- Red Desert 2D style (for all vehicles)
15 |
2 |
- Desert Rats 2D style (only for British vehicles)
15 |
1 |
- Royal Hunter 2D style (only for British vehicles)
15 |
1 |
- Fear Naught 2D style (only for the Caernarvon Action X)
15 |
1 |
- Polar Star 3D style (only for the GSOR 1008)
30 |
1 |
- Four-Leaf Clover 3D style (only for the FV4202)
30 |
1 |
- 1 Personal Reserve: +200% to Free and Crew XP for 1 h
- 1 Personal Reserve: +100% to Combat XP for 1 h
5 |
5 |
- 3 Large First Aid Kits
- 3 Large Repair Kits
3 |
3 |
- ×3 Pudding and Tea
- 3 Steady Hand directives
3 |
3 |
- 3 Wheel of Fortune decals
- 3 "Flag of the U.K." decals
- 3 Royal Tea decals
5 |
3 |