List of Changes in Version 8.5 Compared to Version 8.4


 Added new branch of German Medium and Light Tanks: 
  • VK 20.01 (D) (MT Tier IV)
  • VK 30.01 (D) v1 (MT Tier VI)
  • Aufklarerpanzer Panther (LT Tier VII)
  • Indien Panzer (MT Tier VIII)
  • Leopard PT A (MT Tier IX)
  • Leopard 1 (MT Tier X)


Added new branch of USSR Light Tanks:
  • Т-60 (LT Tier II)
  • Т-70 (LT Tier III)
  • Т-80 (LT Tier IV)


 Added new map ‘Pearl River’

  • Changes and improvements for after-battle stats screen
  • Added notifications for automatic conversions after version releases (change of shells, modules, vehicles, etc.)
  • Added new inscriptions for five nations (USSR, Germany, USA, France, Britain)
  • Updated the description of the ‘Situational Awareness’ skill
  • Added a display of team status as a list of vehicle types icons on the top of the screen


Changed the mechanics for the ‘Expert’ and ‘Expert per nation’ achievements:
  • Those who received the medal previously (and now have the medal shown as grey) - will get the respective medal back as active
  • Neither the ‘Expert’ or ‘Expert per nation’ achievements will ‘fade’ after new vehicles are introduced in new updates
  • Everyone else will receive the grey medal (‘Expert’ and ‘Expert by nation’) that on mouse-over will show which tanks should be destroyed to obtain the medal.


Gameplay and Game Mechanics

  • Added gameplay and visual fixes for ‘Redshire’, ‘El-Halluf’, ‘Karelia’, ‘Prohorovka’ and ‘Sand River’

  • Made improvements to "Assault" mode on ‘Malinovka’, ‘Karelia’ and ‘Sand River’
  • Premium consumables (med kits, repair kits etc.) are now available for credits (matching the gold/credits exchange rate to that used for premium shells)
  • Creation of platoons for three players is now available for non-premium accounts
  • Creation of tank companies is now available for non-premium accounts
  • Reduced the credit cost for temporary camouflages, emblems and inscriptions
  • Reduced terrain resistance when driving a tank on some destroyed objects
  • Added new Match Maker rule for balancing Light Tanks  - all vehicles designated as ‘Scout’ will be balanced according to the SPG currently existing rule: the balance weight of ‘Scouts’ in both teams won’t differ by more than +/-20 balance weight points
Following vehicles were designated as ‘Scouts’:
  • USSR
    • T-50
    • T-50-2
  • Germany
    • Pz38nA
    • Luchs
    • VK 16.02
    • VK 28.01
    • Auf_Panther
  • USA
    • M24 Chaffee
    • T21
    • T71
  • France
    • ELC AMX
    • AMX 12t
    • AMX 13 75
    • AMX 13 90
  • China
    • M5A1 Stuart
    • 59 16
    • WZ 131
    • WZ 132



  • Improved visual models for the following vehicles: IS-3, Valentine AT, Pz V Panther, Pz IV/V, Object 263, VK 3001H, Conqueror, IS-4М, Matilda Black Prince, IS-7, ARL-44, Black Prince
  • Reworked graphics for following maps: ‘Siegfried Line ‘, ‘South Coast’, ‘Malinovka’
  • Inscription resolution doubled for vehicles and locations where this change was possible)
  • Optimised productivity for vehicle’s motion effects (dust and dirt from under the tracks)
  • Reworked destruction effects for many objects


  • Added fixes for collision models of tanks: PanzerJager I, JagdPz E-100
  • Fixed minor errors in the names of vehicles and modules
  • Fixed large-sized vehicles getting stuck under hanging objects on the map (bridges etc.)
  • Fixed rare bug when shell with ‘small damage to modules’ parameter disappears after it hits enemy gun of higher strength
  • Fixed bug when HE shells do not cause full HE damage to external module after penetration
  • Fixed behavior of HE shell after hitting crew of destroyed tank with open-topped compartment
  • Fixed bug in the display of shells exploding in the air
  • Fixed missing of indication of damage to the fuel tank during its destruction in some rare cases
  • Destroyed vehicles no longer absorb damage caused by HE shells. HE shells now always explode on the surface of these vehicles
  • Vehicles stacked on top of one another will now both take damage as normal.
  • Partially fixed occasional disappearance of emblems and inscriptions on vehicles after alt-TAB or adjusting AA settings
  • Fixed the wording of the memory leak warning message
  • Fixed errors when creating a private chat channel: not displaying channel creator, freezes of chat window when attempting to close it
  • Fixed presence of action/premium vehicles modules in the in-game shop
  • Fixed description of following achievements: ‘Raider‘, ‘Reaper’, ‘Dumitru’s Medal’, ‘de Langlade's Medal’, ‘Lion of Sinai’ 
  • Fixed description of consumables ‘100-octane Gasoline’ and ‘105-octane Gasoline’
  • Fixed minor bugs in the battle tutorial
  • Fixed a bug causing loss of effects of camouflage net and binocular telescope when attempting to move vehicle with damaged track
  • Fixed “Sixth Sense” indicator not working after rapid re-spotting
  • Fixed the display of lag indicator with green colour when server operational load is close to 100%
  • Fixed the display of the tank collision effects when tanks are in the same point but at different altitude
  • Fixed some models of ambient objects


Changes to Vehicle Parameters

Changes to Chinese Tank Parameters:
  • Changed the Renault M26/27  engine price from 300 credits to 0 credits 
Changes to French Tank Parameters: 
  • Changed the Lorraine39 L AM tracks price from 1730 credits to 590 credits 
Changes to German Tank Parameters:


  • Changed the ammo capacity of the 12,8 cm KwK 44 L/55 gun from 42 to 72 rounds
  • Changed the ammo capacity of the 15 cm KwK 44 L/3 gun from 28 to 50 rounds

JagdPz E-100:

  • Raised the speed of all shells from 850 to 925 metres/second


  • Changed the DB 603 A2 engine type from diesel to gasoline

VK 16.02 Leopard:

  • Changed the research price of the VK28.01 from 52100 to 28500 experience points

VK 28.01

  • Reduced the repair price by 60%
  • Changed the declination angle from 8 to 10 grads

VK 36.01 (H):

  • Shell penetration value of Pzgr. 41 HK of gun 7,5 cm KwK 41 L/58 Konisch changed from 225 mm to 221 mm
  • Damage, made by shell Pzgr. 41 StK of gun 7,5 cm KwK 41 L/58 Konisch, changed from 65 to 165
  • Shell penetration value of Pzgr. 41 StK of gun 7,5 cm KwK 41 L/58 Konisch changed from 167 mm to 157 mm
Changes to British Tank Parameters: 
  • Price of gun QF 2-pdr Mk. X changed from 3000 to 6000 credits
  • Price of gun 75 mm Vickers HV changed from 63000 to 50000 credits
  • Price of gun OQF 77 mm Gun Mk. II changed from 50000 to 63000 credits
  • Price of gun OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII changed from 60000 to 70000 credits


  • Price of turret Centurion Mk. III changed from 50500 to 42000 credits

Centurion Mk. I:

  • Price of turret Centurion Mk. I changed from 15000 to 20000 credits
  • Price of turret Centurion Mk. III changed from 32000 to 42000 credits

AT 15:

  • Research price of engine Rolls-Royce Meteor changed from 1900 to 1500 experience points
Changes to American Tank Parameters:

M4A2E4 Sherman:

  • Elevation level of gun 75 mm Gun M3 L/37 changed from -20 deg to -25 deg


  • Tier of suspension T25/2T4 changed from VII to VIII
  • Price of suspension  T25/2T4 changed from 19200 to 32720 credits


  • Price of suspension  T82T55E2 changed from 1850 to 740 credits
  • Price of suspension  T82T55E4 changed from 740 to 1850 credits
Change to Soviet Tank Parameters:
  • Cost of 37 mm ZIS-19 gun changed from 2560 to 4250 credits
  • Cost of 122 mm U11 gun changed from 59920 to 45920 credits
  • Cost of 85 mm F-30 gun changed from 41000 to 48000 credits
  • Cost of 76 mm S-54 gun changed from 41480 to 40130 credits
  • Cost of B-2CH engine changed from 17000 to 49500 credits
  • Cost of 85 mm S-31 gun changed from 42200 to 49200 credits
  • Cost of 57 mm ZiS-4 changed from 40130 to 41480 credits

Tanks А-20, Т-46, Т-50-2:

  • Damage dealt by UBR-243SP shell of 45 mm BT-42 gun changed from 49 to 55 hit points
  • Damage dealt by UBR-243SPA shell of 45 mm BT-42 gun changed from 49 to 55 hit points
  • Armour penetration of UBR-243SPA shell of 45mm BT-42 gun changed from 95 mm to 110 mm
  • Damage dealt by UOF-243 shell of 45mm BT-42 gun changed from 63 to 65 hit points


  • Added M-80 engine
  • Removed GAZ-203F engine


  • Max speed changed from 50 km/h to 59.6 km/h


  • Turning speed of SU-76 suspension changed from 32 to 38 deg
  • Turning speed of SU-76M suspension changed from 32 to 38 deg