Main Features of this Update

New tier X vehicles added to the game:

6 new tank destroyers:

  • JagdPz E-100 (German tier X)
  • Object 268 (Soviet tier X)
  • AMX-50 Foch (155) (French tier X)
  • T110E3 (American tier X)
  • T110E4 (American tier X)
  • Jagdpanther II (German tier VIII)

3 new medium tanks:

  • E-50 Ausf. M (German tier X)
  • T-62A (Soviet tier X)
  • M48A1 (American tier X)

1 new light tank:

  • ELC AMX (French tier V)
3 New Maps

Three new maps have been added to the game – the huge landscape of the Highway, the dense urban setting of Seaport and the picturesque scenery of the Serene Coast.  Explore these new locations and bring down the devastation of armoured warfare upon them!

Game Balance Improvements

A large number of existing vehicles have been tweaked and adjusted in order to make the game more enjoyable and balanced.




Patch Notes

New Content:
  • Added 3 new maps: Seaport, Highway, Serene Coast
  • Added new tier X medium tanks: Е-50 Ausf.M, Т-62А, M48A1
  • Added new tier X tank destroyers: JagdPz E-100, Object 268, AMX 50 Foch 155, T110E3, T110E4
  • Added new tier V French light tank: ELC AMX
  • Added new tier VIII German tank destroyer: Jagdpanther II
Game Mechanics Changes:
  • The following French light and medium tanks have moved one tier up: AMX 12t, AMX 13 75, AMX 13 90, Lorraine 40t, Bat Chatillon 25t
  • Added a research path from Tiger P to Ferdinand (150,000 exp.)
  • Added a research path from AMX 12t to Lorraine 155 50 (140,000 exp.)
  • Added final set of parameters for tier VI Premium TD Dickermax and tier 8 Medium Tank Super Pershing. Both added to the in-game shop
  • Credit revenue and repair cost rebalanced for some tanks based on statistical results
  • Reworked Match-Making for the majority of vehicles. Now players won't normally see vehicles of more than two tiers difference to the tier of their own vehicle
  • All experience from elite Ferdinand transferred to Jagdtiger
  • Rebalanced tier II and III tank destroyers (details below)
  • Basing on statistical results, French TD’s and SPGs that were added in 7.4 update have been slightly rebalanced
  • Rebalanced parameters of second USSR Heavy Line: Т-150, КV-3, КV-4, SТ-1, IS-4. (details below)
  • E-100 and Maus rebalanced according to the statistical results
  • Due to the introduction of tier X Medium tanks, the following tier IX vehicles have been rebalanced: E-50, M46 Patton, Т-54
  • Due to Match-Maker changes, parameters of following USSR medium tanks and TD’s were rebalanced: Т-28, Т-34-85, Т-43, КV-13, СU-85
  • KV-5 slightly buffed and removed from the in-game shop. Owners will still have it in their garage
  • Changed IS-8 armouring in the lower plate.
  • Reworked mechanism of knocking out crew members with HE shells
  • Now a hit to an internal module will still deal damage even if the armour wasn’t penetrated.
UI Changes:
  • Added and reworked some battle hints.
  • Reworked hint pop-up text on buttons in replays;
  • Added option to restore converted XP to the original vehicle by clicking on the vehicle checkbox in the XP exchange window.
  • Made some additions to the battle hint window which pops-up when pressing 'F1' in battle.
  • Added a notification for when Premium Account compensation has been made due to server maintenance.
Audio and Graphics Changes:
  • Added 'planes in the sky' environment effect to ‘Airfield’ map.
  • Slightly changed mini-map icon colours.
  • Fixed the name and characteristics of Lorraine 155 51 top suspension
  • Fixed a bug which made it impossible to buy а M24 Chaffee stock engine after selling it
  • Fixed errors in armouring of AMX 50 Foch TD.
  • Fixed name of Somua Sau 40 TD.
  • Fixed the extended view range of T1 Cunningham.
  • Fixed a bug where an enemy vehicle was not damaged during a hit to the suspension when it had already been destroyed.
  • Fixed a bug causing game crash when leaving battle to garage.
  • Fixed the density of some bushes. This influences camouflage level.
  • Fixed the WoT symbol not appearing on the white banner in 'Encounter' battle mode.
  • Fixed some rare cases of training room chat not being removed once the room is dismissed.
  • Fixed the login screen not displaying correctly when quickly pressing ‘Enter’ after the client loads.
  • Fixed suspension repair option when using 'Ctrl + LMB' click on the image.
  • Fixed a disparity between the actual state of the scrolling buttons and their display in 'carousel' of chat channels.
  • Fixed storage of the platoon window in garage.
  • Fixed the shortened names of tanks in the battle loading screen.
  • Fixed the position of vehicle icons in historical description.
  • Fixed the icon for French SPG: AMX 105 AM
  • Fixed the display of "ZigZag" camouflage on M18 Hellcat TD
  • Fixed some errors in the visual models of the following vehicles: AMX AC Mle 1948, ARL 44, IS-8
  • Fixed some errors in visual model of the Super Pershing tank.
  • Fixed the 'We hit them hard' voice replay when setting an enemy tank on fire.
  • Fixed the display of damaged modules when watching an ally vehicle in 'postmortem' mode.
  • Fixed the description and conditions for obtaining Fadin's medal.
  • Fixed some errors in chat filter.
  • Fixed the display of durability marker over tanks with all crew wounded.
  • Fixed the functionality of 'Attention to the sector X' with max-scaled mini-map.
  • Fixed the pop-up hint for mastery badges.
  • Fixed the change of marker colours when toggling 'alternative colour scheme' on and off.
  • Fixed the functionality of alternative colour scheme in training rooms.
  • Fixed the description for 'Ace Tanker' mastery badge.
  • Fixed the description of some crew skills and perks.
  • Fixed some errors in the interface training.
  • Fixed some places where it is possible to get ‘stuck’ on 'Wide Park' map.

Vehicle Rebalancing

French Vehicles

AMX 12t:

  • Load capacity of stock suspension increased by 350 kg
  • Gun dispersion on move and rotation decreased by 8%
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on solid soils increased by 8%
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on medium soils increased by 14%
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on soft soils increased by 15%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on medium soils increased by 15%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on soft soils increased by 10%
  • ER 53 radio replaced with SCR 528 radio
  • View range increased by 20m
  • Vehicle durability increased by 180 hit points
  • 75 mm Long 44 and 75 mm SA32 guns removed
  • 75 mm SA50 gun added to research tree after 75 mm SA49 L48
  • Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm SA49 L48 gun increased by 22%
  • Dispersion of 75 mm SA49 L48 gun during turret rotation increased by 11%

AMX 13 75:

  • Dispersion on move and rotation with first suspension decreased by 8%
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on solid soils increased by 10%
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on medium soils increased by  9%
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on soft soils increased by 11%
  • Dispersion on move and rotation with second suspension decreased by 4%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on solid soils increased by 11%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on medium soils increased by 10%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on soft soils increased by 13%
  • Tank durability increased by 250 hp
  • View range increased by 10m
  • Turret turning speed increased by 2 degrees per second
  • Aiming time for 75 mm SA49 L48 gun decreased by 0.2 sec
  • Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm of SA49 L48 gun increased by 9%
  • Reloading time (of new drum) of 75 mm SA49 L48 gun decreased by 1 sec
  • Aiming time for 75 mm SA50 decreased by 0.2 sec
  • Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm SA50 increased by 11%
  • Reloading time (of new drum) of 75 mm SA50 gun decreased by 1 sec

AMX 13 90:

  • Dispersion on move and rotation with first suspension decreased by 4%
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on solid soils increased by 10%
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on medium soils increased by  9%
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on soft soils increased by 11%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on solid soils increased by 11%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on medium soils increased by 10%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on soft soils increased by 13%
  • Tank durability increased by 100 hp
  • Turret turning speed increased on 2 degrees per second
  • Aiming time for 75 mm SA50 decreased on 0,2 sec
  • Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm SA50 increased 11%

Lorraine 40t:

  • Load capacity of first suspension increased by 100 kg
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on solid soils increased by 8%
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on medium soils increased by 14%
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on soft soils increased by 9%
  • Dispersion on move and rotation with second suspension decreased by 10%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on solid soils increased by 9%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on medium soils increased by 8%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on soft soils increased by 10%
  • Maybach HL 230 and Maybach HL 230P45 engines removed
  • Tank durability increased by 250 hit points
  • Turret turning speed increased by 4 degrees per second
  • 90 mm Canon DCA45 gun removed
  • Reloading speed within the drum of 100 mm SA47 gun increased by 38%
  • Reloading time (of new drum) of 100 mm SA47 mm decreased by 12 sec
  • Dispersion of 100 mm SA47 gun while turning the turret decreased by 10%
  • Penetration with APCR shell  Frt Prf 1945 on 100 mm SA47 gun decreased by 45 mm
  • Reloading speed within the drum of 90 mm F3 gun increased by 23%
  • Reloading time (of new drum) of 90 mm F3 gun decreased by 10 sec
  • Dispersion of 90 mm F3 gun while turning the turret decreased by 10%

Bat Chatillon 25t:

  • Stock suspension, SCR 508 radio and SOFAM 12GSds engine removed
  • Vehicle can now turn in place without moving.
  • Dispersion on move and rotation decreased by 11%
  • Chance of fire of Hispano-Suiza HS110 engine decreased by 2%
  • Tank durability increased by 300 hit points
  • 90 mm Canon DCA45 gun removed
  • 105 mm CN105 57 gun added to research tree after 100 mm SA47 gun
  • Aiming time of 100 mm SA47  gun decreased by 0.3 sec
  • Reloading time of 100 mm SA47 gun decreased by 4 sec
  • Dispersion of 100 mm SA47 gun with turret rotation decreased by 11%
  • Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 on 100 mm SA47 gun decreased by 45 mm 
  • Aiming time of 90 mm F3 gun decreased by 0.3 sec
  • Reloading time of 90 mm F3 gun decreased by 6 sec
  • Dispersion of 90 mm F3 gun with turret rotation decreased by 11%

AMX 13 F3AM:

  • Reloading time of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1917 gun increased by 1.2 sec
  • Gun dispersion on turning increased by 25%

Lorraine 155 50:

  • Dispersion on move and rotation increased by 8%
  • Reloading time of Canon de 155 mm de 33 calibres gun increased by 1.6 sec
  • Elevation angle of Canon de 155 mm de 33 calibres gun decreased by 4 degrees
  • Reloading time of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1950 increased by 2 sec
  • Elevation angle of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1950 decreased by 4 degrees

Lorraine 155 51:

  • Dispersion on move and rotation with first suspension increased by 8%
  • Dispersion on move and rotation with second suspension increased by 9%
  • Reloading time of Canon de 155 mm L GPF gun increased by 1 sec
  • Elevation angle of Canon de 155 mm L GPF gun decreased by 4 degrees
  • Reloading time of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1950 gun increased by 2.5 sec
  • Elevation angle of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1950 gun decreased by 4 degrees

Bat Chatillon 155:

  • Dispersion on move and rotation decreased by 4%
  • Chance of fire of Hispano-Suiza HS110 engine decreased by 2%
  • Elevation angle of Canon de 155 mm gun decreased by 4 degrees

AMX 50 100:

  • Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 100 mm on SA47 gun decreased by 45mm

AMX 50 120:

  • Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 100 mm on SA47 gun decreased by 45mm

Renault UE 57:

  • View range decreased by 40 m

S35 CA:

  • Dispersion of 17 pdr Gun Mk.II gun with gun move doubled
  • Dispersion of 17 pdr Gun Mk.II after firing increased by 17%
  • Reloading time of 90 mm Canon DCA30 AC gun increased by 0.1 sec 
  • Dispersion of 90 mm Canon DCA30 AC gun when gun moves increased by 33%
  • Dispersion of 90 mm Canon DCA30 AC after firing increased by 17%
  • Reloading time of Canon de 105 mle.1930 Schneider AC increased by 0.3 sec

ARL V39:

  • Reloading time of 90 mm Canon DCA30 AC gun increased by 0.6 sec
  • Dispersion of 90 mm Canon DCA30 AC gun when gun moves increased by 50%
  • Dispersion of Canon de 105 mle.1930 Schneider AC gun when gun moves increased by 33%

AMX AC mle.1946:

  • Vehicle durability decreased by 10 hit points
  • Max movement speed decreased by 2 km/h
  • Dispersion of 100 mm SA47 AC  gun when gun moves increased by 33%
  • Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 on 100 mm SA47 AC gun decreased by 45mm
  • Reloading time of 90 mm Canon DCA30 AC increased by 0.3 sec
  • Reloading time of 90 mm Canon DCA45 AC gun increased on 0.1 sec
  • Dispersion of  90 mm Canon DCA45 AC gun on gun movement increased by 50%

AMX AC mle.1948:

  • Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 of 100 mm SA47 AC gun decreased by 45mm
  • Reloading time of 120 mm SA46 AC increased by 0.2 sec

AMX 50 Foch:

  • First suspension manoeuvrability on solid soils decreased by 8%
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on medium soils decreased by 7%
  • First suspension manoeuvrability on soft soils decreased by 9%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on solid soils decreased by 8%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on medium soils decreased by 8%
  • Second suspension manoeuvrability on soft soils decreased by 10%
  • Durability decreased by 50 hit points
  • Reloading time of 120 mm SA46 AC gun increased by 0.6 sec
  • Dispersion of 120 mm SA46 AC gun with gun move doubled
  • Accuracy of 120 mm SA46 AC gun decreased by 0.01
German Vehicles


  • Front armour increased by 10 mm up to 250 mm
  • Minor increase in aiming time of 15 сm KwK 44 L/38 Gun
  • Reloading time of 15 сm KwK 44 L/38 Gun increased by 1.1 sec
  • Accuracy of 15 сm KwK 44 L/38 Gun increased from 0.42 to 0.40
  • Durability increased by 100 hit points


  • Suspension E-50-Ketten Ausf. C traverse speed increased by 1 deg/sec
  • Slightly increased dispersion when moving whilst using Suspension E-50-Ketten Ausf. C 
  • Durability reduced by 50 hit points

Marder II:

  • Suspension Marder-II-Ketten Ausf. A traverse speed decreased by 1 deg/sec
  • Suspension Marder-II-Ketten Ausf. B traverse speed decreased by 2 deg/sec
  • Decreased accuracy during movement for both suspensions
  • Reduced resistance of Suspension Marder-II-Ketten Ausf. A on medium and soft soils
  • Increased resistance of Suspension Marder-II-Ketten Ausf. B on all soils
  • Durability increased by 5 HP
  • Maximum speed increased from 11 to 12 km/h
  • View range decreased from 400 m to 360 m
  • Reloading time of 5cm PaK 39 L/60 Gun increased by 0.1 sec
  • Aiming time of 7.5cm PaK 40/2 Gun increased from 1.7 to 2.3 sec
  • Reloading time of 7.5cm PaK 40/2 Gun increased from 4 to 4.5 sec
  • Dispersion after shooting with 7.5cm PaK 40/2 Gun increased by 30%
  • Aiming time for 7.6сm PaK 36 (r) Gun increased from 1.7 to 2.3 sec
  • Reloading time of 7.6сm PaK 36 (r) Gun increased from 4.3 to  4.8 sec
  • Dispersion after shooting with 7.6сm PaK 36 (r) Gun increased by 30%


  • Durability increased by 200 HP
  • Front armour increased from 220 to 240 mm

PanzerJager I:

  • Suspension PzJg-Ketten I traverse speed decreased by 2 deg/sec
  • Slightly increased resistance of Suspension PzJg-Ketten I for hard and medium soils
  • Suspension PzJg-Ketten II traverse speed decreased by 2 deg/sec
  • Slightly increased dispersion on move in case of using Suspension PzJg-Ketten I
  • Slightly increased resistance of PzJg-Ketten II for hard and medium soils
  • Increased visibility during movement
  • Maximum reverse speed decreased from 10 to 8 km/h
  • Increased aiming time of 3.7сm PaK 38 (t) L/47 Gun from 1.1 to 1.4 sec
  • Decreased depression and elevation of 3.7сm PaK 38 (t) L/47 Gun by 3 and 2 degrees respectively 
  • Increased aiming time of 4.7сm PaK 38 (t) L/43 Gun from 1.26 to 2 sec
  • Decreased elevation of 4.7сm PaK 38 (t) L/43 Gun by 2 degrees
  • Increased aiming time of 4.7сm PaK 38 (t) L/43 Gun from 2.26 to 2.5 sec
  • Increased aiming time of 5сm PaK 39 L/60 Gun from 1.7 to 2.3 sec
  • Increased reloading time of 5сm PaK 39 L/60 Gun from 2.3 to 2.9 sec
  • Increased dispersion of 5сm PaK 39 L/60 Gun after shooting and turret rotation
Soviet Vehicles


  • First turret turning speed decreased by 0.25 degrees per second


  • Turning speed with first suspension decreased by 3 degrees per second
  • Turning speed with second suspension decreased by 3 degrees per second
  • Reverse speed decreased by 1 km/h


  • Turning speed of the second turret increased by 0.5 degrees per second


  • Vehicle durability increased by 100 hit points
  • Dispersion on move decreased by 33%


  • First turret 122 mm BL-9 gun reloading time decreased by 4.5%
  • First turret 122 mm D-25T gun reloading time decreased by 4%
  • First turret 122 mm М62-Т2 gun reloading time decreased by 4.5%
  • Vehicle durability increased by 20 hit points
  • Second turret 122 mm BL-9 gun reloading time decreased by 3%
  • Second turret 122 mm D-25T gun reloading time decreased by 4%
  • Second turret 122 mm М62-Т2 gun reloading time decreased by 3%


  • Increased turning speed of the first suspension by 1 degree per second 
  • Dispersion on move with first suspension increased by 18%
  • Dispersion on turning with first suspension increased by 18%
  • Durability of first turret decreased by 30 hp
  • Turning speed of first turret increased by 1 degree per second
  • Dispersion on move with second suspension increased by 20%
  • Dispersion on turning with second suspension increased by 20%
  • View range of the second turret increased by 10 m
  • Turning speed of the second turret increased by 2 degrees per second
  • Durability with second turret increased by 48 hit points
  • For 85mm D5Т-85BМ the ammo-rack has been reduced by 14 shells
  • Reverse speed decreased by 2 km/h
  • Speed decreased by 10 km/h


  • Increased HP by 100


  • Increased medium and bad soils manoeuvrability for all suspensions
  • Durability increased by 70 hit points
  • Reload time of 107mm ZiS-24 gun mounted on first turret reduced by 0.86%
  • Dispersion of 107mm ZiS-24 gun on the first turret during rotation reduced by 10%
  • Increased second turret rotation by 2 degree/second
  • Reduced aiming time of 107mm ZiS-6 gun mounted on the second turret by 14%
  • Dispersion of 107mm ZiS-6 gun on the second turret during rotation reduced by 14%


  • Increased accuracy when firing on the move by 10%
  • Increased accuracy when firing during rotation by 10%
  • Durability increased by 100 hit points
  • Increased the turret rotation speed by 1 degree/second

Object 704

  • Increased the view range by 13.75m


  • Increased manoeuvrability on medium soils for both suspensions
  • Increased the turning speed for the second suspension by 2 degree/second
  • Increased the view range of the first turret by 10m
  • Increased hit points with the first turret by 100
  • Reduced the reload time of the 122mm BL-9 gun mounted on the first turret by 0.5%
  • Reduced the reload time of the 122mm D-25Tgun mounted on the first turret by 2.5%
  • Increased the view range of the second turret by 10m
  • Increased HP with the second turret by 100
  • Reduced the reload time of the 122mm BL-9 gun mounted on the second turret by 2.32%
  • Reduced the reload time of the 122mm D-25Tgun mounted on the second turret by 3.3%
  • Reduced the reload time of the 122mm M62-T2 gun mounted on the second turret by 8.9%


  • Increased by 4 the amount of ammo in the 85mm D5S-85BM gun


  • Reduced the traverse speed on the first suspension by 5 degree/second
  • Dispersion whilst shooting on the move on the first suspension increased by 21%
  • Reduced the turning speed on the second suspension by 6 degree/second
  • Dispersion whilst shooting on the move on the second suspension increased by 30%
  • Reduced hit points by 5
  • Increased the reload time of the 57mm ZiS-2 gun by 15%


  • Removed the 107mm ZiS-6C gun
  • Added the 85mm D5S-85C-85BM gun


  • Increased hit points by 40
  • Reduced the reload time of the 107mm ZiS-6 gun by 4.6%
  • Dispersion during turret rotation reduced by 16%


  • Reduced the second turret traverse speed by 1.5 degrees/second
  • Removed the 85mm F-30 gun
  • Increased the reload time of the 57mm ZiS-4 by 8%
  • Reduced the view range of the first turret by 3.75


  • Added the V-54K engine
  • Increased hit points with the first turret by 30
  • Reduced the first turret traverse speed by 3 degrees/second
  • Increased reload time of the 85mm ZiS S-53 gun mounted on the first turret by 4%
  • Increased reload time of the 122mm U-11 gun mounted on the first turret by 3.5%
  • Reduced reload time of the 76mm S-54 gun mounted on the first turret by 10%
  • Removed the 10mm D10T gun on the second turret
  • Increased the view range of the second turret by 10m
  • Reduced the reload time of the 76mm S-54 gun mounted on the second turret by 12%
  • Increased the reload time of the 85mm D5T-85BM gun mounted on the second turret by 3%
  • Increased HP with the second turret by 30
  • Reduced the amount of ammo in the 85mm D5T-85BM gun by 12 shells
  • Reduced the aiming speed in the 85mm D5T-85BM by 19%
  • Reduced the aiming speed 85mm ZiS S-53 by 19%
  • Reduced the aiming speed 85mm S-54 by 19%


  • Reduced the traverse speed of the first suspension by 1 degree/second
  • Dispersion whilst shooting on the move on the first suspension increased by 4%
  • Reduced the traverse speed of the second suspension by 2 degree/second
  • Dispersion whilst shooting on the move on the second suspension increased by 4.7%
  • Added the V-54K engine
  • Increased the view range of the first turret by 10m
  • Reduced the first turret traverse speed by 1 degree/second
  • Increased the view range of the second turret by 20m
  • Reduced the aiming time of the 85mm ZiS S-53 gun mounted on the second turret by 19%
  • Reduced the reload time of the 85mm ZiS S-53 gun mounted on the second turret by 4%
  • Reduced the aiming time of the 85mm D5T-85BM gun mounted on the second turret by 19%
  • Reduced the reload time of the 85mm D5T-85BM gun mounted on the second turret by 7%
  • Reduced the reload time of the 122mm U-11 gun mounted on the second turret by 1.9%
  • Reduced the amount of ammo in the 85mm D5T-85BM gun by 12 shells


  • Dispersion whilst shooting on the move on the first suspension reduced by 8%
  • Reduced traverse speed of the second suspension by 2 degree/second
  • Dispersion whilst shooting dispersion on the move on the second suspension reduced by 5%
  • Increased HP with the first turret by 10
  • Reduced the first turret traverse speed by 1 degree/second
  • Reduced the reload time of the 85mm ZiS S-53 gun mounted on the first turret by 3%
  • Reduced the reload time of the 85mm D5T-85BM gun mounted on the first turret by 1.8%
  • Reduced the second turret traverse speed by 1 degree/second
  • Reduced the reload time of the 85mm ZiS S-53 gun mounted on the second turret by 6%
  • Dispersion of the 85mm ZiS S-53 gun on second turret during rotation reduced by 12%
  • Reduced the reload time of 85mm D5T-85BM gun by 3.6% mounted on the second turret
  • Reduced the shooting dispersion of the D5T-85BM gun on the second turret during rotation by 12%
  • Reduced by 6 the amount of ammo in the 85mm D5T-85BM gun mounted on the second turret
  • Reduced the shooting dispersion of the 122mm D25-44 gun on the second turret during rotation by 12%
  • Reduced the reload time of the 100mm D10T gun mounted on the second turret by 3%
  • Reduced the shooting dispersion of the 100mm D10T gun on the second turret during rotation by 12%
  • Reduced the shooting dispersion of the 100mm LB-1 gun on the second turret during rotation by 12%


  • Increased the traverse speed of the first suspension by 1 degree/second
  • Reduced the shooting dispersion on the move on the first suspension by 15%
  • Reduced hit points with the first turret equipped by 20
  • Reduced the first turret traverse speed by 1 degree/second
  • Increased the reload time of the 100mm LB-1 gun mounted on the first turret by 5%
  • Increased the reload time of the 100mm D10T mod. 45 gun mounted on the first turret by 1%
  • Reduced the second turret traverse speed by 1 degree/second
  • Reduced the shooting dispersion of the 100mm LB-1 gun on the second turret during rotation by 12%
  • Reduced the shooting dispersion of the 100mm D10T mod. 45 gun on the second turret during rotation by 12%
  • Reduced the reload time of 100mm D10T mod. 45 gun mounted on the second turret by 2.5%
  • Increased the reload time of 100mm D54 mod. 45 gun mounted on the second turret by 0.4%
  • Removed 100mm UBR-412 AP shell and replaced it with 100mm 3UBK4 shell instead.
American Vehicles

M2 Lt:

  • Reduced the view range of the first turret from 262.5 to 260m
  • Increased the view range of the second turret from 315 to 320m

M22 Locust

  • Reduced the view range of the first turret from 332.5 to 330m

M24 Chaffee

  • Increased the view range of the first turret from 367.5 to 370m
  • Reduced the view range of the first turret from 402 to 400m

M3 Lee:

  • Increased the view range from 315 to 320m

M46 Patton:

  • Slightly changed the influence of movement on both suspensions.
  • Increased the reload time of the 105mm Gun T5E1M2 from 8.9 to 9.3 seconds
  • Increased the 105mm Gun T5E1M2 shooting dispersion during movement  by 50%
  • Increased the price from 2980000 to 3450000 credits.


  • Increased the view range of the first turret from 315 to 320


  • Increased the price from 6000000 to 6100000 credits


  • Reduced the reverse speed from 10 to 8 km/h
  • Increased the dispersion during rotation for the 75mm Howitzer M1A1 from 0.12 to 0.16
  • Reduced the angle of altitude for 75mm Howitzer M1A1from 8 to 5 degrees
  • Reduced the angle of altitude for Ordnance QF 2pdr AT Gun Mk.X from 8 to 5 degrees