Kampfpanzer 07 RH & Lansen C: Two Power-Hungry Menaces


It's time to launch your power play with the VIII Kampfpanzer 07 RH and VIII Lansen C , two mighty yet unique tanks, capable of turning any battle in your favor. If you already own either of these vehicles, turn your attention to their heavy-duty "Brunnenpanzer" and "Wolves of Odin" 3D styles.

Check out the Premium Shop offers below!

Kampfpanzer 07 RH,
Tier VIII German Medium Tank

  • Damage per Minute: 2,400 HP/min
  • Top Speed: 65 km/h
  • Aiming Time: 1.5 s

Lansen C, Tier VIII Swedish Medium Tank

  • Top Speed: 50 km/h
  • Damage: 320/320/420 HP
  • Gun Depression / Elevation Angles: –10/+20°

Kampfpanzer 07 RH Offers

Available from July 5 at 07:00 CEST through July 12 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

The VIII Kampfpanzer 07 RH packs a fast-firing 90 mm anti-aircraft cannon with excellent handling, capable of causing an incredible 2,400 DPM with 205/255/90 mm of penetration. Thanks to its 65 km/h top speed and great mobility, it can also beat other vehicles to crucial positions on the battlefield and flank opponents. This is when its circular, oscillating turret shines brightest, rotating at 50 deg/s. And with the addition of the "Brunnenpanzer" 3D style, this mighty vehicle becomes a true menace.

PACKAGE CONTENTS Kampfpanzer 07 RH 100% trained crew Garage slot Brunnenpanzer 3D style Gold WoT Premium Account x5 XP mission Personal Reserves DISCOUNT

Brunnenpanzer 3D Style Offers

Available from July 5 at 07:00 CEST through July 12 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

3D Style: Brunnenpanzer
  • Brunnenpanzer 3D style
ends in:
3D Style: Brunnenpanzer - Best Buy
  • Brunnenpanzer 3D style
  • 30 days of WoT Premium Account
ends in:

Lansen C Offers

Available from July 5 at 07:00 CEST through July 12 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

The VIII Lansen C boasts great acceleration and a top speed of 50 km/h, giving commanders the chance to position well and surprise foes from under cover. Its good camouflage and small size aids it in these situations, allowing it to remain undetected while advancing. Moreover, its impressive gun boasts 320/320/420 HP of alpha damage and –10 degrees of gun depression, helping it make the most of uneven terrain. With the fearsome "Wolves of Odin" 3D style, it belongs in the ranks of the old Norse gods.

Lansen C
Package Contents Lansen C 100% trained crew Garage slot Wolves of Odin 3D style Gold x5 XP mission Personal Reserves Discount

Wolves of Odin 3D Style Offers

Available from July 5 at 07:00 CEST through July 12 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

3D Style: Wolves of Odin
  • Wolves of Odin 3D Style
ends in:
3D Style: Wolves of Odin - Best Buy
  • Wolves of Odin 3D Style
  • 30 days of WoT Premium Account
ends in:

Will you seize your power with the brute-force Kampfpanzer 07 RH, or use the Lansen C to carefully maneuver your way to the top? Decide before the offers disappear, and make your claim for victory!

Roll Out!

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