Join the Developer Talk About Equipment 2.0


We are happy to announce another round of Developer Talk, where we get together with someone from our dev team to answer your questions! This time, eekeeboo will be joined by Georgiy Rodionov, Head of Design, to answer some burning questions about Equipment 2.0 and other upcoming changes.

Tune in on July 13 at 18:00 CEST (UTC+2) on the World of Tanks Twitch channel!


We’ve already put the new feature through two tests on the Sandbox Server. The second iteration has just finished, which makes it the perfect time to talk about the results and where to go from here.

Make sure to check out the tested changes in our dedicated publication: [Sandbox] A New Round of Equipment 2.0 Testing and mark the stream on your calendar if you are interested in the latest news and info about it.


Roll Out and Tune In!

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