Main Changes

The visuals and sound effects of shots, hits, and reloading for guns of the same type have been adjusted—they are now the same. Gun parameters remain unchanged.

Map Changes

Erlenberg Map Improvement 

  • The Encounter Battle mode has been removed due to a strong imbalance of the sides.
  • Balance changes have been made to Assault and Standard Battles to balance the capabilities of the teams.
    • Terrain on positions in square E5 is now playable.
    • A part of a building has been removed to increase interaction between the teams in square F6.
    • The house model has been replaced to minimize long-range fire at vehicles crossing the river in square E7.
  • The possibility to shoot through the window in square D5 has been removed.

Siegfried Line Map Improvement 

  • Balance changes have been made to Assault and Standard Battles to balance the capabilities of the teams.
    • A position with a bunker in square H6 for the lower team has been added to facilitate control of the field and the passage in the town similarly to the position of the upper team.
    • The terrain at the entrance to the town (in square G6) for the lower team, as well as for the attackers in Assault Battles, has been improved to make entry more convenient.
    • In square F6, a pile of debris has been added to cover vehicles from opponents driving uphill.
    • Driving through the ruins in square F5 is now more comfortable.
    • The defensive position in the town (in square F7) for the lower team has been improved.
    • Several trees in square C6 have been removed because they allowed opponents to fire at the lower team without being spotted.
    • The terrain of the central entrance to the town in square F5 has been changed to provide cover for the lower base team.
    • The location of the spawn points in Assault Battles has been changed. The attacking team can better control most of the map.
    • In Assault Battles, the location of the base has been moved a little closer to the attacking team.
  • The possibility to drive into a non-playable area in squares E5, F7, D7, D0 has been removed.

Ghost Town Map Improvement 

  • In Assault Battles, some map changes have been made to balance the capabilities of the sides.
    • The location of the base has been moved toward the urban area in squares E7 and F7.
    • The shape of the building has been changed and the pit has been removed in squares E6 and F6.
  • The possibility to drive into a non-playable area in square E6 has been removed.

Redshire Map Improvements 

  • The map now supports Assault Battles.
  • The possibility to drive into a non-playable area in squares F9, B0 has been removed.
  • The possibility to shoot through the wall in square E1 has been removed.
  • The possibility to drive into a non-playable area in squares B8, B9, K9 has been removed.

Steppes Map Improvements 

  • The map now supports Assault Battles.
  • The possibility to drive into a non-playable area in square K9, C0 has been removed.

Ranked Battles

The reward screen for selecting pieces of improved equipment has been enhanced.

Battle Pass

The Battle Pass progression system has been reworked. Now the Chapters can be completed in any order. Players can also pause the completion of a Chapter and jump into a different one.

The rewards for completed Battle Pass Stages will be credited only after selecting a Chapter. Once the Chapter is completed, the next one should be selected.

Battle Pass Points can be earned even without selecting a Chapter. Later, they will be automatically invested in the progress of the selected Chapter.

New unique crew members, 2D styles, decals, and progressive styles have been added.

For those who complete all three Chapters, a new section of the in-game Store will unlock, where players will be able to purchase various items for Battle Pass Points. Now players will continue to earn Points even after completing all Chapters of Battle Pass.

The reward selection screen has been improved and the process for receiving rewards has been simplified further.

The "Items for Tokens" section of the in-game Store has been updated.

Changes to Technical Characteristics of the Following Vehicles


The T-44-100 tanks of all communications service providers (R)/(U)/(B)/(K)/(M) have been replaced with the T-44-100 (I), a single vehicle for all "Igrovoy" tariff subscribers. The vehicle has the same technical characteristics. All achievements, awards, statistics, equipment, crew, and customization elements have been saved and transferred to the new vehicle.

The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: K-2.


The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: ShPTK-TVP 100.

Known Issues

In some cases, the sequence of events in the damage log is distorted.

In some cases, falling trees fall through the terrain.

Upon successful completion of the Alliance-14 mission during the Chimera operation, the failed mission icon is displayed after the battle.

The Battle Results screen is missing an entry about the completion of the last mission in a series.

When shooting at the ground from a distance of over 500 m, the hit effect is displayed next to the vehicle that made the shot.

When mounting the Experimental Optics equipment, the view range value is rounded down.

The conditions of Personal Missions are not displayed upon pressing N in Grand Battles.

When using the "Driving to position!" command on a pre-battle marker, the chat does not display the corresponding message.

The voice notification about hitting an enemy vehicle with its subsequent destruction is missing.

In some cases, overturned vehicles receive a penalty for leaving a battle before it ends.

On high graphics settings, when switching to the Sniper mode and zooming in on foliage, the FPS rate decreases.

The icon of ammo rack detonation is repeatedly displayed above vehicles destroyed beyond the draw circle when such vehicles enter the player's draw circle radius.

Fixed Issues and Improvements

Fixed the issue of a shell being able to cause damage to a vehicle or its modules, or injure its crew members, ignoring the vehicle's armor.

Information about the impossibility to reset "zero skills" has been added to their tooltips.

Fixed the issue of the reward screen sometimes not being displayed after completing the Briefing missions.

Fixed the issue of the game client hanging upon changing vehicle turrets.

At low screen resolutions, the display of the Tech Tree with information about blueprints of researchable vehicles has been improved.

Fixed the issue of the effect of the corresponding directives not being displayed in the technical characteristics when Bounty Equipment is mounted.

Fixed the rare issue of the game client hanging upon opening the clan or common chat.

The Battle Results screen now display the Manageable Bonus to Experience in cases when Premium Account was received after the battle.

The display of the tracks for the M-II-Y and the Progetto CC55 mod. 54 has been improved.

The Object 268 Version V has been added to the description of "The Lion of Sinai" honorary rank.

Fixed the issue of the Marks of Excellence being incorrectly displayed on the Rhyolite 3D style.

Fixed the issue of the "Assistance in destroying" tooltip on the Battle Results screen using the radio operator icon instead of the assistance icon.

Fixed the issue of the equipment, ammo, and consumables panel remaining locked after the Ready status in the Special Battles window has been canceled.
