La quarta fase del Common Test per l'aggiornamento 1.16.1 è ora disponibile. Date un'occhiata ai cambiamenti e alle nuove caratteristiche che verranno introdotti con il prossimo aggiornamento e dateci il vostro parere a riguardo sul forum!
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È la vostra prima volta in un test? Date un'occhiata alla nostra comoda guida ai test pubblici.
Idoneità: abbiamo chiuso le iscrizioni il 14 marzo, quindi tutti i giocatori che hanno effettuato la registrazione entro le 21:59 CET (20:59 UTC) del 13 marzo potranno partecipare al test.
Feedback: vi preghiamo di fornire i vostri suggerimenti e segnalare eventuali bug nella sezione dedicata del nostro forum.
Per partecipare al test, deve essere installato il WGC (Game Center Wargaming.net).
Ulteriori dettagli sul WGC e su come scaricarlo sono disponibili qui.
For the 1v7 format, the parameters of some Defenses have been changed:
Number of Flamethrowers, AT Guns, and MG Turrets has been reduced by 1 unit each.
Fixed Issues and Improvements
Art of Strategy
Fixed the issue of the vehicle configuration not switching during the countdown before battle when using a mouse.
Fixed the issue of the durability indicator highlighting a destroyed Defense in red when the Defense re-entered the player's draw circle radius.
Fixed the issue of some players on the Tankers team not being displayed when playing as the Strategist in the 1v7 format.
Fixed the issue of Battle Performance stats not being displayed in the Battle Results window.
Fixed the issue of camera movement and vehicle control difficulties occurring when playing as the Strategist with an SPG in the squad.
Fixed the issue of the battle mode selector not operating in the Garage when completing the fourth stage of the Bootcamp.
Fixed the issue in the game reports where the number of times direct vehicle control was taken appeared lower than the number of times direct vehicle control was withdrawn.
Fixed the issue of the ratings being displayed incorrectly in some cases.
Fixed the issue of the view range, spotting range, and draw circles not being displayed on the minimap after the destruction of a vehicle.