The Object 252U, Skorpion G, & Primo Victoria: Three Fine Pieces of Metal


Whether you want to attract the attention of demonic bats or face a horde of enemy tanks, you need the right metal for the job! Luckily, the Premium Shop has just stocked up on three excellent steel beasts, each with its own style, only available until August 12 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).

Grab the VIII Объект 252У to make the battlefield shake with power metal. Add the VIII Rheinmetall Skorpion G to your collection if speed metal is more your style. Or face your opponents alongside absolute heavy metal icons in the VIII Primo Victoria .

And don’t forget to check out the Wargaming Store for even more metal with the Sabaton collection!

Object 252U, Tier VIII Soviet Heavy Tank

  • Damage: 440/440/530 HP
  • Armor Penetration: 225/265/68 mm
  • Turret Armor: 250/150/100 mm

Rheinmetall Skorpion G, Tier VIII German Tank Destroyer

  • Damage per Minute: 2,409 HP/min
  • Dispersion at 100 m: 0.30 m
  • Top Speed: 60 km/h

Primo Victoria, Tier VIII Swedish Medium Tank

  • Armor Penetration: 226/258/42 mm
  • Velocity of Default APCR Shells: 1,300 m/s
  • Dispersion at 100 m: 0.33 m

Object 252U Offers

Available from August 5 at 07:00 CEST through August 12 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

The VIII Объект 252У is an outstanding defender that will hold its ground no matter what the enemy throws in its way. Bounce off incoming shells with the strong frontal armor, then retaliate with hard-hitting punches that deal 440 HP of alpha damage. The powerful 122 mm cannon penetrates 265 mm of armor with APCR shells and is guaranteed to leave a mark on the battlefield.

Package Contents Object 252U 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold WoT Premium Account x5 XP mission Personal Reserves Discount

Rheinmetall Skorpion G Offers

Available from August 5 at 07:00 CEST through August 12 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

The VIII Rheinmetall Skorpion G is one of the most popular vehicles in World of Tanks, and for good reason. The infamous German tank destroyer has a 60 km/h top speed and an excellent power-to-weight ratio. However, its real selling point is the 12.8 cm stinger mounted to its open turret. Just head to the best sniper positions, aim carefully, and deal a whopping 490 HP of damage. Thanks to its high accuracy and quick 2.1-second aiming time, the enemy will watch as 2,409 of their HP disappears in just one minute.

Package Contents Rheinmetall Skorpion G 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold WoT Premium Account x5 XP mission Personal Reserves Consumables Discount
Purchase package

Primo Victoria Offers

Available from August 5 at 07:00 CEST through August 12 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

The VIII Primo Victoria is one of the most metal vehicles in the game. Inspired by the Swedish heavy metal band Sabaton, it includes the band as its crew with Band of Brothers as a zero perk and exclusive voiceovers. It also has a permanent Sabaton-inspired style with themed emblems and inscriptions.

Joakim Brodén
Sabaton's lead singer and a fearless commander who can deflect any shell with his armored vest.
Hannes Van Dahl
Sabaton's drummer. Keeps the beat on stage, and beats the enemy on the battlefield.
Chris Rörland
Sabaton's veteran guitar player. Likes power chords and the powerful roar of a tank’s engine.
Pär Sundström
Radio Operator
Sabaton's jack-of-all-trades: the founder, backing vocalist, and manager of the band.
Tommy Johansson
Sabaton's guitar player. A sturdy type of guy, which is why he's been designated this important position.

Hop aboard the versatile medium tank, fly around the battlefield at a top speed of 50 km/h, and give your enemies a headache with the accurate 8,4 cm KAN STRV 81 gun. The fast-flying, standard APCR shells have a dispersion of only 0.33 m and can slice through 226 mm of enemy armor.

Package Contents Primo Victoria Garage slot Gold Credits WoT Premium Account x5 XP mission Personal Reserves As a gift Sabaton crew with Band of Brothers as a zero perk Discount
Purchase package

Sabaton Collection

Put your pedal to the metal with the exclusive Sabaton Collection, only available in the Wargaming Store! The mugs, t-shirts, hoodies, and more inspired by the iconic Swedish heavy metal band and their two in-game vehicles will have you rolling out in style!


If you are looking for more Sabaton merch, check out the collections from our partners: Bravado for apparel and accessories and Displate for metal posters.

Turn up the volume and rock the battlefield with the Object 252U, the Rhm. Skorpion G, and the Primo Victoria, or put on a full concert for your opponents and get all three.

Roll Out!

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