[RESULTS] Earn Twitch Drops This Saturday: Content Creator Showdown

Congratulations, PaPaPawian!


After a fierce tournament, PaPaPawian came out on top and is taking home the top cash prize:

1. PaPaPawian (€1,000 prize)
2. Dakillzor (750 prize)
3. KamilEater (250 prize)

The next runners-up are:

4. TacticalNuke
5. Orzanel
6. Fr3ddy
7. Svitman

8. MrScheff

9. StronkMaxi

10. Rysiek

We hope you enjoyed tuning in to the weekend stream filled with Twitch Drops and displays of tactical brilliance in the special Steel Hunter mode. A big thanks to all the content creators that participated. Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming tournament news!


The Steel Hunter game mode might not be returning to the game for a while, but the World of Tanks content creators are back to duke it out for cash prizes—and where better to do it than in the post-apocalyptic setting of the Dreamland and Arzagir 4.04 maps! The last time content creators fought, TacticalNuke came out on top to claim the €1,000 prize. There can only be one winner, so who will you be rooting for?

Tune in on Twitch this Saturday, September 18 from 16:00 CEST (UTC+2) to cheer on your favourite content creator, and get Twitch Drops in the process!

Twitch Drops

Available from September 18 at 16:00 CEST (UTC+2) through September 19 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2) on all participating Twitch channels.

Twitch Drops will be enabled for all the Twitch channels of participating content creators, as well as the Official English World of Tanks Twitch channel, hosted by iksta101and Keyhand. Drops will also be enabled for the following casters who will be covering the tournament on their own channels: cygan___, mailand, and marty_vole.

The longer you watch, the more Drops you'll receive! All Drops will have dependencies, meaning you'll have to earn the first Drop to unlock the following one.


Regular Drops

After 90 minutes: After 150 minutes: After 240 minutes:
  • x5 Extra Combat Rations
  • x5 Case of Cola
  • x5 Chocolate
  • x3 "Steel Hunter, Mk. I" decal
  • x3 "Steel Hunter, Mk. II" decal
  • x1 Shield of Anhur 2D style

To receive Twitch Drops, you must link your World of Tanks and Twitch accounts. For more information on how to link your accounts, click the button below to take a look at our full Twitch Drops guide.


Tournament Regulations

  • Best of 8 battles
  • Points are distributed by battle result position
  • Each destruction of an enemy tank grants an additional 2 points
  • The total number of points accumulated over 8 battles determines the winners
  • In the case of an equal number of points, the total amount of damage will be taken into account

Scoring by Battle Position

Position Score
1 37
2 30
3 27
4 24
5 22
6 20
7 18
8 16
9 14
10 12
11 10
12 9
13 8
14 7
15 6
16 5
17 4
18 3
19 2
20 1

Each destruction of an enemy tank grants an additional 2 points


Tournament Prizes

In addition to glory and honor for the best Steel Hunter players, there are incredible cash prizes up for grabs, including a whopping €1,000 for first prize, €750 for the runner-up, and €250 for third place!

Roll out to Twitch this Saturday, and keep an eye on the portal for news about Tank Wars and Tankfest Online Twitch Drops—also happening this weekend!

Vitasd meg Discordon
