Dress Your Best for the WG Fest and Tanker Day


Could you use an occasion to dress up all nice and fancy? How long since you put on your best gown and had a blast on the battlefield? Well, the time has come to dust of your dancing shoes, get that tie out of the closet, or put on your little black dress. We are going to celebrate WG Fest and Tanker Day together this year! So, come on and join the party!

We have created a magnificent new style just for this occasion with a brand-new feature. The Tanker Day 2020 style is the first adjustable one in our line-up. What does this mean? Well, just that you will look fantastic in every situation! This is not just a simple coat of paint. No, you can choose from two different shades (light or dark) and three different patterns, that can be applied to the tank to your liking!

It is available either by itself or in a great value package with additional customizations and the option to choose one of the three previous WG Fest styles on top!

Of course, the WG Fest styles for 2017, 2018 and 2019 are also on sale individually, if you feel a little nostalgic or would like to complete your collection.

Tanker Day 2020
10 Years Special
  • 1 Style: "Tanker Day 2020"
  •  3x Decal: "10 Years of Victories"
  •  3x Decal: "10 Years of Service"
  •  10 missions: x5 XP for each victory
  • 1 Token to choose a previous style: "WG Fest", "WG Fest 2018", or "WG Fest 2019"
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Tanker Day 2020
  • 1 Style: "Tanker Day 2020"
  •  5 missions: x5 XP for each victory
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WG Fest Styles Offers

Click on the name of the style below to admire them in full size!

WG FEST 2018

(non-historical style)

WG FEST 2017

(non-historical style)

WG FEST 2019

(non-historical style)

  •  1 WG Fest 2018 Style
  •  10 missions: x5 XP for each victory


  •  1 WG Fest 2017 Style
  • 10 missions: x5 XP for each victory


  •  1 WG Fest 2019 Style
  • 10 missions: x5 XP for each victory


Roll Out!

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