HWK 30 & M4A1 FL 10: Two Long-Distance Hunters


A hunter has no hope of catching its prey without knowing the lay of the land and how to exploit it. Fortunately for you, the VIII HWK 30 and VI M4A1 FL 10 are mobile, instinctive, and excellent at keeping a watchful eye on the vast and evolving battlefield.

Scout the offers for these two hunters below, and make your move before they disappear!

HWK 30,
Tier VIII German Light Tank

  • Top Speed: 70 km/h
  • View Range: 410 m
  • Gun Depression –10 degrees

M4A1 FL 10
Tier VI French Medium Tank

  • Clip Damage: 540
  • Accuracy: 0.38 m
  • View Range: 370 m

HWK 30 Offers

Available from May 17 at 07:00 CEST through May 24 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Sharp-eyed and bearing talons of steel, the VIII HWK 30 is a predator on the prowl. Its outstanding 410 m view range is perfect for identifying prey, while its low profile and decent camouflage values make it less likely to be spotted by enemies. An impressive 70 km/h top speed, combined with a 50 degree/s traverse speed, allows it to swoop into advantageous positions and dictate engagements. When the fighting starts, the good all-round gun shows off its might, exhibiting 240/240/320 damage per shot, 187/250/102 mm of penetration, –10 degrees of gun depression, and a good reload time.

HWK 30
Package Contents HWK 30 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold Credits WoT Premium Account x5 XP mission Discount

M4A1 FL 10 Offers

Available from May 17 at 07:00 CEST through May 24 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Combining the classic Sherman hull with the autoloading AMX-13-series turret, the VI M4A1 FL 10 offers a unique and effective package. On its American side, it benefits from good mobility, featuring a 48 km/h top speed and 43 degree/s traverse speed. The French gun is a 4-round autoloader that can unleash an average 540 damage per clip in just 5.25 seconds. It also has a strong aiming time of 2 seconds, with 148/186/38 mm of penetration. And with good accuracy and a 370 m view range, it can provide fire at mid-to-long range while keeping its weaker armor safe.

Package Contents M4A1 FL 10 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold Credits WoT Premium Account x5 XP mission Discount

Become the hunter and take on unwitting prey with offers for the agile and long-range HWK 30 and M4A1 FL 10.

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