Friday 13th : you killed the courier !

Kill the Courier

The Friday 13th Kill the Courier event has taken place on the battlefields.  We are sure that you had a great fun destroying the vehicles of the special accounts named Courier_WG. Now it is time for you to be awarded for your job!

All the players listed below will get 250 gold.

Winners of the Kill the Courier


_Rapier_ Duke6689 Margor Shotgun_Warrior
_Wave Dzsoksz Maros15 Shuquer
69thBuLLeT econpreis Martin_Castillo Sibsub
AdrianB1 eddie_black Moland Sinenfutorepatolvaj
Agezry emrclk moliboi sirkszak
AKarlser Ensk MotornaPila Sithslayer
AkSu75 erutrotti Nekomancer Smokers
AliD93 ewen2000 nemesadi snajper1987
Alkulima Feldmaus Nemtom Soldier27
Alter_Sack filup Neven666 SteGosani
antdl Fumel nickje Stork21
Aristo FuriouSagi nowaczeq1993 stumppi27
Ashaqlun GAFIRubenbauer Oberfeldwebel_Schmidt Sumu
Ativelos gaunt69 Opfer256 Synaxs
Attka Germania2k11 Opferlamm113 syntax42
Avol GingerNutter osarexPL SzybkiStoper
azrael2 h3llraiser Ottocarius2000 T55_Fodder
AzureLos HammeriEX P03tic Tattlelord
Babbsack harius panzergrenadier_1 tigerstreak
Barkmann Hendrixjox PanzerHupe tinliz
Benio443 Herr_Bert panzersmarch TomGunnyHighway
bifacial hetismij Panzerpiggy tommy68
Black_Bird_1990 IncorrectTarget paulus300 too_tall
BO_om IronChariot Peter_Blom Torima
borowik Irony2k12 petit_bouts tortelukas
BYpico iztok pitag Treadhammer
CAHCAHbI4 JIIMI pitasiek Tritonus
calol Jim_Rockford pitasiek trokhon78
Celu86 Johnatan007 Reichy Tsikara
Chrigu johnkirsk RevengerEE UnknOwn_1
ciu Jpeiper reverse_gear Uranus42
d2lazy Kn1GhT Robsenaka VegaRos
Darehitorimo koffancs RomanDemon vuki007
Darek7 Kwik rz3znicz3k Warhamster
Dark_Shadow LakeOphilD SabreWulf Warrior184
DarkHiro Lechu22 Sauriana webb24
Deathkebab Lotnik007 Schwarzer_Panther86 XxTerrorHawkxX
Degar LucGroundwalker sebihepp Younin
Dendy50 m14kill Sgt_Ondra Zyrion
devlix MadLee SharbyBe PANAGIOTIS1973

If you were not able to engage this event, we assure you that you will face many new Kill the Courier events soon, so stay tuned!

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