Kampfpanzer 07 RH Review: From Germany with Love


The hunt for a fierce German secret agent is on. Do you have what it takes to apprehend the Kampfpanzer 07 RH? They say it likes its engine oil stirred not shaken, and has a license to destroy, so you better sleep with one eye open. We have put together a dossier with intel on this new enemy. Study its strengths and weaknesses, learn about its aliases, try to uncover its secret identities, and don’t get swayed by its quick wits. The worst you can do is underestimate your opponent!

How to Play the Kpz 07 RH?

The parameters displayed are valid for the vehicle with each crew member trained to 100% major qualification level. Some vehicle characteristics can be further improved with the commander's bonus to major qualification level, crew perks, and skills, as well as special in-game items.


Main Characteristics
Kampfpanzer 07 RH
Average Damage
200/200/320 HP
Average Penetration
205/255/90 mm
Hit Points
1,350 HP
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
65/25 km/h
Commander (Radio Operator)
Average Damage
200/200/320 HP
Gun Reload Time
5 s
Average Penetration
205/255/90 mm
80 shells
Dispersion at 100 m
0.35 m
Gun Depression / Elevation Angles
Aiming Time
1.5 s
Shell Types
Shell Velocity
962 m/s
870 m/s
853 m/s
The vehicle can boast one of the highest DPM values among its counterparts, which is 2,400 HP of damage (without possible improvements). Despite the relatively low damage per shot, the combination of accuracy, aiming time and stabilization allow this vehicle to cause damage effectively.
Concealment of Moving Vehicle
Hit Points
1,350 HP
Concealment of Stationary Vehicle
Hull Armor
115/75/25 mm
Signal Range
750 m
Turret Armor
80/60/60 mm
View Range
390 m
Turret Traverse Speed
50 deg/s
Engine Power
700 h.p.
Specific Power
23.3 h.p./t
Traverse Speed
55 deg/s
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
65/25 km/h
The vehicle’s relatively poor armor is compensated with great dynamics. The specific power of 23.3 h.p./t. and top speed of 65 km/h allow this vehicle to take good firing positions quickly, perform sudden attacks, and navigate across the battlefield freely. Use this advantage to provide fire support to allies where it is most needed.


An ordinary Walther PPK might have been the weapon of choice for the spies of the past. But times are changing, and this new player rolls out with something way more powerful. The Kpz 07 RH is packing a fast-firing 90-mm anti-aircraft cannon. Our research team estimates that even standard shells will slice through 205 mm of steel and HEAT won’t be stopped by anything under 255 mm. Make sure to always keep your bulletproof suit on, because shells will be flying in rapid succession. This well-trained agent can unload 3,000 damage per minute.


If you think the gun is something to fear, wait until you hear what they have to say about its agility. Analyses have revealed that the medium tank exterior is merely a façade that the Kampfpanzer 07 RH puts on to fool its adversaries. 65 km/h top-speed and excellent maneuverability are taken right out of the light tank playbook. So, forget about running away if the Kpz 07 RH notices that you are tailing it.


Agent Kpz 07 RH is well-trained in clandestine operations. You will have a hard time spotting it out in the field, and you can never be sure if it doesn’t already have an eye on you. Its standard view range is 390 m, but of course, the other side has its own team of engineers and this number will only go up with the right equipment. This medium tank relies on its speed more than a thick skin to outwit opponents but can take a punch if it has to. Beware, they say this agent can appear to be everywhere and nowhere all at once.


Like every good agent, the Kpz 07 RH can also resort to a number of gadgets for extra support in the field.

Recommended Setup
Turbocharger Vertical Stabilizer Tank Gun Rammer
Alternative Setup
Improved Ventilation Vertical Stabilizer Coated Optics

Hover your cursor over the images for more information on each piece of equipment.

Crew Skills

The life of a secret agent can be a lonely one, but of course, no agent has to do all the work. A well-trained crew with field experience can be a vital asset, especially if they complement the strengths of the agent.


Repair” is crucial as an active scout. You don’t want to be caught in a compromising position with your tracks down. The additional skills improve your gun and your general performance in battle. “Coated Optics” provides an extra boost to the excellent view range, so you will always be one step ahead of your enemies.

Challenge the Kampfpanzer 07 RH

World of Tanks is counting on you to take the Kpz 07 RH down! Check out the complete Crystal Challenge guide for even more intel on your new opponent and the full set of “Uncut Gem” missions that will set you right on its tracks. With every completed mission, you will be 10% closer to apprehending it for free. The hunt won’t be an easy one! Good luck, agents!


WARNING! It seems that double agents have infiltrated the briefing. They have paid off the Kampfpanzer 07 RH to immediately join its side. These rogue agents are operating under the codename “Brunnenpanzer” and seem to follow their own set of missions with a tempting new 3D style as a reward. We advise our agents to be on the lookout for Kpz 07 RH packages in the Premium Shop!

Roll Out!

Additional Grousers

Increases mobility on soft and medium terrain.

Increases hull traverse speed.

Increases the ability to maintain speed.

Adrenaline Rush

Decreases the gun reload time by 10% if your vehicle's HP drops below 10%.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Brothers in Arms / Sisterhood of Steel

Increases the training level of your crew members by 5%.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100% for every single crew member.

Band of Brothers

Increases the training level of your crew members by 5%.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100% for every single crew member.

Also works if other crew members have the Brothers in Arms / Sisterhood of Steel perk.

Call for Vengeance

Reports the location of enemy vehicles for two more seconds after the destruction of your own vehicle.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Clutch Braking

Increases the traverse speed of your vehicle.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Commander's Vision System

Reduces the concealment of moving enemy vehicles.

Reduces the concealment of enemy vehicles behind foliage.


Increases the camouflage value of your vehicle.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Controlled Impact

Increases the ramming damage dealt and decreases damage taken by ramming.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.


Increases the chance of landing a critical hit.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Designated Target

Keeps targeted vehicles visible for two more seconds.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Eagle Eye

Allows you to identify damaged/destroyed modules as well as injured crew members of an enemy vehicle by hovering your mouse over it for several seconds.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.


Reduces the damage and duration of fire.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.


Grants a slight chance to change shell type without having to reload again.

Doesn't work with autoloaders. Works also while reloading.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Improved Aiming

Smaller aiming circle size.

Improved Hardening

Fully restores suspension hit points after repairs.

Increases suspension load capacity.

Increases vehicle hit points.

Enhances suspension durability.

Reduces hull damage caused by suspension damage during impact.

Faster suspension repair speed.

Improved Radio Set

Increases the time an enemy vehicle is visible.

Reduces the time your vehicle is visible to the enemy.

Improved Rotation Mechanism

Reduces dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse, as well as during turret rotation.

Improves hull and turret traverse speed.

Jack of All Trades

Reduces the performance penalty of wounded crew members.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Low Noise Exhaust System

Reduces the visibility of a stationary or moving vehicle.


Increases the Crew XP gained for each crew member apart from the commander.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Modified Configuration

Prevents one fuel tank fire, ammo rack explosion, or engine destruction in one battle.

Increases engine durability and the capacity of the ammo rack and fuel tank.

Reduces the damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty.

Reduces the chance of engine fire.

Increases repair speed.

Off-Road Driving

Increases mobility on medium and soft terrain.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Preventative Maintenance

Reduces the chance of engine fire.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.


Increases the view range of your vehicle.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.


Increases the signal range of allied vehicles within your radio coverage.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.


Reduces the repair time of destroyed modules.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Safe Stowage

Increases the durability of your vehicle's ammo rack.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Signal Boosting

Increases the signal range of your vehicle.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Situational Awareness

Increases the view range of your vehicle.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Sixth Sense

Shows a light bulb three seconds after you've been spotted.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Smooth Ride

Reduces the dispersion penalty while driving.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Snap Shot

Reduces the dispersion penalty when traversing the turret.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Spall Liner

Decreases damage taken by ramming and high-explosive splash.


Increases engine power.

Increases top forward speed.

Increases top reverse speed.

Binocular Telescope

Increases the view range of your vehicle by 25%.

Your hull must be stationary for at least 3 seconds.

Camouflage Net

Significantly increases the camouflage value of your vehicle.

Your hull must be stationary for at least 3 seconds.

Enhanced Gun Laying Drive

Reduces the aiming time of your gun by 10%.

Coated Optics

Increases the view range of your vehicle by 10%.

Tank Gun Rammer

Reduces the reload time of your gun by 10%.


Decreases the repair time of destroyed modules.

Cumulative with the Repair skill.

Improved Ventilation

Increases the training level of your crew members by 5%.

Vertical Stabilizer

Reduces the dispersion penalties when moving and during hull and turret traverse by 20%.

"Wet" Ammo Rack

Increases the module HP of your ammo rack.

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