T-44-100, VK 75.01 (K), and T-34-3: Class Representatives


Schools might be out for summer, but class is always in session in World of Tanks. And just as every high school has its cliques and stereotypes, there are also nerds, athletes, and popular kids among your favorite tanks. Three of them got detention in the Premium Shop this weekend. Check out the offers below and see if the VIII Т-44-100 , the VIII VK 75.01 (K) , and the VIII T-34-3 can overcome their differences to form a lifelong friendship.

T-44-100 Offers

Available from July 30 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2) through August 3 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).

The VIII Т-44-100 is a prime example of a medium class tank and a bit of a nerd, with high marks in DPM, aim time, and rate of fire. This student of the Soviet tank school is always among the first on the battlefield, thanks to its great acceleration and top speed of 52 km/h. As part of the debate team, it stumps enemies with a tough turret and skirted side armor and is never short of a response from its 100 mm gun.

PACKAGE CONTENTS T-44-100 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold x5 XP missions Personal Reserves Equipment Consumables DISCOUNT

VK 75.01 (K) Offers

Available from July 30 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2) through August 3 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).

The German VIII VK 75.01 (K) is a proper jock and a reliable player on every sports team. Gifted with an enormous profile, an exceptionally strong upper hull, and tough side armor, it never shies away from a fight. While it easily achieves some of the highest grades in alpha damage class, it's less interested in smart and peaceful solutions and prefers to use its rear mounted 12.8 cm cannon to relieve opponents of their HP.

PACKAGE CONTENTS VK 75.01 (K) 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold World of Tanks Premium Account x5 XP missions Personal Reserves Equipment Consumables DISCOUNT

T-34-3 Offers

Available from July 30 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2) through August 3 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).

The pretty boy of this ragtag group of misfits is the Chinese VIII T-34-3 , which clearly takes after its equally popular cousin, the Type 59. A tough and nicely sloped turret is mounted to a sturdy hull and equipped with a powerful 122 mm cannon. It's a look that will not only open many Garage doors but also has its perks on the battlefield. The T-34-3 likes to charm its way behind enemy lines and prefers to get up close and personal with opponents.

PACKAGE CONTENTS T-34-3 100% trained crew Garage Slot Gold x5 XP missions Personal Reserves Equipment Consumables DISCOUNT

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