Patience is not only a virtue but often the key to great success, especially if you roll out in the
Krupp-Steyr Waffenträger
. Developed by Steyr in 1944 as a new way to transport artillery armament that could also be fired from a chassis, only one prototype was ever built. This stealthy tank destroyer shows its best performance when you approach the battlefield with consideration and cleverness. Carefully evaluate the terrain and the map, identify the best hiding spots, coordinate an assault with your allies, and ambush unwary enemies.
The excellent camouflage value will keep you out of sight, especially when improved with crew skills and equipment, and take out opponents from any range with the accurate 8,8 cm Pak 43 L/71 cannon and high-velocity shells. The fully rotatable turret allows you to track the enemy, while the thin armor and vulnerable engine stay out of enemy sight.
Make sure to equip a Binocular Telescope to increase your view range, and check out the additional offers in the Premium Shop.
Available from October 13 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2) through October 20 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).
Roll Out!
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