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Gift Shop Offers for Charity

20/09/2013 General News
In other languages: pl de fr es tr cs

We have some very special Gift Shop offers this week for you which will directly support charities supporting children that are afflicted by the results of combat around the globe. 25% of the proceeds from these gift shop offers will be directly given to charity and will assist children affected by the horrors of armed conflicts.

We believe that children are our hope for the future and that they must be allowed to develop their full potential and contribute to a peaceful future for themselves and others. That’s why we want to help organisations to support the creation of conditions that will ensure the protection, development and safeguard the right of survival for children and young people who are living with or recovering from the effects of armed conflict.

Since Wargaming became a very successful game developer with a focus on games based on war vehicles from the 2nd World War, we have become aware of our responsibility to share this success. We are working together with an association that was recommended by Richard “The Challenger” Cutland, our Military specialist who directly saw the efforts they are making while he was still a member of the British Army and based in countries which suffered because of war.

By purchasing one of the packages mentioned below, you are helping us to support the charities efforts directly, as 25% of the proceeds go directly to found their activities around the globe.




Charity Senior

  • 12 000
  • 12 000 000
  • Tetrarch, the Soviet premium light tier II tank (Free!)
  • 1 garage slot (Free !)

99,99 €

Charity Youth

  • 4 500
  • 4 500 000

49,99 €

Charity Junior

  • 30 Days of Premium Account
  • 3 500
  • 100 000

19,99 €

The charity offers run from 20th September at 08:10 to 27th September at 08:00 CEST (GMT+2).
