1v1 Tier VIII - 19:00 CET - N°9 - FAST CAP
Status turnaje: Skončil Skončil

1v1 Tier VIII - 19:00 CET - N°9 - FAST CAP

Status turnaje:

Skončil Skončil 22 Bře
Daily tournaments offer you the chance to play competitively, without having to be present several days in a row. If you are new to competitive gaming, this is the perfect tournament to start your career with! Teams are split into groups of 4, fight for top places to win gold!

O turnaji

  • 193 Potvrzené týmy
  • SE + RR Pavouk turnaje
  • Gold Fond cen
  • EU 2 Server


Místo Odměna
1st place: 1400 gold
2nd place: 700 gold
3rd-4th place: 500 gold
5th-8th place: 300 gold
9th-16th place: 150 gold
