The Bourrasque Challenge: Tame the Stormbringer!

Greetings, Commanders!

This February, you have the chance to earn yourself a fearless French duelist designed to hit enemies reliably, no matter how far they may be or how fast they are going. Prepare for new levels of excitement and battle through 10 intense stages to get your hands on the Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque, a brand-new French Tier VIII medium tank with a smashing 3D-style that hides some French-flavored secrets. Let's see if you can uncover them!

The Bourrasque Challenge

February 21, 2020, 08:00 UTC through March 02, 2020, 08:00 UTC

What's at Stake?

The French word “bourrasque” refers to a sudden, violent wind, and like its namesake, the Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque is as swift and fierce as a hurricane. This medium tank boasts excellent mobility and accelerates instantly, rapidly changing flanks and easily getting behind unsuspecting enemies.

Main Characteristics
Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque
Average Damage
360/360/440 HP
Average Penetration
190/240/53 mm
Hit Points
1,250 HP
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
62/23 km/h
Commander (Radio Operator, Loader)
Gunner (Loader)
Average Damage
360/360/440 HP
Reload (magazine/shell/quantity)
22 s / 2 s / 2
Average Penetration
190/240/53 mm
36 items
Dispersion at 100 m
0.42 m
Gun Depression / Elevation Angles
Aiming Time
3.5 s
Shell Types
Shell Velocity
1,000 m/s
1,250 m/s
900 m/s
Concealment When in Motion
Hit Points
1,250 HP
Concealment When Stationary
Hull Armor
40/20/20 mm
Signal Range
750 m
Turret Armor
15/10/10 mm
View Range
390 m
Engine Power
310 h.p.
Specific Power
25.8 h.p./t
Traverse Speed
40 deg/s
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
62/23 km/h

Its small size and high camo values ​​help it sneak up on reckless adversaries. Equipped with a fast and furious two-round autoloader, the Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque can deal 720 damage in a matter of seconds and make a quick escape, like a whirlwind. But after a short reload (22 seconds), it is ready to sting enemies again without mercy! This Stormbringer is great for fans of an aggressive and assertive playstyle.

3D-Style With a Hint of Past Triumphs

The brand-new Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque comes with an elegant snow-white custom style. The scuff marks and traces of sand on it are testament to the numerous perils this fearless warrior has survived.

The style is not sold separately and is exclusive to the Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque.

Two Ways to Reap the Rewards

The concept of the Bourrasque Challenge will be familiar to those of you who took part in last year’s Renegade Challenge. The event lasts 10 days and involves 10 consecutive stages. To make the challenge more enjoyable, there are two ways to earn rewards. Both sets of tasks can be fulfilled simultaneously (given all conditions are met).

  • Missions for Commitment: The best option for players with a strong desire to get their hands on the Grand Prize. The diverse task conditions must be met using Tier VI–X vehicles. Remember: your result only counts if you are one of the top ten XP earners on your team at the end of a battle, no matter whether your team wins or loses.
  • Missions for Mastery: You can perform alternative, but more complex tasks. Fulfilling these objectives saves you time, but you must give your all to succeed. You can only complete these tasks using Tier X machines.
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3
  • Stage 4
  • Stage 5
  • Stage 6
  • Stage 7
  • Stage 8
  • Stage 9
  • Stage 10
Stage 1

Mission for Commitment


  • Earn a total of 2,000 points of base experience.
  • Be among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned.
  • Tier VI-X vehicles only.

Mission for Mastery


  • Cause at least 2,800 HP of damage.
  • Be among the top 3 players on your team by damage caused.
  • Tier X vehicles only.


  • x1 Large First Aid Kit
  • x1 Automatic Fire Extinguisher
  • x1 Large Repair Kit
Stage 2

Mission for Commitment


  • Earn a total of 5,000 points of base experience.

  • Be among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned.

  • Tier VI-X vehicles only.

Mission for Mastery


  • Earn at least 800 points of base experience 2 times.

  • Tier X vehicles only.


  • x5 Increased Focus Directive
  • x2 Personal Reserve +300% to Free Experience for 1 hour
  • x2 Personal Reserve +200% to Crew Experience for 1 hour
Stage 3

Mission for Commitment


  • Earn a total of 8,000 points of base experience.

  • Be among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned.

  • Tier VI-X vehicles only.

Mission for Mastery


  • Cause at least 4,300 HP of damage.

  • Tier X vehicles only.


  • x5 Optical Calibration Directive
  • 100 000 credits
  • x5 Personal Reserve +50% to Combat Experience for 1 hour
Stage 4

Mission for Commitment


  • Earn a total of 17,000 points of base experience.

  • Be among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned.

  • Tier VI-X vehicles only.

Mission for Mastery


  • Be the top player on your team by experience earned 5 times.

  • Tier X vehicles only.


  • x10 Stabilizer Greasing Directive
  • x1 Vertical Stabilizer Mk 1
  • 1 day of WoT Premium Account
Stage 5

Mission for Commitment


  • Earn a total of 28,000 points of base experience.

  • Be among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned.

  • Tier VI-X vehicles only.

Mission for Mastery


  • Cause at least 4,300 HP of damage 7 times.

  • Tier X vehicles only.


  • x10 Increased Focus Directive
  • 200 000 credits
  • x10 Personal Reserve +300% to Free Experience for 1 hour
Stage 6

Mission for Commitment


  • Earn a total of 30,000 points of base experience.

  • Be among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned.

  • Tier VI-X vehicles only.

Mission for Mastery


  • Earn at least 850 points of base experience 15 times.

  • Tier X vehicles only.


  • x15 Optical Calibration Directive
  • 300 000 credits
  • x10 Personal Reserve +200% to Crew Experience for 1 hour
Stage 7

Mission for Commitment


  • Earn a total of 30,000 points of base experience.

  • Be among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned.

  • Tier VI-X vehicles only.

Mission for Mastery


  • Be the top player on both teams by damage caused 10 times. Cause at least 3,000 HP of damage.

  • Tier X vehicles only.


  • x15 Optical Calibration Directive
  • x1 Coated Optics
  • 1 day of WoT Premium Account
Stage 8

Mission for Commitment


  • Earn a total of 35,000 points of base experience.

  • Be among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned.

  • Tier VI-X vehicles only.

Mission for Mastery


  • Cause at least 4,500 HP of damage 10 times.

  • Tier X vehicles only.


  • x20 Increased Focus Directive
  • 500 000 credits
  • x10 Personal Reserve +50% to credits for 1 hour
Stage 9

Mission for Commitment


  • Earn a total of 40,000 points of base experience.

  • Be among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned.

  • Tier VI-X vehicles only.

Mission for Mastery


  • Be the top player on your team by experience earned 20 times.

  • Tier X vehicles only.


  • x20 Vent Purge Directive
  • x1 Improved Ventilation Class 2
  • 1 day of WoT Premium Account
Stage 10

Mission for Commitment


  • Earn a total of 50,000 points of base experience.

  • Be among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned.

  • Tier VI-X vehicles only.

Mission for Mastery


  • Be the top player on your team by damage caused 35 times.

  • Tier X vehicles only.


  • x1 Garage slot
  • x1 Premium tank
  • x1 Crew trained to 100% with the Brothers in Arms as a zero perk
  • x1 3D style
  • x6 Inscription

Regardless of the path you choose, you can win tons of rewards, including credits, Personal Reserves, consumables, and more!

Fast Track

If you find you’re running out of time to complete the missions, you can still purchase the tank from the Premium Shop. You will receive a discount of 10% for each stage you’ve already completed. So, for example, completing 6 out of 10 stages will knock 60% off the price.

Purchasing the bundle gives you the full pack of rewards for all uncompleted missions and automatically checks all event tasks as completed. You won’t be able to access them once you purchase the bundle.

Get ready to take on the challenge and earn the new French duelist!

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