Update 1.10.1: Der Öffentliche Test 3 ist hier!


Die dritte Testrunde vor der Veröffentlichung des Updates 1.10.1 hat begonnen. Macht euch mit den anstehenden Veränderungen vertraut, die unten in den Patchnotes sowie in den vorherigen Ankündigungen zum ÖT 1 und ÖT 2 aufgeführt sind.

Bitte teilt uns auch weiterhin euer Feedback und eure Vorschläge im Forum mit.


Seid ihr neu beim Test? Schaut euch unseren nützlichen Ratgeber zu den Öffentlichen Tests an.

Voraussetzungen: Der Anmeldeschluss war am 15. September. Alle Spieler, die sich also vor dem 14. September um 22:59 Uhr MESZ angemeldet haben, können am Test teilnehmen.

Feedback: Bitte schreibt euer Feedback und eure Fehlerberichte zur Testversion in den speziellen Thread, welchen ihr in unserem Forum findet.


Wenn ihr über das Wargaming.net Game Center am Test teilnehmen wollt, könnt ihr diesen Link verwenden.

  • Das Wargaming.net Game Center wird alle zusätzlichen Dateien herunterladen
  • Fangt an zu spielen


Patchnotes zum ÖT 3 (nur auf Englisch verfügbar)


Main Changes

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed the issue when a player received an uninformative message containing an error code instead of information about the chat ban reason after attempting to send a message in a blocked chat.
  • Fixed issues when text overlapped and was cut off in some localizations.
  • Fixed the issue when the Elite Progression icons (decal) were missing.
  • Fixed the issue when two Platoon members could select SPGs to participate in a battle.
  • Fixed the issue when a slot with one skill/perk was displayed instead of two when selecting the final reward in the drop-down menu of a crew member.
  • Fixed the issue when the Standard and Bounty Equipment tiles were sometimes joined together after purchasing additional stages in the Battle Pass progression window.
  • Fixed the issue when the sound effect was interrupted during the reward screen after the second battle in Bootcamp.
  • Fixed the issue when the Premium Account icon was missing on the reward screen of Stages 40-45 (if the Improved Pass was not purchased).
  • Fixed the issue when the icon of the final reward was missing in the drop-down menu in Battle Pass Season 3.
  • Fixed the issue when the reward crew member icon was missing in the progression window at Stage 45 in Battle Pass Season 3.
  • Fixed the issue when indents between several rewards differed from the required ones on the Battle Pass reward screen.
  • Fixed the issue when the color adjustment screen did not close after pressing the ESC key for the first time.
  • Fixed the issue when the eye icon on the team panels was not displayed if the player has Anonymizer enabled and their nickname length exceeded 21 characters.
  • Fixed the issue when irrelevant information about the number of votes for the final reward was displayed during the Battle Pass off-season period.
  • Fixed the issue when the T-44-100 (R) was not added to the accounts of some players upon connecting the corresponding service package from the operator.
  • Fixed the issue when the Notification Center displayed customization elements that had been unchecked during purchase.
  • Fixed some technical issues.

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