Sneak Peek: March Specials

The month of March will be a perfect opportunity for all of you to work on your in-game progress as we'll have a little bit of everything. Whether you are an invincible Stronghold defender or want to try your luck during Saint Patrick's Day, we are happy to present you with a sneak peek of what we have on offer for you - use it to plan ahead and make the most of the month!

March Specials

  • Top of the Tree
  • Nation Spotlight: China
  • Stronghold Challenge
  • Nation Spotlight: Great Britain
  • Special: Saint Patrick's Day
  • Special: Experience Fever!
Top of the Tree

ToT specials make a comeback and just in time to help you on your way to the top of the American tech tree! Take advantage of this month's edition and reach high for the solid T110E4!

When: 1 March - 1 April

Nation Spotlight: China

People around the world have recently celebrated the beginning of a Chinese New Year and 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. If you are a fan of this nation's fiery tanks then you'll be excited to know that there is a special planned that puts them in the spotlight! Take advantage of dedicated discounts and bonuses for select Chinese vehicles!

When: 4 - 7 March

Stronghold Challenge

Do you and your clan participate in fierce Stronghold battles? Good! However, if you don't then you'd better start doing so, because with our dedicated specials you will be able to get even more value out of them. To battle!

When: 6 - 20 March

Nation Spotlight: Great Britain

Would you relish a cup of hot tea, Sir? Perhaps we should have phrased that differently... Would you like a cup of fresh discounts and bonuses dedicated to the British, the most regal nation in the game, Commanders? If you answered yes, then look no further than this month!

When: 11 - 14 March

Special: Saint Patrick's Day

You feeling lucky, tank? Try your luck on the battlefield, and enjoy the Saint Patrick's Day dedicated special with lots of great discounts and bonuses in the process! May the Luck of the Irish be with you!

When: 17 - 21 March

Special: Experience Fever!

Fever is never good, but this case is an exception! Play with your Premium tanks, complete special missions to get as much XP as you desire, and convert it to Free XP for a discounted price! Feel the experience rush in your veins, Commanders!

When: 25 - 28 March

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