Prove Your Mastery: Get Customized Tank Offers for Frontline Stage 3



Strategy and cunning are often key to stealing victory. Charging helter-skelter into confrontations only gets you so far, so making use of your intuition and battle-hardened grit will stand you in good stead. And no mode needs a clear head more than Frontline! Dive into Frontline Stage 3 with not only the right mindset but also three new Frontline favorites.

Check out offers on the hard-hitting VIII СУ-130ПМ , the cold-blooded VIII Объект 274а , and the sure-footed VIII GSOR 1008 , and absorb some Frontline-specific top tips!

SU-130PM Offers

Available from October 18 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2) through October 25 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).

Top tip: The VIII СУ-130ПМ is a terrifying, hard-hitting Soviet hunter. It boasts an accurate 130 mm gun with a high damage per shot to make it a challenging opponent to face. Use the great gun traverse angles and good concealment values to your advantage while stationary to surprise unsuspecting enemies. Just try to avoid being too close to opponents to keep your armor protected, as it won't stop a lot of incoming fire.
PACKAGE CONTENTS SU-130PM 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold x5 XP mission Personal Reserves Equipment Consumables DISCOUNT

Object 274a Offers

Available from October 18 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2) through October 25 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).

Top tip: The VIII Объект 274а is a versatile Soviet best played aggressively. The 107 mm gun delivers a whopping 2,133 damage per minute, while great penetration values and reliable 220 / 130 / 60 mm turret armor let you engage some heavy tanks head-on. Just keep in mind that you aren't the most mobile tank and should be careful when you need to cover long distances.
PACKAGE CONTENTS Object 274a 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold x5 XP mission Personal Reserves Equipment Consumables DISCOUNT

GSOR 1008 Offers

Available from October 18 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2) through October 25 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).

Top tip: The VIII GSOR 1008 is a real jack of all trades and a mean damage-dealing machine that likes to hunt in packs. The fully-rotatable turret means you can be more flexible when engaging enemies on the battlefield. It can unload four shells in six seconds, but this is also its Achilles heel. The rounds will quickly be used up, so be careful not to play too aggressively, as you will have considerable downtime until the next rounds are loaded.

Take a look at the offers below, and make sure to check out the Polar Star 3D style, also available for purchase separately.
GSOR 1008
PACKAGE CONTENTS Polar Star 3D style GSOR 1008 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold x5 XP mission Personal Reserves Equipment Consumables DISCOUNT

Style: Polar Star
  • Polar Star 3D style


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