Le huitième épisode de Ligne de front 2019 débutera le 16 septembre à 07:00 CEST et sera disponible jusqu'au 23 septembre à 04:00 CEST (UTC+2). C'est l'occasion pour vous de participer à d'épiques batailles en 30 contre 30, de gagner des montagnes de récompenses et de rejoindre la course vers les formidables chars de récompense !
Nous avons également des nouvelles concernant le prochain épisode de Ligne de front. Le neuvième épisode se déroulera entre le 14 octobre à 07:00 CEST et le 21 octobre à 04:00 CEST (UTC+2).
Chargez vos obus et amenez vos amis : le huitième épisode de Ligne de front 2019 arrive très bientôt ! Cet épisode marque un nouveau chapitre dans Ligne de front car une carte épique inédite, Kraftwerk, fait son arrivée.
Le cadre de cette nouvelle carte vous plonge dans la périphérie d'une ville d'Europe centrale après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en hiver. Ici vous pourrez combattre dans des clairières au terrain complexe, dans de petites villes, dans les ruines de vieux châteaux, dans une centrale électrique, dans une carrière et dans bien d'autres types d'environnement encore.
Mais la particularité de cette carte est sa multitude de bunkers militaires dans lesquels vous pourrez vous affronter. Nous sommes certains que les batailles souterraines seront tout aussi acharnées qu'à la surface !
Kraftwerk a une bande originale formidable évoquant la tension d'une intrigue militaire. D'abord, la musique fait penser aux sons des pas de soldats se faufilant dans la neige, comme s'ils approchaient un ennemi. La mélodie s'intensifie progressivement, devient plus épique et dramatique jusqu'à ce que se fasse entendre le vacarme d'une gigantesque armée se lançant au combat au son d'un cri de guerre. Découvrez-les !
Comparée aux autres cartes de Ligne de front, Kraftwerk est plus variée et comprend un plus grand nombre de bâtiments urbains. Il y a six zones (bases) à défendre ou à capturer et cinq grosse casemates (les cibles principales) à détruire pour les attaquants.
- La première ligne de défense consiste essentiellement en des quartiers agrémentés de passages ouverts et de voies d'accès. Attendez-vous ici à des combats rapprochés ou à moyenne distance.
- La deuxième ligne de défense est moins urbaine, avec de larges plis de terrain sur les flancs favorisant les déplacements audacieux et rapides afin de prendre des positions tactiques intéressantes. La centrale électrique au centre de la carte est une vraie redoute et constitue l'une des constructions les plus denses dans Kraftwerk.
- La dernière ligne de défense (la zone contenant les cibles principales) consiste en un paysage varié avec différentes formes de terrain. Vous trouverez ici des bunkers militaires si grands que vous pourrez y entrer afin de faire déjouer vos adversaires ou les combattre.
The map has 5 pillboxes. As soon as attackers capture at least one sector within the 2nd defensive front they can embark on their primary mission and destroy Pillboxes: long-range guns, each with their own HP pool. Pillboxes are protected by armored hoods and virtually impenetrable from head-on. Aim at their rear, where there is significantly thinner armor. The attacking team win as soon as they destroy 3 pillboxes.
An area on the map where the attacking team can gain control over a particular front. Standard base capture mechanics apply: once the attacking vehicles enter the circle, the front begins being captured. When the attackers capture a base, they take control of the entire zone, and the next zone (vertically) becomes available for capture.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
An area on the map where the attacking team can gain control over a particular front. Standard base capture mechanics apply: once the attacking vehicles enter the circle, the front begins being captured. When the attackers capture a base, they take control of the entire zone, and the next zone (vertically) becomes available for capture.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
The map has 5 pillboxes. As soon as attackers capture at least one sector within the 2nd defensive front they can embark on their primary mission and destroy Pillboxes: long-range guns, each with their own HP pool. Pillboxes are protected by armored hoods and virtually impenetrable from head-on. Aim at their rear, where there is significantly thinner armor. The attacking team win as soon as they destroy 3 pillboxes.
The map has 5 pillboxes. As soon as attackers capture at least one sector within the 2nd defensive front they can embark on their primary mission and destroy Pillboxes: long-range guns, each with their own HP pool. Pillboxes are protected by armored hoods and virtually impenetrable from head-on. Aim at their rear, where there is significantly thinner armor. The attacking team win as soon as they destroy 3 pillboxes.
The map has 5 pillboxes. As soon as attackers capture at least one sector within the 2nd defensive front they can embark on their primary mission and destroy Pillboxes: long-range guns, each with their own HP pool. Pillboxes are protected by armored hoods and virtually impenetrable from head-on. Aim at their rear, where there is significantly thinner armor. The attacking team win as soon as they destroy 3 pillboxes.
The map has 5 pillboxes. As soon as attackers capture at least one sector within the 2nd defensive front they can embark on their primary mission and destroy Pillboxes: long-range guns, each with their own HP pool. Pillboxes are protected by armored hoods and virtually impenetrable from head-on. Aim at their rear, where there is significantly thinner armor. The attacking team win as soon as they destroy 3 pillboxes.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
An area on the map where the attacking team can gain control over a particular front. Standard base capture mechanics apply: once the attacking vehicles enter the circle, the front begins being captured. When the attackers capture a base, they take control of the entire zone, and the next zone (vertically) becomes available for capture.
An area on the map where the attacking team can gain control over a particular front. Standard base capture mechanics apply: once the attacking vehicles enter the circle, the front begins being captured. When the attackers capture a base, they take control of the entire zone, and the next zone (vertically) becomes available for capture.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
An area on the map where the attacking team can gain control over a particular front. Standard base capture mechanics apply: once the attacking vehicles enter the circle, the front begins being captured. When the attackers capture a base, they take control of the entire zone, and the next zone (vertically) becomes available for capture.
An area on the map where the attacking team can gain control over a particular front. Standard base capture mechanics apply: once the attacking vehicles enter the circle, the front begins being captured. When the attackers capture a base, they take control of the entire zone, and the next zone (vertically) becomes available for capture.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
There are special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore HP, repair modules, replenish ammo and consumables.
Repair and Resupply Zones have a cooldown time. Once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you must wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. If you are hit while in a Repair or Resupply zone, you must wait an additional 5 minutes to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle.
La carte originale de Ligne de front sera toujours disponible après la sortie de Kraftwerk donc vous pourrez jouer sur les deux.
Encore plus de réserves !
Dans cet épisode, vous aurez encore une fois la chance de booster votre progression grâce aux réserves personnelles. Ils sont activés dans les emplacements standards des réserves personnelles dans votre client du jeu.
Comme précédemment, vous pouvez obtenir un maximum de 20 réserves : dix en accomplissant des missions de combat spéciales une semaine avant le début de l'épisode et dix disponibles dans la boutique du jeu en échange de pièces d'or. Le prix d'une réserve dans la boutique est toujours de 250 pièces d'or.
Qu'advient-il des réserves quand la saison est terminée ?
Toute réserve inutilisée sera conservée pour les prochains épisodes. S'il vous reste des réserves personnelles à la fin de la saison 2019, celles achetées en échange de pièces d'or seront intégralement remboursées. Par exemple, s'il vous reste 10 réserves et que 5 d'entre elles ont été achetées avec des pièces d'or, alors nous vous rembourserons intégralement ces 5 réserves à la fin de la saison. Toute réserve inutilisée disparaîtra.
L'AE Phase I : Une étoile de combat est née !
À partir de l'épisode 8, les joueurs les plus talentueux pourront remporter l'unique AE Phase I, un char lourd américain de rang IX avec quatre chenilles et un blindage incliné.
Il s'agit d'un véhicule lourd versatile capable de mener son équipe à la victoire. Tout comme la plupart des chars américains, il a une tourelle à ricochets solide et se targue d'un canon précis ayant des angles de dépression et des valeurs de pénétration corrects. L'AE Phase I peut facilement opérer comme combattant de première ligne ou rester entre la première et la deuxième ligne d'attaque afin de protéger ses alliés des flanqueurs.
Ce char lourd contient un Grand kit de réparation intégré gratuit qui occupe un emplacement dans le panneau des consommables de votre véhicule. Ce Grand kit de réparation gratuit n'est pas obligatoire : vous pouvez le remplacer par d'autres consommables (une Trousse de premiers secours, etc.). En bataille, il fonctionne comme un Grand kit de réparation standard mais avec un bonus passif de +15 % à la réparation des éléments au lieu de l'habituel +10 %. Après la bataille, il sera automatiquement et gratuitement réapprovisionné.
Enfin, vous pouvez retirer vos équipages des autres chars lourds américains de rangs élevés et les placer sur l'AE Phase I afin de les entraîner plus rapidement et ce sans pénalité.
Bonne chance dans les prochains épisodes de Ligne de front, Commandants ! Remportez la victoire pour recevoir des véhicules uniques et d'autres récompenses bien méritées !