Scout and Brawl With the LT-432 and Object 274a


The sneaky VIII ЛТ-432 and the punchy VIII Объект 274а might serve different roles, but both impressive Soviets like to push forward and take control. While the scout has the mobility to cover the battlefield without breaking a sweat, the fierce fighter favors quick takedowns and close-quarters brawling.

Check out the Premium Shop bundles below, and help your team grab victory!

Tier VIII Soviet Light Tank

  • DPM: 2,076
  • Top Speed: 70 km/h
  • Gun Depression/Elevation Angles: –7° / 15°

Object 274a,
Tier VIII Soviet Medium Tank

  • DPM: 2,133
  • Armor Penetration: 227/289/62 mm
  • Top Speed: 58 km/h

LT-432 Offers

Available from July 15 at 07:00 CEST through July 22 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Great flexibility and strong characteristics make the VIII ЛТ-432 one of the best Tier VIII light tanks and a staple of a strong team. With a low profile, great camouflage, and a 70 km/h top speed, it performs the duties of its class to a high standard, only lacking top view range. As well as being a sneaky passive scout, it has a threatening offensive side with a strong 2,076 DPM and good gun handling, plus fast shell velocity. It also has 1,100 HP, and its armor profile is the best amongst its peers.

Package Contents LT-432 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold WoT Premium Account ×5 XP mission Personal Reserves Discount

Object 274a Offers

Available from July 15 at 07:00 CEST through July 22 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

The VIII Объект 274а is a hardy fighter that does its best work in the faces of opponents. The strong 220/120/60 mm turret armor is perfect for close-range engagements, and the 320/320/420 alpha damage gun with great penetration and 2,133 DPM is the right tool to break open even the most rigid shells. Thanks to a 58 km/h top speed and 390 m view range, no tank is safe from this eager medium. In addition to menacing looks, the exclusive Mangut 3D style provides an extra camouflage bonus.

Package Contents Object 274a 100% trained crew Garage slot Mangut 3D style Gold Credits WoT Premium Account ×5 XP mission Personal Reserves Discount

Will you wear down your opponents from range in the LT-432 while supporting your team, or will you get up close and personal in the Object 274a?

Roll Out!

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