Main Changes

Equipment 2.0

We reworked the equipment/consumables UI while the equipment system was completely reworked.

  • Four equipment categories were added: Firepower, Survivability, Mobility, or Scouting. When equipment is mounted into a slot of the corresponding category, the received bonus increases. All vehicles of Tiers VI–X now have slots with categories.
  • Several existing equipment items were reworked.
  • Several new equipment items were added.
  • The interface for mounting equipment was reworked, including windows for mounting equipment/consumables and replenishing ammo. The technical characteristics section was extended.
  • The number of slots for equipment and consumables was changed for Tier I–IV vehicles. Directives can now only be equipped starting from Tier V. The mechanics of damage to modules/crew, as well as damage caused by fire was reworked for Tier I–III vehicles.
  • The Improved Equipment bonus was increased.

The following branch of the Polish medium tanks has been added

  • DS PZInż (Tier V)
  • B.U.G.I. (Tier VI)
  • CS-44 (Tier VII)
  • CS-53 (Tier VIII)
  • CS-59 (Tier IX)
  • CS-63 (Tier X)

New mechanic for the Tier X Polish medium tank

The Tier X Polish medium tank received the mechanic of switching between drive modes.

  • Standard mode: the vehicle moves at standard speeds and has standard gun handling parameters.
  • Spinning turbine (turbo) mode: the vehicle travels significantly faster while gun handling parameters considerably decrease.

Balance Changes to Wheeled Vehicles

Made changes to the mechanics of causing damage to wheels. Damage to a drive wheel will reduce the overall power of the vehicle, and damage to a traction wheel will affect its speed. Considering that almost all wheeled vehicles in the game have all-wheel drive, damage to any wheel will cause a reduction in dynamics. This change does not affect the Premium wheeled vehicles, the Panhard EBR 75 (FL 10) (Tier VIII) and the AM 39 Gendron-Somua (Tier II). These vehicles will remain unchanged.

Revamped Bond Mechanics

Bonds can now be earned in a different way. Our goal is to make the whole system more transparent, understandable, and predictable. At the same time: Players will be able to earn bonds not only in single-tier battles but in all Random or Grand Battles in Tier X tanks so long as they rank in the top 10 of their team by base experience earned. In other words, when playing in a Tier X vehicle, you will earn bonds even in battles against Tier VIII and Tier IX vehicles.
The higher your position in the Battle Results by experience earned, the more bonds you will receive:

  • If you win, you will earn 7 bonds for being in the top 3 and 5 bonds for being in the top 10.
  • If you lose or draw, you will earn 5 bonds for being in the top 3 and 3 bonds for being in the top 10.

The same rule applies to Grand Battles and Ranked Battles.
Each Tier X vehicle will have a weekly limit (similar to the system in Battle Pass):

  • Any Tier X vehicle can earn up to 100 bonds per week.
  • Once the limit for a particular vehicle is reached, bonds will not be earned until the limit resets.
  • The limit is shared by all modes (Random Battles, Ranked Battles, Grand Battles).
  • The limit is reset on Monday morning.
  • Each Tier X vehicle will have its own limit (once you reach it for a vehicle, you can start earning bonds in a different one).
  • Under the new system, epic medals and Battle Heroes achievements will no longer earn you bonds.


  • The Pearl River map will return to the game with a significant makeover. The Standard and Encounter Battles types are available for Teir III-X vehicles.
  • Balance changes have been made to the Cliff, Prokhorovka, Berlin, and Ruinberg maps.

New Battle Communication System

We have revised the communication system for Random Battles to expand & improve interactions between players.

  • Added a one-button solution ("T") to highlight targeted locations, tanks, and objectives or set existing pings as active targets.
  • Active targets will show the number of players contributing to it. 
  • Added a new "F2" key shortcut to set an object or marker as an active target.
  • Players with the same active target will see each other in the playerlist. It also shows when players are directly supported.
  • Added markers that highlight pinged positions in the 3D world.
  • For normal "Attention to" pings, pressing ALT will show which player set a ping.
  • Added new context-sensitive objects and new ping types and messages. The command wheel’s design and behavior were improved.
  • Markers of tanks and bases can now be highlighted through terrain without a clear line-of-sight.
  • Added markers for bases in Random battles.
  • Minimap pings can now be placed at an exact location, similar to other game modes.
  • Non-SPG players are now able to set waypoints on the minimap by clicking the right mouse button.
  • At the start of battle, players can select one of several named waypoints marking important positions on the map.
  • Messages sent to other players are voiced and trigger a "callout". By pressing the "Z" key (command wheel), players can instantly confirm the message while it is on screen.
  • Improved the sound system to give information on the type and direction of pings.
  • Modified flood protection to provide a smarter way to avoid ping spamming.
  • Included several customization options for communication in "general settings" and "controls settings".
  • Changed some quick commandes (key F2-F8).

Changes Based on Common Test Results

  • Interface sound volume can now be adjusted using the "interface" audio slider.
  • Voiceover volume can now be adjusted using the "voice messages" audio slider.

Steel Hunter

Mode added as a continuation of the current Expedition. The start is scheduled for August. Details will be provided later in an article on the portal.

Changes Based on Common Test Results

  • Increased the penetration values of all guns for the Arlequin, Raven, and Harbinger Mk. IV
  • Decreased the amount of restored durability for the Recovery Zone and Repair Zone abilities.
  • Decreased the damage caused by the Minefield ability.
  • Decreased the initial number of shells for vehicles, as well as the number of shells that can be replenished from loot points.
  • Fuel tanks were excluded from modules that can be damaged.
  • Made changes to the characteristics of the double guns that allow using the salvo more effectively.
  • Now, XP earned for destroying an enemy vehicle will not be added automatically. Instead, it will be inside Spoils of Wars (red smoke). 
  • For the Raven and Harbinger Mk. IV vehicles:
    • Decreased the hull and turret weight, thus increasing Specific Power.
    • Increased the turret traverse speed.
    • Increased the hull traverse speed.
    • Increased damage per minute for all guns.
  • Fixed various minor issues.

Rewards for Players Who Have Fought Many Battles

We added a number of new medals and progressive decals for players who have fought a large number of battles.

Progressive Decals

Progressive decals are available for applying to the following 3D styles:

  • Pretty Fly (TL-1 LPC)
  • Stable Communication (T-44-100)
  • Captured King Tiger (King Tiger)
  • Mordian (BDR G1)

Missions to increase progressive decal levels are available for the following vehicles:

  • Valhallan Ragnarok (KV-2 (R))
  • Captured King Tiger (King Tiger)
  • Fury (M4A3E8)

Changes to Technical Characteristics

  • Tier I vehicles will no longer receive damage to their crew members or modules. Only their tracks can be damaged, but their repair speed is increased.
  • Tier II vehicles will receive damage to modules, but their crew members cannot be injured. Fire will cause low damage to these vehicles.
  • Fire will cause low damage to Tier III vehicles.
  • Gun Rammers and their analogs will be available for mounting on vehicles starting from Tier V.


AC 1 Sentinel

  • Changed the reload time from 2.3 to 2.07 s 

Sexton I

  • Changed the reload time from 12 to 10.8 s


Tiger I

Replaced the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 gun with the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 mod.Vlt, which has the following parameters:

  • Reload time in the Pz.Kpfw. Tiger Ausf. E turret is 7.8 s
  • Aiming time in the Pz.Kpfw. Tiger Ausf. E turret is 2.5 s
  • Changed the shell damage for the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 mod.Vlt gun from 240/240/295 to 280/280/370 HP

VK 36.01 (H)

  • Changed the dispersion of the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56 gun in the Pz.Kpfw. VI H Ausf. H2 turret from 0.38 to 0.36 m
  • Decreased the dispersion on turret traverse for the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56 gun in the Pz.Kpfw. VI H Ausf. H2 turret by 25%
  • Changed the reverse speed from 12 to 14 km/h
  • Changed the vehicle durability with the Pz.Kpfw. VI H Ausf. H2 turret from 1060 to 1200 HP
  • Changed the vehicle durability with the VK 36.01 (H) turret from 1000 to 1100 HP

Tiger II

  • Replaced the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 gun with the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 mod.Vlt (shell damage of 280/280/370 HP)
  • Replaced the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 gun with the 10,5 cm KwsPz.K. L/52 (shell damage of 360/360/440 HP)
  • Replaced the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/68 gun with the 10,5 cm KwsPz.K. L/68 (shell damage of 360/360/440 HP)
  • Improved armoring of the hull and the "top" turret

E 75

  • Replaced the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 gun with the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 mod.Vlt (shell damage of 280/280/370 HP)
  • Replaced the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 gun with the 10,5 cm KwsPz.K. L/52 (shell damage of 360/360/440 HP)
  • Replaced the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/68 gun with the 10,5 cm KwsPz.K. L/68 (shell damage of 360/360/440 HP)
  • Replaced the 12,8 cm Kw.K. 44 L/55 gun with the 12,8 cm Kw.K. Ausf. E (shell damage of 530/530/670 HP)
  • Improved armoring of both turrets
  • Changed the vehicle durability with the E 75 Ausf. A turret from 1820 to 1850 HP
  • Changed the vehicle durability with the E 75 Ausf. B turret from 1920 to 1950 HP

E 100

  • Replaced the 12,8 cm Kw.K. 44 L/55 gun with the 12,8 cm Kw.K. Ausf. E (shell damage of 530/530/670 HP)
  • Changed the aiming time of the 15 cm Kw.K. L/38 gun in the E 100 turret from 2.9 to 2.7 s
  • Improved the turret armoring


Now Gun Rammers cannot be mounted on Tier VIII–Х medium tanks.

Progetto M40 mod. 65

  • Changed dispersion of the gun from 0.33 to 0.35 m
  • Increased the gun dispersion after firing a shot by 33%
  • Changed the aiming time from 2.1 to 2.5 s
  • Changed the turret traverse speed from 36 to 34 deg/s

Prototipo Standard B

  • Changed the dispersion of the Cannone da 105 Rh V1 gun in the Prototipo Standard B (R 1) turret from 0.35 m to 0.37 m
  • Changed the dispersion of the Cannone da 105 Rh V1 gun in the Prototipo Standard A (W 2) turret from 0.35 to 0.37 m
  • Changed the dispersion of the Cannone da 90 Rh gun in the Prototipo Standard B (R 1) turret from 0.32 m to 0.33 m
  • Increased the dispersion of the Cannone da 90 Rh gun in the Prototipo Standard A (W 2) turret after firing a shot by 17%
  • Increased the dispersion of the Cannone da 105 Rh V1 gun in the Prototipo Standard A (W 2) after firing a shot by 33%
  • Increased the dispersion of the Cannone da 90 Rh gun in the Prototipo Standard B (R 1) turret after firing a shot by 17%
  • Increased the dispersion of the Cannone da 105 Rh V1 gun in the Prototipo Standard B (R 1) after firing a shot by 33%
  • Changed the aiming time of the Cannone da 90 Rh gun in the Prototipo Standard A (W 2) turret from 2 to 2.1 s
  • Changed the aiming time of the Cannone da 105 Rh V1 gun for the Prototipo Standard A (W 2) turret from 2.4 to 2.6 s
  • Changed the aiming time of the Cannone da 90 Rh gun in the Prototipo Standard B (R 1) turret from 2 to 2.1 s
  • Changed the aiming time of the Cannone da 105 Rh V1 gun for the Prototipo Standard B (R 1) turret from 2.3 to 2.5 s
  • Changed the turret traverse speed of the Prototipo Standard A (W 2) from 32 to 30 deg/s
  • Changed the turret traverse speed of the Prototipo Standard B (R 1) from 34 to 32 deg/s
  • Changed the engine power of the MB 837 Ea engine from 750 to 690 h.p.

Progetto M35 mod 46

  • Changed the times for autoreloading shells from 8, 9, and 12 to 7.2, 8.1, and 10.8 s (third, second, and first shell in the magazine).


Added the following vehicle for testing by Supertest players: CS-52.


T-28E with F-30

  • Changed the reload time from 6.1 to 5.49 s


  • Changed the reload time from 5.2 to 4.68 s


  • Changed the reload time from 4.3 to 3.87 s


  • Changed the reload time from 4.57 to 4.1 s

SU-122А, SU-76M, SU-85B, T-70, T-80

  • Changed the tier of the M-80 engine from IV to III

Object 430

  • Increased the dispersion during movement of the Object 430 suspension by 14%
  • Increased the dispersion during movement of the Object 430 improved suspension by 14%
  • Increased the dispersion on hull traverse of the Object 430 suspension by 14%
  • Increased the dispersion on hull traverse of the Object 430  improved suspension by 14%
  • Increased the dispersion on turret traverse of the 122 mm D-25TSU gun in the Object 430 turret by 20%

Object 430U

  • Decreased turret armoring
  • Increased the dispersion during movement by 33%
  • Increased the dispersion on hull traverse by 33%
  • Increased the dispersion on turret traverse by 20%


  • Improved the turret armoring
  • Changed the dispersion of the 122 mm D-25T gun in the KV-3 turret from 0.46 to 0.44 m
  • Changed the aiming time of the 122 mm D-25T gun in the KV-3 turret from 3.4 to 3.1 s


  • Replaced the 122 mm D-25T gun (shell types: AP, APCR, HE; penetrations values: 175/217/61 mm) with the 122 mm D-25TS, which has the following parameters:
    • Shell types: APCR, HEAT, HE
    • Penetration values: 217/270/61 mm
    • Dispersion in the KV-4-5 turret is 0.44 m
    • Aiming time in the KV-4-5 turret is 3 s
    • Reload time in the KV-4-5 turret is 12 s
    • Gun depression angle in both turrets is -8 deg
  • Changed the dispersion of the 107 mm ZiS-24 gun in the KV-4-5 turret from 0.38 to 0.36 m
  • Decreased the dispersion on turret traverse for the 107 mm ZiS-24 gun in the KV-4-5 turret by 38%
  • Changed the reload time of the 107 mm ZiS-24 gun in the KV-4-5 turret from 10.3 to 9 s
  • Changed the aiming time of the 107 mm ZiS-24 gun in the KV-4-5 turret from 2.9 to 2.3 s
  • Improved armoring of the KV-4-5 turret


  • Replaced the 122 mm D-25T gun (shell types: AP, APCR, HE; penetrations values: 175/217/61 mm) with the 122 mm D-25TS, which has the following parameters:
    • Shell types: APCR, HEAT, HE
    • Penetration values: 217/270/61 mm
    • Dispersion in both turrets is 0.44 m
    • Aiming time in both turrets is 3 s
  • Decreased the dispersion during movement of the ST-I suspension by 7%
  • Decreased the dispersion during movement of the ST-IM suspension by 12%
  • Decreased the dispersion on hull traverse of the ST-I suspension by 7%
  • Decreased the dispersion on hull traverse of the ST-IM suspension by 12%
  • Changed the dispersion of the 122 mm M62-T2 gun in the ST-I turret from 0.38 to 0.4 m
  • Changed the reload time of the 122 mm M62-T2 gun in the ST-I turret from 13.3 to 12.7 s


  • Replaced the 122 mm D-25T gun (shell types: AP, APCR, HE; penetrations values: 175/217/61 mm) with the 122 mm D-25TS, which has the following parameters:
    • Shell types: APCR, HEAT, HE
    • Penetration values: 217/270/61 mm
    • The gun dispersion is 0.44 m
  • Decreased the dispersion during movement by 28%
  • Decreased the dispersion on hull traverse by 28%
  • Changed the hull traverse speed from 26 to 30 deg/s
  • Changed dispersion of the 122 mm M62-T2 gun from 0.38 to 0.42 m
  • Decreased the dispersion on turret traverse for the 122 mm M62-T2 gun in the IS-4M turret by 25%
  • Changed the reload time of the 122 mm M62-T2 gun from 12 to 11.5 s
  • Changed the aiming time of the 122 mm M62-T2 gun from 2.9 to 2.5 s
  • Changed the turret traverse speed from 22 to 25 deg/s
  • Improved hull and turret armoring


Added the following vehicle for testing by Supertest players: T77

Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles:


  • Replaced the 105 mm Gun T5E1 gun (penetrations values: 198/245/53 mm) with the 105 mm Gun T5E1/45, which has the following parameters:
    • Penetration values: 208/245/53 mm
    • The gun dispersion in the T119 turret is 0.4 m
    • The reload time in the T119 turret is 9.4 s
    • The aiming time in the T119 turret is 2.1 s


  • Replaced the 105 mm Gun T5E1 gun (penetrations values: 198/245/53 mm) with the 105 mm Gun T5E1/45, which has the following parameters:
    • Penetration values: 208/245/53 mm
    • The gun dispersion in the T140 turret is 0.39 m
    • The reload time in the M89 turret is 9.4 s
    • The reload time in the T140 turret is 9.3 s
    • Aiming time in both turrets is 2.1 s
  • Decreased dispersion during movement of the T97E1 suspension by 9%
  • Decreased dispersion during movement of the T97E2 suspension by 10%
  • Decreased dispersion on hull traverse of the T97E1 suspension by 9%
  • Decreased dispersion on hull traverse of the T97E2 suspension by 10%
  • Changed the reload time of the 120 mm Gun T122 in the T140 turret from 11.4 to 11 s
  • Changed the reload time of the 120 mm Gun M58 in the T140 turret from 11.2 to 10 s
  • Changed the aiming time of the 120 mm Gun T122 in the T140 turret from 2.6 to 2.5 s
  • Improved armoring of the T140 turret
  • Improved armoring of the hull


  • Improved armoring of the hull
  • Decreased the dispersion during movement by 22%
  • Decreased the dispersion on hull traverse by 22%
  • Decreased the dispersion on turret traverse by 25%
  • Changed the reload time from 10 to 8.8 s


Panhard EBR 90

  • Changed the engine power of Panhard 12H 6000 mle.63 from 580 to 560 h.p.
  • Changed the top speed the rapid mode from 85 to 83 km/h
  • Changed the reverse speed the rapid mode from 85 to 83 km/h

Panhard EBR 105

  • Increased the dispersion during movement by 33%
  • Increased the dispersion on hull traverse by 33%
  • Increased the dispersion on turret traverse by 33%
  • Changed the aiming time from 1.2 to 1.4 s
  • Changed the view range from 350 to 340 m
  • Changed the chance of engine fire from 0.1 to 0.15
  • Changed the engine power from 750 to 720 h.p.
  • Changed the top speed the rapid mode from 95 to 91 km/h
  • Changed the reverse speed the rapid mode from 70 to 65 km/h

Known issues:

  • In some cases, sequence of events in damage log is distorted.
  • The client cannot be maximized to full-screen mode while the player is having a Skype call.
  • If a vehicle falls on the ground without damage to any modules, the sound of suffering damage is played.
  • Oscillating aiming circle in the 16x and 25x magnifications in Siege Mode during Frontline battles.
  • The reticle indicator remains on the SPG after switching to Artillery mode if a vehicle partially intersects the red line.
  • Events at the end of the battle are not synchronized with the text of the battle result.
  • In some cases, automatic repair/replenishment of ammo and consumables after a battle does not take place, even if the amount of credits on the account is sufficient.
  • In some cases, fallen trees fall through the terrain.
  • Consumables are not replenished from the Depot if the player does not have enough credits for a complete automatic ammunition resupply.
  • Upon successful completion of the Alliance-14 mission during the Chimera operation, the failed mission icon is displayed after the battle.
  • The Marks of Excellence on some vehicles appear double when the camera zooms out.
  • The time for the transition to the Garage after applying customization elements has increased.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed the issue when players could not recruit a crew member for a Collectors' vehicle before it was purchased.
  • Fixed the issue when invitations to join a Platoon were sometimes not received.
  • Fixed the issue when the option "Accept invitations from friends in the Garage" was applied with a delay.
  • Fixed the issue when an applied style was not counted towards missions that require "going into battle with a camouflage applied".
  • Hits on allies are no longer counted in the Battle Results as hits on enemy vehicles.
  • On the Operations reward screen, the pop-up hint of the badge now displays the player's full nickname.
  • The "Intuition" perk can no longer activate during the 30-second pre-battle countdown.
  • The Detailed Report now contains information about bonds deducted for the automatic resupply of Directives.
  • The volume of Airstrike sounds now depends on the actual distance from the player's vehicle.
  • Fixed the issue when driving through sunflowers affected the vehicle's speed.
  • Fixed the issue of the small size of the "Spring" camouflage pattern on the T-54 first prototype.
  • The client-server models of many objects on maps were synchronized.
  • Fixing conflict with auto-messages generated by some mods. Sound notifications for messages sent not directly to a player are limited with 200 meters distance from the player.