Aggiornamento 1.10.1: Il Common Test 3 è disponibile!


La terza sessione di test in vista dell'aggiornamento 1.10.1 è iniziata. Assicuratevi di provare le novità in arrivo, che trovate riassunte nelle patch notes (in inglese) qui sotto e nei precedenti annunci: CT 1 e CT 2.

Continuate a fornirci le vostre impressioni e i vostri suggerimenti nel forum. Grazie!


È la vostra prima volta in un test? Date un'occhiata alla nostra comoda guida ai test pubblici.

Idoneità: il termine ultimo per l'iscrizione era fissato al15 settembre. Di conseguenza, tutti i giocatori che hanno effettuato la registrazione entro le 22:59 CEST del 14 settembre potranno prendere parte al test.

Feedback: vi preghiamo di fornire i vostri suggerimenti e di segnalare eventuali bug nella sezione dedicata del nostro forum.


Per partecipare al test utilizzando il Game Center di, utilizzate il seguente link.

  • Il Game Center scaricherà i dati aggiuntivi necessari
  • Iniziate a giocare


Patch Notes CT 3 (disponibili solo in inglese)


Main Changes

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed the issue when a player received an uninformative message containing an error code instead of information about the chat ban reason after attempting to send a message in a blocked chat.
  • Fixed issues when text overlapped and was cut off in some localizations.
  • Fixed the issue when the Elite Progression icons (decal) were missing.
  • Fixed the issue when two Platoon members could select SPGs to participate in a battle.
  • Fixed the issue when a slot with one skill/perk was displayed instead of two when selecting the final reward in the drop-down menu of a crew member.
  • Fixed the issue when the Standard and Bounty Equipment tiles were sometimes joined together after purchasing additional stages in the Battle Pass progression window.
  • Fixed the issue when the sound effect was interrupted during the reward screen after the second battle in Bootcamp.
  • Fixed the issue when the Premium Account icon was missing on the reward screen of Stages 40-45 (if the Improved Pass was not purchased).
  • Fixed the issue when the icon of the final reward was missing in the drop-down menu in Battle Pass Season 3.
  • Fixed the issue when the reward crew member icon was missing in the progression window at Stage 45 in Battle Pass Season 3.
  • Fixed the issue when indents between several rewards differed from the required ones on the Battle Pass reward screen.
  • Fixed the issue when the color adjustment screen did not close after pressing the ESC key for the first time.
  • Fixed the issue when the eye icon on the team panels was not displayed if the player has Anonymizer enabled and their nickname length exceeded 21 characters.
  • Fixed the issue when irrelevant information about the number of votes for the final reward was displayed during the Battle Pass off-season period.
  • Fixed the issue when the T-44-100 (R) was not added to the accounts of some players upon connecting the corresponding service package from the operator.
  • Fixed the issue when the Notification Center displayed customization elements that had been unchecked during purchase.
  • Fixed some technical issues.
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