Aktualizace 1.20.1: Společný test 2 je tady!


Druhý Společný test aktualizace 1.20.1 je nyní dostupný.

Tento test slouží pouze k technickým účelům a neobsahuje žádný nový obsah. Přesto se jedná o skvělou příležitost vyzkoušet všechna ta vozidla, která ještě nemáte na svém účtu, a experimentovat s různými sestavami vybavení.

Obnovení schopností posádky za zlaťáky je z testovacích důvodů dočasně učiněno bezplatným.


K účasti na Společném testu budete potřebovat Wargaming.net Game Center (WGC), nejnovějšího herního klienta Společného testu a účet Wargaming.net vytvořený do předem stanoveného data (více informací níže).


Testu se mohou zúčastnit všechny účty, které byly vytvořeny do 13. března, 22:59 CET (UTC+1).

Stáhněte si a nainstalujte testovacího klienta


  • Spusťte instalační soubor testovacího klienta.
  • Vyberte jinou instalační složku, než ve které máte uložené herní soubory běžného herního klienta World of Tanks.
  • Vyberte čerstvě instalovaného testovacího klienta z rozbalovacího menu v horní části WGC.
  • Vyrazte do boje. A nezapomeňte se podělit o svou zpětnou vazbu!

Více informací o WGC naleznete v průvodci Wargaming.net Game Center.


Pročtěte si náš užitečný průvodce veřejnými testy s veškerými podrobnostmi o Společných testech, Sandboxu a Supertestech.


Poznámky k aktualizaci (dostupné pouze v angličtině)


Main Changes


  • The Pre-Battle Preparation time has been decreased from 60 to 45 s.
  • The number of available pings on the minimap has been slightly reduced for solo and Platoon players. 
  • The Prestige Points system has been changed.

Role Skills have been reworked:

  • Field Repairs
    • The amount of restored HP has been decreased from 75/115/160 to 65/105/150.
  • One for All
    • The bonus to the major qualification level for each allied vehicle in other roles in battle has been increased from 2/5/8 to 4/7.5/11% .
    • The number of Prestige Points required to receive the first skill charge level has been increased by 20%.
    • The number of Prestige Points required to receive the second and third skill charge levels has been decreased by 8.3% and 15.7%, respectively.
  • Bounty Hunter
    • The amount of restored HP for each enemy vehicle damaged has been decreased from 25/40/55 to 15/25/35.
  • Focus on the Target
    • The bonus that improves gun dispersion during movement, on hull and turret traverse, and after firing has been decreased from 35/55/75 to 30/52,5/70%.
    • The reduction in reload time between shots has been changed from 0.6/0.75/0.9 to 0.45/0.6/0.75 s.
    • The number of Prestige Points required to level up the skill charge has been increased by 22.2/14.8/11.1%.
  • Fury
    • The reduction in gun reload time has been changed from 10/20/30 to 15/27.5/40%.
    • The bonus that improves gun dispersion during movement, on hull and turret traverse, and after firing has been increased from 10/20/30 to 15/30/45%.
  • Inspiring
    • The bonus to the major qualification level and all skills of your crew and allied crews has been increased from 10/17/25 to 15/25/35%.
  • Fire Cover
    • The inflicted damage has been decreased from 75/150/225 to 50/130/225 HP.
    • Stun duration has been decreased from 8/10/12 to 7/9/11 s.
    • The skill effect radius has been decreased from 8/12/16 to 8/11/15 m.
  • Sleight of Hand
    • The reduction in reload time has been changed from 20/32/44 to 27/40/55%.
  • Straight Ahead
    • The bonus to engine power has been increased from 20 to 25%.
    • The repair speed of damaged modules has been increased from 10 to 15%.
  • Recon Flight
    • The cooldown time has been decreased from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Note: Values and various characteristics that are relevant for the Common Test are subject to change after their release on the live servers.

Crew Perks

The bonus to the major qualification level provided by the Teamwork perk has been reduced from 5 to 2.5%

Temporarily, crew perks can be reset for free. 

Known Issues

  • When wheeled vehicles are destroyed by a random event, the wheels of the vehicle continue to spin.
  • On the Prokhorovka map, the propellers of the plane that falls during the random event do not rotate.
  • On the Safe Haven map, vehicles can be destroyed in textures during the random event on the bridge.
  • In Onslaught, the number of battles fought displayed in the Leaderboard is bigger than that in the player's statistics. 
  • The game freezes when trying to reset perks using retraining order. The only way to stop it is to close the game client. 

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • Fixed the issue of players being able to drive through the carriage of the moving train on the Prokhorovka map.
  • Fixed the issue of the game client freezing when leaving finished battles with the game window minimized.
  • Fixed some interface and technical issues.

Přidejte se ke Společnému testu a zůstaňte s námi!

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