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World of Tanks Merchandise Available from J!NX

22/03/2013 General News
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You wanted it, you got it! For a long time you have been asking for official World of Tanks merchandise. After all, what better way to show off your status as a tank commander than by wearing some very stylish World of Tanks branded clothing?

We are very pleased to announce that we have partnered up with J!NX, the makers of some of the finest gamer-wear in the world, to offer you a line of official World of Tanks clothing and other accessories. For the first time you can now strut your stuff as a tank commander off the battlefield as well as on it!

The merchandise includes men’s and women’s t-shirts and hoodies in a range of sizes to suit all builds and more accessories. To see what J!NX have to offer, just visit their World of Tanks store, and remember to check back often for new items as they become available. We hope you enjoy the new merchandise! 


Click images to enlarge them. More products in J!nx store!

Why not post up some pictures of you in your new gear to the forums, or show us in person at the next community meet-up!

Roll out in style, commanders!
