Clan Scuffle Rules & regulations

1. Terms and notions

1.1.   The Clan Scuffle tournament (hereinafter, the Tournament) is a competition held by Wargaming Group Limited among users of the massively multiplayer online game World of Tanks (hereinafter, the Game) worldwide.

1.2. Clan Scuffle or the Tournament is held by the Organizer of the Tournament in the EU according to these Rules from July 28 till August 12, 2018.

1.3. Tournament Organizer or Organizer—Wargaming Group Limited, with registered office at: 30 cours de l’île seguin, Boulogne-Billancourt, or another entity organizing the Tournament (part of the Tournament) according to these Rules in the EU states on order by Wargaming Group Limited.

1.4. Regulations, or Rules for conducting the Tournament, or Rules—rules set in this document, according to which the Tournament is held.

1.5. Captain or Team Captain—player of a team, who represents interests of members of their team at the Tournament and presents required information on the team to the Organizer.

1.6. Wargaming Group Limited—company that, jointly with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is the developer, owner, and operator of the Game and holds the Tournament to attract attention of users to the Game.

1.7. User Agreement, Game Rules—documents that stipulate the main rules and requirements of the massively multiplayer online game World of Tanks.

1.8. Slot—the right of a team to participate in the Tournament granted by the Tournament Organizer.

1.9. Slot on a team—place on a team that can be taken by a player.

1.10. Player—member of a team declared for participation in the Tournament.

1.11. Participant—any player, including Captain, who participates in the Tournament.

1.12. Team—group of players headed by a Captain that participates in the Tournament. All members of a team that participate in battles within the Tournament must be members of the same clan.

1.13. Referee or Match Referee—party that is assigned by the Tournament Organizer and controls the pursuance of the Rules by players and other participants during the Tournament.

1.14. Game—massively multiplayer online game World of Tanks.

1.15. Match—series of battles, the results of which determine the winner.

1.16. Battle—showdown of teams on one of the maps from the official map list of the Tournament, the goal of which is to capture the base or destroy all vehicles of the opposing team within the allocated time.

1.17. Respawn—location on a map, where vehicles of the two teams are initially placed at battle start.

1.18. Tie-Breaker—battle between teams that decides the outcome of the match, if winner could not be determined based on the results of previous battles.

1.19. Roster—total of the in-game items used in battles declared prior to a Match.

1.20. Match lineup—list of vehicles declared in advance to be used by a team in a match.

2. Changes to the rules

2.1.   Organizer has the right to change these Rules in the future at own discretion. In case of controversies, any additions and/or changes to these Rules will have prevalence over these Rules.

2.2.  If you continue your participation in the Tournament after changes to these Rules, you assume the obligation to follow the changes made to the Rules, and any such changes are effective and apply to your participation in the Tournament since the start day of the Tournament.

3. Tournament Rules

3.1.   Match configuration depending on the Tournament stage.

3.1.1. Qualification round: Battle mode—Standard Battle.

3.1.2. Group stage: Battle mode—Standard Battle.

3.1.3. Playoff (quarterfinals, semifinals, final): Attack/Defense on a standard map* (*—according to the Landing rules on the Global Map). Attacking team—the team that starts the battle at base 2. Defending team—the team that starts the battle at base 1. Draw in a battle is treated as defeat of the attacking team. Team composition—15 players. Battle time—10 minutes. The team that captures the base or destroys all vehicles of the opposing team wins the battle.

3.2.  Requirements to roster:

  • Teams may comprise vehicles of different nations.
  • Vehicle Tier—X.
  • If a team enters the lobby incomplete, and none of the substitute players can take up the slot on the main team, the team starts the battle with an incomplete roster.
  • Players use their personal game accounts to play in the Tournament.

3.3.  List of maps for the qualification round of the Tournament*:

  • Murovanka
  • Prokhorovka
  • Himmelsdorf
  • Mines
  • Steppes 
  • Cliff
  • Ensk

*Map order for each round will be announced before the start of the tournament

3.4.  List of maps for the group stage*:

  • Prokhorovka
  • Mines
  • Sand River
  • Lakeville
  • Cliff
  • Malinovka

*Map order for each round will be announced before the start of the tournament

3.5.  List of maps for the playoffs*:

  • Murovanka
  • Prokhorovka
  • Himmelsdorf
  • Mines
  • Steppes
  • Cliff
  • Ensk

*Map order for each round will be announced before the start of the tournament

3.6.  Map for tie-breaker in playoff: Fisherman's Bay.

3.7. Game Server

  • First stage: Group stage (16 teams)—EU2.
  • Second stage: Playoff (8 teams)—EU2.

3.8.  The Organizer reserves the right to change the game server after giving an early notification to the players in the Tournament section of the official forums.

4. Game Restarts

4.1. If any technical issues arise on the Game server side and neither of the teams has a clear advantage, the battle may be restarted. The decision on the restart is made by the match referee. The match referee reserves the right to award victory in a specific battle to one of the teams based on recorded replay of the battle.

4.2. If a technical failure occurs in the course of a match, the match is replayed in full regardless of any battles already played.

4.3.  Advantage is understood as including but not limited to the factors below:

  • spotted enemy vehicles
  • damage dealt
  • base capture points

5. Prize pool of the tournament

5.1.  Prize pool is as follows:

Playoff stage:

  • 1st place—300 000 in-game gold
  • 2nd place—200 000 in-game gold
  • 3rd-4th place—100 000 in-game gold
  • 5th to 8th place—50 000 in-game gold

Group stage:

  • 3rd place in the group stage—25 000 in-game gold
  • 4th place in the group stage—15 000 in-game gold

 Show match:

  • 1st place—150 000 in-game gold
  • 2nd place—50 000 in-game gold

The in-game gold is credited to the treasury of the clan, the team of which took a prize place.

6. Requirements to teams

6.1.   By participating in the Tournament, each player confirms that they accept the conditions of these Rules, completely agree with them and acknowledges that they will comply with these Rules throughout the whole Tournament. If a player disagrees with the Rules or any changes thereto, such player must discontinue their participation in the Tournament.

6.2.  The Tournament provides prizes to winners of the Tournament only on condition that they comply with the conditions stipulated in these Rules and the requirements stated in this item of the Rules.

6.3.  A team should comprise at least 15 players of the main roster and up to 6 substitute players. The total number of main and substitute players should not exceed 21. A team consisting of fewer than 15 players is not allowed into the Tournament.

6.4.  One player may only be registered into a single team. As of the registration, the player must be the member of the clan, to which the team relates. Once the registration closes, players cannot change teams.

6.5.  Team name must conform to Game Rules.

6.6.  Team name must be given in the format "[Clan tag] Team name".

6.7.  Teams, the names of which violate item 5.6 of these Rules, may be denied participation in the tournament without notice.

6.8.  Teams that proceed to the second stage of the Tournament must provide a team logo to Tournament Organizers for broadcasting purposes. The logo size should be at least 800 x 800 pixels; alternatively, the logo can be provided in the vector format.

6.9.  Emblem of the clan represented by the team will be taken as the logo of this team.

6.10. The Organizer has the right to request additional information related to the Tournament. Team Captain assumes the obligation to provide requested information not later than the start of the second stage of the Tournament. Otherwise the Organizer is entitled to refuse the team any additional prizes, if such prizes are included in the prize pool of the Tournament.

7. Tournament Structure

7.1.   The Tournament is held in three stages:

  • Qualification round
  • Group stage
  • Playoff

7.2. Tournament days

  • July 28—qualification round (Starting time 19:00 CEST)
  • July 29—qualification round* (Starting time 19:00 CEST)
  • August 3—group stage (Starting time 19:00 CEST)
  • August 4—Quarter-finals (Starting time 17:00 CEST)
  • August 5—Semifinals and Finals stage (Starting time 17:00 CEST)
  • August 12—show match (TBA)

Starting times will be available on the tournament page

*Second day of qualification will only be made if there will be no possibility to play all the games on day 1. For example, big number of registered teams.

8. Qualification round

8.1.   Qualification round is held under the single elimination principle—a team leaves the Tournament after losing a match.

8.2.  The number of teams from clans is not limited on condition of compliance with item 6.4 of these Rules.

8.3.  A match consists of up to 5 battles. The team that is the first to win 3 battles is declared the winner of the match.

8.4.  For the final game, If neither team won more rounds an additional match is scheduled. An additional match consists of 5 battles and is held until the first victory. The team that wins first in a series of additional battles is deemed the winner of the match. In case of a draw after the additional match, both teams are disqualified for passive play.

8.5.  Playoff bracket is arranged at random. There will be four separate playoffs. The winner of each playoff will qualify for the main tournament.

8.6. In case of a draw in the last match of the qualification round (except the final match), an additional match is scheduled. An additional match consists of 5 battles and is held till the first victory. The team that wins first in a series of additional battles is deemed the winner of the match. In case of a draw after the additional match, both teams are disqualified for passive play.

8.7. If a team roster in battle includes players, who are not members of the clan indicated in the team name, or players, who do not belong to any clan, the team is disqualified from the Tournament, their opponents are granted victory.

8.8.  Roster and name of the teams that are accepted for participation in the Tournament through the qualification stage remain unchanged throughout the whole Clan Scuffle Tournament.

 9. First stage

9.1.   A total of 16 teams participate in the Tournament:

  • 4 teams from the qualifiers
  • 10 teams from the clans who took places 1-10 in the Arms Race Event
  • 2 teams that achieved the most victories in the Global Map Season 8

9.2. Teams are distributed into 4 groups of 4 teams each. The first stage is played in 3 rounds; once the first stage ends, points earned in all rounds are summed up.

9.3. Teams are distributed across groups randomly, with a rule in mind:

  • Teams from one clan cannot be included into the same group: "One clan—one group.

9.4. A match of the group stage consists of up to 5 battles. The team that is the first to win 3 battles is declared the winner of the match.

9.5. If neither of the teams manages to win 3 out of the 5 battles in a match, the team that won more rounds in that match is declared the winner of the match.

9.6. If both teams within a match have the same number of victories after 5 battles, the match is considered a draw.

9.7. If the total amounts of points and key figures for teams are the same, the teams are distributed according to item 9.10 of these Rules.

9.8. Places in the tournament bracket are distributed in accordance with the total amount of points earned in each match:

  • for a victory—3 points
  • for a draw—1 point
  • for a defeat—0 points

9.9. If two or more teams have equal total amounts of points, places in the tournament bracket are determined as follows:

  • following the results of all head-to-head matches between the competing teams
  • based on the highest difference between won and lost battles in head-to-head matches between the competing teams
  • based on the highest number of won battles in head-to-head matches between the competing teams
  • based on the highest difference between won and lost battles in all matches of the first stage; based on the highest number of won battles in all matches of the first stage

* If a team is disqualified during the Tournament, all points earned by that team, as well as points of its opponents earned in any battles with that team, will not be counted towards determination of team positions in the final tournament bracket.

*** Organizer reserves the right to arrange a complete restart of the match between the disputing teams.

9.10.  At the end of the two rounds of the first stage, any points earned by a team are summed up. Teams that take 1st to 2nd places in their group based on the total amount of points earned in the two rounds proceed to the next stage of the Tournament.

9.11. Organizer reserves the right to broadcast matches of the second stage. The organizer reserves the right to select the matches to be broadcast.

 10. Second Stage

10.1.   The second stage is conducted following the playoff format.

10.2.  Teams are distributed across the bracket of the final stage based on their results at the first stage as follows:

Seeding is following for the playoff:

  • Quarterfinals:
    A1-B2, A2-B1
    C1-D2, C2-D1
  • Semifinals:
    Winner of A1B2 vs C1D2
    Winner of A2B1 vs C2D1
  • Final:
    Winner of semifinal 1 vs winner of semifinal 2

10.3. Organizer reserves the right to arrange the broadcasting of matches of the Tournament. Selection of the broadcast of a specific match is determined by the Organizer. These matches are conducted in a format equivalent to the format, in which broadcast matches of quarterfinals, semifinals, and the final are conducted. The Organizer also reserves the right to arrange both strictly scheduled and "one-by-one" broadcasts after notifying the teams in advance.

10.4. Format of the matches of the preliminary playoff stage, quarterfinals, semifinals, and the final:

  • All playoff matches are held via Training Rooms.
  • Matches of the preliminary stage of the playoff, quarterfinals, semifinals, and the final are held on a standard map according to the rules of the Attack/Defense mode*

*according to the rules of Landings on the Global Map

  • Attacking team—the team that starts the battle at base 2. Defending team—the team that starts the battle at base 1.
  • Draw in a battle is treated as defeat of the attacking team.
  • Matches of the quarterfinals and semifinals consist of up to 5 battles (5th battle being the tie-breaker). The team that is the first to achieve 3 victories in battles is declared the winner of the match.
  • Matches of the final consist of up to 7 battles (7th battle being the tie-breaker). The team that is the first to achieve 4 victories in battles is declared the winner of the match.
  • If no winner is determined during the tie-breaker battle (the last vehicle of each team is destroyed simultaneously), the tie-breaker battle is restarted.

10.5. The procedure for conducting broadcast matches is as follows:

  • Date and time of the match are stated in the schedule on the Tournament webpage. If no exact time is posted, teams will be notified about the schedule and approximate times of their games.
  • The match is organized and umpired by the match referee appointed by the Tournament Organizer.
  • Players receive invitations to the Training Room not later than 30 minutes before the match start. All participants of the match must enter the Training Room of the match not later than 20 minutes before the match start.
  • If a player/players of a team does not enter the Training Room for the match or enters it later than 20 minutes before the match start, the Organizer is entitled to give the team a technical loss in the battle.
  • At match start, the Organizer is entitled to fine (in the prize in-game gold) the whole team for a delay of the match and the broadcast due to a fault of a player/players. The fine is 5,000 in-game gold deducted from the prize earned by the team in the Tournament.
  • The match referee makes decisions following the provisions of these Rules and communicates them to the teams. In cases not covered by these Rules, the referee has the right to judge the situation at their own discretion.
  • Training Room is created by the referee of the match.
  • An interval between battles in a match must not exceed 150 seconds. An interval between the last map and the tie-breaker should not exceed 150 seconds, The duration of the interval between the battles may be increased by the referee of the match.
  • If one or several players of one of the teams do not confirm their readiness to play within the indicated interval duration, the Organizer is entitles to give a technical loss to their team for that specific battle.
  • A signal to battle start is given by the match referee in the chat of the Training Room.
  • The referee records the result of the match and communicates it to the teams.

10.6   Match Lineup for Broadcast Matches

  • Vehicles for each battle starting with quarterfinals are "blind"-picked.
  • Within two minutes after the end of the battle, Captain of each team sends vehicle lineup of their team to the match Organizer via a private chat channel in the game client.
  • Vehicle selection process following this rule is applied to all battles broadcast by the Organizer.
  • Organizer of the match notifies representatives of the teams via the chat in the Training Room to start picking vehicles.
  • Any player of a team can participate in battles in any vehicles allowed by these Rules and indicated in the vehicle lineup presented for the match. A substitute player may replace a main player in any battle and in any vehicle indicated in the vehicle lineup presented for the match.
  • A visual and audible countdown of 60 seconds starts; during this time, the teams must pick their vehicles.
  • After 60 seconds, the battle starts.
  • If a player/players do not confirm the readiness of their vehicle, the team starts the battle without such player/players.

10.7. Battle Records

  • All participants of broadcast matches must record all battles of the Tournament via the default game recording functionality embedded into the game.
  • Before the battle starts, all players should check that they have the battle recording option enabled as of the match start.
  • The Organizer reserves the right to request battle recordings to create media materials dedicated to the Tournament.
  • The Tournament Organizer has the right to use and make the battle recordings publicly available without any additional approval with Team Captains as well as to transfer such rights to third parties related to Organization of the Tournament.

 11. Show Match

11.1.   Teams that take 1st to 2nd place in the EU region and teams that take 1st to 2nd place in the RU region are invited to take part in the show match.

11.2.  The teams are distributed as follows:

  • 2nd place of the EU region against the 1st place of the RU region;
  • 1st place of the EU region against the 2nd place of the RU region;
  • The winner of each show match will play in the final show match.

11.3. All games of the show match will be held on the RU2 server.

11.4.  The Organizer reserves the right to change the game server after giving an early notification to the players in the Tournament section of the official forums.

11.5.  Format of the matches and selection of maps are the same as the format of the final match of the Tournament and comply with items 9.4 and 9.7 of these Rules.

12. Tie-Breaker

12.1.   If both teams have the same amount of victories at match end, the winner of the match is determined in a tie-breaker.

12.2.  The tie-breaker system is only used to determine the winner in case of an even number of victories within a playoff match.

12.3.  The home-team of a tier-breaker—the team that won the fastest battle.

12.4.  If neither of the teams achieved the fasted victory in the match, the team with a higher total cumulative damage in all battles, only for the attackers’ side, during the match will be the home team.

12.5.  In case the teams are even in total cumulative damage for the attackers’ side in the match, the home team is determined at random.

12.6.  The home team selects the respawn on the tie-breaker map.

12.7.  The tie-breaker battle is conducted in accordance with playoff rules (one team attacks and the other team defends on a standard map according to the rules of Landings on the Global Map). Victory is also awarded according to the standard rules for this battle type.

12.8.  The winner of the battle conducted under the tie-breaker rules is concluded the winner of the match.

13. Match Broadcasts

13.1.   All rights to audio and video recordings of the matches of the Tournament (hereinafter, the Videos) are owned by the Tournament Organizer. Tournament Organizer can transfer the rights to broadcast all or some Videos to third parties, including the teams. The format of Video usage by third parties should be approved by the Tournament Organizer before the match recorded in the respective Video.

13.2.  The teams, matches of which will be recorded in the Video made publicly available, must be ready and at their stations not later than 30 minutes before the official start of the match. If a team is not ready by the indicated time, it may be viewed as an intended delay, for which the team may be held responsible according to these Rules.

13.3.  To prevent any opportunities for unfair play, the matches are broadcast to the public with a 10-minute delay from the real time of the matches; the above relates to live-mode broadcasts as well.

13.4.  During any stage of the Tournament, the Organizer provides for the option of broadcasting. The Organizer reserves the right to add observers to the matches that will be broadcast.

13.5.  Streamers will be invited to the Training Room together with the players. The broadcast will have a delay of 10 minutes. Accounts of observers may be added to the team. The automatic tournament system may have a special slot for a streamer. The use of this slot by any person other than the streamer will be considered a severe violation of these Rules, and the violating team will be disqualified.

13.6.  Tournament Organizer reserves the right to add representatives of the referee committee to record voice chat of the teams. Subsequently, recorded voice chat materials may be used to prepare video materials.

13.7.  All players must have the Spectator World of Tanks modification of the game client (also known as Spectator Mod) installed in the res_mod folder of the game client for the whole duration of playoff matches. Responsibility for continuous operation of Spectator Mod is borne by all players; if needed, they may remove any other modifications of the World of Tanks game client that may hinder normal operation of Spectator Mod. The Spectator Mod version to be used in the Tournament will be sent by the Tournament Organizer to Representatives or Captains of the teams via e-mail.

14. Play behaviour

14.1. behaviour

  • Players of the teams that participate in the Tournament must keep to the accepted standards of conduct. Violation of the conduct rules indicated below results in disqualification of the team.

14.2. Insults

  • All insults occurring in connection with the players, teams, Tournament Organizer and its employees, Wargaming Group Limited and its employees, or its partner companies are prohibited.

14.3. Explicit Language

  • The use of explicit language in any form during broadcasts of all matched held by the Tournament Organizer and featuring the teams is prohibited.

14.4. Spam

  • Excessive posting of meaningless or aggressive messages is prohibited.

14.5. Unsportsmanlike Conduct

  • Players must follow the principles of fair play and sportsmanlike spirit of the competition. Any action of a player that violates this principle are considered unsportsmanlike conduct.

14.6. Violations of Game Rules

  • Violations of the Game Rules are prohibited.

14.7. Deception

  • Any attempt to provide knowingly false information to the Tournament Organizer or other players is prohibited.

14.8. Unfair Play

  • Any techniques associated with unfair play are prohibited.

14.9. Use of a Non-Owned Account

  • Participation in matches with the use of an account belonging to another player is prohibited.

14.10. Modifications of the Game Client

  • Modifications of the game Client are only allowed if approved by the Tournament Organizer.
  • Use of forbidden modifications of the game Client is prohibited.

14.11. Complicity

  • Any agreements between the players and/or teams for the purpose of obtaining an in-game advantage are prohibited. Complicity pertains, but is not limited, to acts such as:
    • an agreement or any form of negotiations regarding the result or score of a match;
    • intentional passive play to achieve a desired match result or intended sabotage of team actions to achieve a desired match result.

14.12. Game Flaws

  • Intended use of any errors (bugs) or glitches in the Game operation to obtain an in-game advantage is prohibited.

14.13. Acceptable behaviour

  • Players should demonstrate a high level of professionalism when communicating with players from other teams, viewers, staff, and Tournament Organizer.
  • Tournament Organizer reserves the right to disqualify players who demonstrate inappropriate behaviour or excessive aggression.

14.14. Disqualification and Period of Limitations

  • Violations indicated above are evaluated by the Tournament Organizer. The Tournament Organizer has the right to disqualify any player or team for a violation of these Rules of the Tournament.
  • Disqualification or any other punishments may be applied at any moment, even if a violation of the Rules was revealed much later than it occurred.

15. Protest and appeals

15.1.   Protests or appeals regarding any situation or violation of these Rules not directly related to the Game Rules must be submitted to the Tournament Organizer by posting a complaint in a dedicated topic on the official forum. All protests communicated to the Tournament Organizer via other channels or submitted by third parties will not be processed.

15.2.  Protest regarding the same issue can only be submitted once to the Tournament Organizer except for the cases of newly discovered evidence. A continuous submission of protests (two or more times) regarding the same issue may be considered an attempt to obtain an advantage and influence the decision of the Tournament Organizer on the matter of argument, which violates the principles of fair play stated in these Rules.

15.3.  Decision made by the Tournament Organizer is final and not subject to revision. Repeated protests and appeals will not be processed.

16. Information Submitted Within the Tournament

16.1.   Any personal information that you will present to the Organizer as part of participation in the Tournament (Personal Information) will be used for purposes of your participation in the Tournament, including acquisition of the prize, if you win the Tournament, and abidance to these Rules. You also consent that your Personal Information may be disclosed to third parties, if this is required to transfer the prize (prizes), and when such disclosure is required in accordance with applicable legislation. You acknowledge that you will not provide the Organizer with your Personal Information or Personal Information of third parties (including their full name, copies of documents that prove their identity and identification number) without a special request by the Organizer. Any Personal Information provided by you at your own discretion will be deleted by the Organizer automatically.

16.2.  Tournament Organizer has the right to disqualify any player who presents false or incomplete information.

17. Limitation of Liability of Tournament Organizer

17.1.   Tournament Organizer is not liable for any actions of third parties.

17.2.  Tournament Organizer provides a compensation to Tournament Participants only for any direct losses caused by guilty acts of the Tournament Organizer.

17.3.  Tournament Organizer shall not be held liable for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its liabilities if such fulfillment was made impossible due to force majeure circumstances.
