Happy 1st Birthday, World of Tanks Discord!


It has been one year since we expanded to Discord and turned the community-created server into our official platform to help you stay up to date on all things World of Tanks.

Since then, we have been able to grow the Discord community from 9,000 to over 56,000 members in only one year! Today, we are very happy to announce that we are expanding our support even further with two new language areas.

The Polish and the German channels are ready for you!

Our Discord server is driven by you, our community, and provides an additional opportunity to get the latest tank news, find platoon-mates, exchange tips and tricks, and discuss the latest developments. Rumor has it that you can even find some free stuff on occasion. So, make sure to check out World of Tanks on Discord!

Let's Celebrate

Join eekeeboo on June 13 at 15:00 CEST (UTC+2) on Twitch and YouTube and celebrate the Discord anniversary with some great tank action


Roll Out!

Diskutovat na Discordu
