Destroy 3 enemy vehicles.
Bloc-8. Catching Fire Set an enemy vehicle of the same tier or higher on fire. Be among the top 3 players on your team by experience earned.
Alliance-8. A Four-leaf Clover Cause 4 times more damage than the hit points of your vehicle. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Coalition-8. The One and Only Finish the battle as the top player on your team by experience earned. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Union-9. Hunt for Heavies Cause 2 000 HP of damage to enemy heavy tanks. Destroy 2 heavy enemy tanks. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Bloc-9. Falcon Rising Enable your allies to cause 3 000 HP of damage. Cause 2 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Alliance-9. Now I See You Enable your allies to cause 5 000 HP of damage. Survive the battle.
Coalition-9. Keep the Distance Cause 2 000 HP of damage from a distance of 250 m or more. Destroy 3 enemy vehicles.
Union-10. Not a Step Forward! Destroy 2 enemy vehicles from a distance of 300 m or more. Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.
Bloc-10. Like a Boss Cause 4 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. At the end of the battle, have no injured crew members or damaged/destroyed internal modules. Destroy 4 enemy vehicles.
Alliance-10. Everyone Will Get a Present Enable your allies to cause damage to 5 enemy vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks. Enable your allies to destroy 2 enemy vehicle by spotting them or destroying their tracks.
Coalition-10. Five Stars Out of Five Destroy 5 enemy vehicles. Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.
Union-11. You Won't Get Rid of Me That Easily Spot 6 enemy vehicles while remaining unspotted. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Bloc-11. The Thrill of the Hunt Destroy 6 enemy vehicles. Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.
Alliance-11. Hunt for Mediums Cause armor-penetrating shots to enemy medium tanks 6 times. Destroy an enemy medium tank. Cause 1 500 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.
Coalition-11. There Is No Time to Bleed Block 2 times more damage than the hit points of your vehicle. Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles (updated). Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Union-12. Can You Feel This Ranging In Ears? Stun enemy vehicles for a total of 200 seconds. Destroy 3 enemy vehicles.
Bloc-12. The Dominator Finish the battle as the top player on both teams by damage caused. Cause 4 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Survive the battle.
Alliance-12. Catch Me If You Can Destroy 3 heavy enemy tanks. Cause 4 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Coalition-12. Fire All You Have Got Cause 15 armor-penetrating shots to enemy vehicles. Destroy 3 enemy vehicles.
Union-13. Family Combo, Please! Destroy 6 enemy vehicles of 3 different types. Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.
Bloc-13. The Collector Destroy 6 enemy vehicles of 3 different types. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Alliance-13. Close-range Fire Destroy 3 enemy vehicles from a distance of not more than 100 meters. Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.
Coalition-13. Enemy at the Gates Participate in a successful capture of a base or reset the enemy capture points of your/neutral base. Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Destroy 3 enemy vehicles.
Union-14. Not Even a Scratch Destroy 3 enemy vehicles, having received no prior damage to your vehicle. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode). Survive the battle.
Bloc-14. Heavy Case Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy heavy tanks. Destroy 4 enemy vehicles.
Alliance-14. Knock-knock Stun enemy vehicles for a total of 180 seconds. Or destroy a track of an enemy vehicle, your allies must cause 800 HP of damage to the vehicle immobilized by you. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode).
Coalition-14. Steel Reaper Destroy 7 enemy vehicles. Survive the battle.
Union-15. Armour of God Cause, receive, and Bloc a total of 12 000 HP of damage. Cause 25% of the total amount of damage caused by your team. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode).
Bloc-15. Night of a Hunter Cause 3 000 HP of damage to enemy tank destroyers. Cause damage to 7 different enemy vehicles. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode).
Alliance-15. Commando Cause 8 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles. Destroy 5 enemy vehicles. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode).
Coalition-15. One May Army Damage caused and damage caused with your assistance must total 10 000 HP. Enable your allies to destroy 4 enemy vehicle by spotting them or destroying their tracks. Destroy an enemy vehicle / capture the base / defend the base (when playing for defenders in the in Assault mode).
3rd operation
Mission Primary condition SECONDARY CONDITION
Union-1. Invaluable Assistance Enable your allies to cause the average of 2 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles in a battle by spotting them or destroying their tracks within 5 battles. Enable your allies to cause 1 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles in a battle by spotting them or destroying their tracks within 5 battles. Enable your allies to cause the average of 1 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles in a battle by spotting them or destroying their tracks. Enable your allies to cause 1 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles in a battle by spotting them or destroying their tracks.
Bloc-1. Smoking Barrel Cause 3 500 HP of damage to enemy vehicles within 3 battles in a row. Cause 4 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles.
Alliance-1. A Sure Shooter Earn Fire for Effect reward 5 times within 10 battles. Earn Fire for Effect reward 7 times within 10 battles.
Coalition-1. Furious Fighter Earn the Fighter award 3 times within 10 battles. Earn the Fighter award 4 times within 10 battles.
Union-2. Effective Fire Cause twice more damage than the hit points of your vehicle within each of 3 battles. Cause tree times more damage than the hit points of your vehicle within each of 3 battles.
Bloc-2. The Diamond Armor Earn the Shellproof award 4 times within 10 battles. Earn the Shellproof award 5 times within 10 battles.
Alliance-2. Among the Best Be among the top 3 players on your team by damage caused within each of 5 battles. Be the top player on your team by damage caused within each of 5 battles.
Coalition-2. The Top Gun Cause 3 000 of damage to enemy vehicles within each of 5 battles. Cause 4 000 of damage to enemy vehicles within each of 5 battles.
Union-3. Not a Step Back Destroy 15 enemy vehicles within 10 battles. Destroy 20 enemy vehicles within 10 battles.
Bloc-3. The Punisher Destroy 2 enemy vehicles in 2 out of 5 battles. Destroy 4 enemy vehicles in 2 out of 5 battles.
Alliance-3. The Duty Never Ends Enable your allies to destroy the average of 2 enemy vehicles in a battle by spotting them or destroying their tracks within 10 battles. Enable your allies to destroy 1 enemy vehicle by spotting them or destroying their tracks within 10 battles. Enable your allies to destroy the average of 3 enemy vehicles in a battle by spotting them or destroying their tracks within 10 battles. Enable your allies to destroy 1 enemy vehicle by spotting them or destroying their tracks within 10 battles.
Coalition-3. The War Horse Earn a total of 5 rewards of the Battle Hero category and/or epic medals in a battle within 7 battles. Earn a total of 7 rewards of the Battle Hero category and/or epic medals in a battle within 7 battles.
Union-4. Your Shell not Passed! Bloc the average of 8 enemy hits within 5 battles. Block at least 2 enemy hits. Bloc the average of 12 enemy hits within 5 battles. Block at least 2 enemy hits.
Bloc-4. The Willing Heart Enable your allies to destroy 2 enemy vehicle by spotting them or destroying their tracks within each of 3 battles. Enable your allies to destroy 3 enemy vehicle by spotting them or destroying their tracks within each of 3 battles.
Alliance-4. Just Warming Up Cause 30 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles within 10 battles. Cause 35 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles within 10 battles.
Union-5. Heroic Triple Be among the top 3 players on both teams by damage caused in each of 5 battles. Finish the battle as the top player on both teams by damage caused in each of 5 battles.
Bloc-5. Flying High Cause the at least 3 000 HP of average damage within 10 battles. Cause 1 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles within 10 battles. Cause the at least 3 500 HP of average damage within 10 battles. Cause 1 000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles within 10 battles.
Alliance-5. Stunning Performance Stun a total of 40 different enemy vehicles within each of 10 battles. Stun a total of 50 different enemy vehicles within each of 10 battles.
Coalition-5. I Will Be Your Shield Block 30 enemy hits within 10 battles. Block 40 enemy hits within 10 battles.
Union-6. Don't Stop Me Now Be the top player on your team by number of vehicles destroyed in a battle 3 times within 7 battles. Destroy 2 enemy vehicles. Be the top player on your team by number of vehicles destroyed in a battle 5 times within 7 battles. Destroy 2 enemy vehicles.
Bloc-6. Again and Again Destroy 3 enemy vehicles of 2 different types within each of 2 battles. Destroy 4 enemy vehicles of 3 different types within each of 2 battles.
Alliance-6. Reliable Ally Earn the Confederate award 2 times within 7 battles. Earn the Confederate award 3 times within 7 battles.
Coalition-6. Stiletto Score an armor-penetrating hit to an enemy vehicle 75 times within 10 battles. Score an armor-penetrating hit to an enemy vehicle 90 times within 10 battles.
Union-7. Is There Anyone There? Destroy enemy internal modules or injure crew members, totaling at least 3 modules or crew members within each of 3 battles. Destroy enemy internal modules or injure crew members, totaling at least 5 modules or crew members within each of 3 battles.
Bloc-7. Termination Be the top player on both teams by number of destroyed vehicles in each of 3 battles within 7 battles. Destroy 2 enemy vehicles in a battle. Be the top player on both teams by number of destroyed vehicles in each of 5 battles within 7 battles. Destroy 2 enemy vehicles in a battle.
Alliance-7. In Armor We Trust The average damage blocked should be 2 000 HP within 10 battles. Block at least 750 HP of damage in a battle. The average damage blocked should be 2 500 HP within 10 battles. Block at least 750 HP of damage in a battle.
Coalition-7. Nothing Personal, It Is Just Business Destroy 2 enemy vehicles of 2 different types within each of 3 battles. Destroy 3 enemy vehicles of 2 different types within each of 3 battles.
Union-8. Lone Wolf Earn Fire for Effect reward 7 times within 10 battles. Earn Fire for Effect reward 10 times within 10 battles.
Bloc-8. The Hole Punch9 Score an armor-penetrating hit to an enemy vehicle 7 times witihn each of 3 battles. Score an armor-penetrating hit to an enemy vehicle 12 times witihn each of 3 battles.
Alliance-8. Simple Geometry Destroy enemy internal modules or injure crew members, totaling at least 30 modules or crew members within 10 battles. Destroy enemy internal modules or injure crew members, totaling at least 35 modules or crew members within 10 battles.
Coalition-8. My Duty Never Ends Earn the Patrol Duty award twice within 10 battles. Earn the Patrol Duty award three times within 10 battles.
Union-9. Open Season Destroy 3 enemy vehicles within each of 2 battles. Destroy 4 enemy vehicles within each of 2 battles.
Bloc-9. The Guiding Star Enable your allies to cause a total of 15 000 HP damage to enemy vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks within 10 battles. Enable your allies to cause a total of 17 000 HP damage to enemy vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks within 10 battles.
Alliance-9. Sparks in Eyes Stun enemy vehicles for a total of 1 800 seconds within each of 10 battles. Stun enemy vehicles for a total of 2 000 seconds within each of 10 battles.
Coalition-9. Let Their Fate Be a Lesson to You Cause damage to 4 different vehicles in a battle within 10 battles. Cause damage to 2 different vehicles in a battle within 10 battles. Cause damage to 5 different vehicles in a battle within 10 battles. Cause damage to 2 different vehicles in a battle within 10 battles
Union-10. I Am Rock Block 15 000 of damage within 10 battles. Block 17 000 of damage within 10 battles.
Bloc-10. The Good Samaritan Earn the High Caliber award 4 times within 10 battles. Earn the High Caliber award 5 times within 10 battles.
Alliance-10. Unlock the Potential Cause 2 times more than the hit points of your vehicle in 4 out of 7 battles. Cause 2 times more than the hit points of your vehicle in 5 out of 7 battles.
Coalition-10. You Cannot Hide Enable your allies to cause 1 500 HP of damage to enemy vehicles by spotting or destroying their tracks within each of 3 battles. Enable your allies to cause 1 700 HP of damage to enemy vehicles by spotting or destroying their tracks within each of 3 battles.
Union-11. Shoot'em to Pieces! Cause an average of 8 armor-penetrating hits within 10 battles. Score an armor-penetrating hit to an enemy vehicle 5 times within 10 battles Cause an average of 12 armor-penetrating hits within 10 battles. Score an armor-penetrating hit to an enemy vehicle 5 times within 10 battles
Bloc-11. Safari Cause damage to 4 different enemy vehicles within each of 3 battles. Cause damage to 4 different enemy vehicles within each of 3 battles.
Alliance-11. The Right Place at the Right Time Enable your allies to cause a total of 1 200 HP damage to enemy vehicles stunned by you within 4 battles out of 10. Enable your allies to cause a total of 1 500 HP damage to enemy vehicles stunned by you within 4 battles out of 10.
Coalition-11. Lord of Destruction Be the top player on both teams by number of destroyed vehicles within 3 battles out of 7. Destroy 2 enemy vehicles. Be the top player on both teams by number of destroyed vehicles within 4 battles out of 7. Destroy 2 enemy vehicles.
Union-12. Every Possible Assistance Enable your allies to destroy 7 enemy vehicle by spotting them or destroying their tracks within 10 battles. Enable your allies to destroy 10 enemy vehicle by spotting them or destroying their tracks within 10 battles.
Bloc-12. A Knight in Shining Armor Be the top player on your team by total damage blocked by armor within 3 out of 7 battles. Block 1 000 HP of damage in a battle. Be the top player on your team by total damage blocked by armor within 4 out of 7 battles. Block 1 000 HP of damage in a battle.
Alliance-12. Rock-Solid Be the top player on both teams by damage blocked within 3 out of 7 battles. Block 1 000 HP of damage in a battle. Be the top player on both teams by damage blocked within 3 out of 7 battles. Block 1 000 HP of damage in a battle.
Coalition-12. Honorable Service Earn a total of 5 rewards of the Battle Hero category and/or epic medals in a battle within 10 battles. Earn a total of 7 rewards of the Battle Hero category and/or epic medals in a battle within 10 battles.
Union-13. The Moment of Glory Earn the Top Gun award twice within 10 battles. Earn the Top Gun award three times within 10 battles.
Bloc-13. Hand of the Master Destroy an average of 2 enemy vehicles in a battle within 10 battles. Destroy 1 enemy vehicles in a battle. Destroy an average of 3 enemy vehicles in a battle within 10 battles. Destroy 1 enemy vehicles in a battle.
Alliance-13. Big Shark Be among the top 3 players on both teams by experience earned within each of 5 battles. Finish the battle as the top player on both teams by experience earned. within each of 5 battles
Coalition-13. Dangerous and Moving Block twice more damage than the hit points of your vehicle within 3 battles out of 5. Block twice more damage than the hit points of your vehicle within 4 battles out of 5.
Union-14. Heavy Rain Stun enemy vehicles 80 times within 10 battles. Stun enemy vehicles 90 times within 10 battles.
Bloc-14. The Sky Is the Limit Be the top player on your team by damage caused within 3 out 5 battles. Be the top player on your team by damage caused within 5 out 5 battles.
Alliance-14. Welcome to My Collection Cause damage to 30 different enemy vehicles within 7 battles. Cause damage to 40 different enemy vehicles within 7 battles.
Coalition-14. King of the Hill In 3 battles be the top player on both teams by damage caused within 5 battles. In 5 battles be the top player on both teams by damage caused within 5 battles.
Union-15. The Pride of the Union Receive the Mastery Badge I Class or higher within 3 battles out of 10. Receive the Mastery Badge I Class or higher within 4 battles out of 10.
Bloc-15. As Easy as ABC Receive the Mastery Badge I Class or higher within 3 battles out of 10. Receive the Ace Tanker Mastery Badge or higher within 4 battles out of 10.
Alliance-15. For the Alliance! Receive the Mastery Badge I Class or higher within 3 battles out of 10. Receive the Ace Tanker Mastery Badge within 4 battles out of 10.
Coalition-15. Way to Go! Receive the Mastery Badge I Class or higher within 3 battles out of 10. Receive the Ace Tanker Mastery Badge within 4 battles out of 10.

Każda operacja będzie odblokowana w określonym przedziale czasu. Pierwsza rozpoczyna się wraz z wprowadzeniem aktualizacji 1.1. Kolejne operacje rozpoczną się:

2. operacja:  19.09.2018

3. operacja:  10.10.2018

Ci z Was, którzy ukończą operację przed rozpoczęciem kolejnej, zostaną odpowiednio odznaczeni specjalnym emblematem na czołg, abyście mogli się popisać przed innymi spotkanymi czołgistami.

  • 1. operacja
  • 2. operacja

Grupy krajów

Znaczną zmianą w Drugim froncie jest to, że klasy czołgów już nie będą ograniczeniem dla misji osobistych. Zamiast tego pojawią się cztery narodowe sojusze:

  • Związek: ZSRR i Chiny
  • Blok: Niemcy i Japonia
  • Alianci: Stany Zjednoczone, Wielka Brytania i Polska
  • Koalicja: Francja, Szwecja, Czechosłowacja i Włochy

Możecie teraz podejmować się wypełniania misji takim typem pojazdu, jaki Wam odpowiada.

Lepszy interfejs

Nasz zespół ciężko pracował, wyszukując i wygładzając wszelkie zmarszczki przed pojawieniem się drugiego frontu. Dzięki ich staraniom, gracze łatwiej będą mogli sprawdzić, ile bitew jest potrzebnych, by wypełnić warunki misji.

Posłuchaliśmy też Waszych opinii na temat śledzenia postępów misji w trakcie bitwy. Dodanie paska postępu, pokazującego na żywo efekty misji, pokaże Wam, jak blisko jesteście jej wypełnienia.

Nowe rozkazy i plany

Rozkazy będą się różniły w obu kampaniach, więc żaden gracz nie będzie mógł po prostu kupić czołgu. Postanowiliśmy nie łączyć rozkazów z tymi z pierwszej kampanii, bo nowe misje osobiste to zupełnie nowe wyzwania, zadania i nagrody. Rozkazy możecie zdobywać, wypełniając z wyróżnieniem końcowe misje bojowe każdej operacji.

A na koniec, w pierwszej kampanii, po ukończeniu zestawu misji otrzymywaliście konkretne części do czołgu. Teraz to się zmieni! Teraz będziecie dostawać ich plany. Główna koncepcja pozostaje ta sama: odblokujcie cztery plany, a zdobędziecie czołg. Ale nie martwcie się, Wasze postępy w już rozpoczętych misjach pierwszej kampanii nie przepadną!

Pracujcie nad swoimi umiejętnościami i taktyką dla drugiego frontu, dowódcy!

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