Mise à jour 1.8 : Le test public 2 est disponible !

Ligne de front 2020

Pendant ce deuxième test public, le nouveau format de Ligne de front sera disponible et il aura une progression commune avec Traqueur d'acier. Il comprendra un certain nombre de changements sur lesquels vous pouvez en apprendre davantage ici.

Ligne de front est uniquement disponible pour des tests préliminaires. Les valeurs et les différentes caractéristiques importantes pour le test public sont sujettes à changement après leur sortie.

Vous n'avez jamais participé aux tests ? Consultez notre guide pratique des tests publics.

Éligibilité : Tous les joueurs inscrits avant le 29 janvier à 21:59 CET (20:59 UTC) peuvent participer au test.

Retours : Veuillez publiez vos remarques générales concernant la version de test et signaler les bugs sur les fils de discussion dédiés de notre forum.

Pour participer au test en utilisant le Wargaming.net Game Center, suivez le lien suivant.

  • Le Wargaming.net Game Center téléchargera toutes les données additionnelles
  • Commencez à jouer


Notes de version (en anglais)


Main Changes


Balance changes have been made to the Kraftwerk and Normandy maps.

Normandy: Changes in zone B will allow defenders to better repel attacks while zone C will be easier to capture.

Kraftwerk: We added more routes and positions to approach pillboxes 2 and 3 from the center line. Also, we changed the locations of the Resupply Circles for the last defense line so that the attacking team can use them easier.


A large-scale event in 2020 that includes 2 modes: Frontline in the first part of the year and Steel Hunter in the second part of the year. Each mode has its own rewards. Expedition will have its own currency (tokens), which can only be earned in Frontline and Steel Hunter. Effective players who earn all Frontline tokens can redeem them for one of the exclusive Tier IX reward vehicles. Players will be able to earn a second Tier IX reward vehicle or collect the remaining number of tokens to receive the first Tier IX reward vehicle during the Steel Hunter event.

Changes to Frontline

  • The player's progression through the event was reworked. In particular, we added missions that become available once the maximum Frontline Tier of a Stage is achieved.
  • Expanded Vehicle Respawn. In addition to the lane, players will be able to select one of several points on different flanks, including those behind the front lines.
  • Changed the parameters of Airstrike.
  • Reworked the interfaces and associated sounds.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed the issue of information being trimmed about the start of Ranked Battles in the battle selector, which occurred when the operating system used an extended format for displaying time and date (for example, U.S. format).
  • Fixed some technical issues.

Changes to the Technical Characteristics of the Following Vehicles


The following vehicle was added, for testing by Supertest players:

  • IS-2 shielded

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