Beef Up Your Garage With XP Fever


Whether you're a new recruit or a seasoned veteran, XP Fever is here to give you a boost! Complete repeatable missions in any vehicle of Tier IV or higher to earn tons of XP towards Tech Tree progress, unlocking new modules, or training your crew.

With a new season of Frontline kicking off in May, this is the perfect special to get your favorite Tier VIII vehicles ready for battle!

XP Fever Missions

Available from April 29 at 07:00 CEST through May 2 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)

  • XP Fever at Tier IV–V
  • XP Fever at Tier VI–VII
  • XP Fever at Tier VIII
  • XP Fever at Tier IX
  • XP Fever at Tier X
XP Fever at Tier IV–V


  • 3 000


  • Win 5 battles
  • Be among the top 10 on your team by base XP earned


  • Only in Random Battles
  • Only in Tier IV–V vehicles
  • 3 times per day
XP Fever at Tier VI–VII


  • 6 000


  • Win 5 battles
  • Be among the top 10 on your team by base XP earned


  • Only in Random Battles
  • Only in Tier VI–VII vehicles
  • 3 times per day
XP Fever at Tier VIII


  • 8 000


  • Win 5 battles
  • Be among the top 10 on your team by base XP earned


  • Only in Random Battles
  • Only in Tier VIII vehicles
  • 3 times per day
XP Fever at Tier IX


  • 9 000


  • Win 5 battles
  • Be among the top 10 on your team by base XP earned


  • Only in Random Battles
  • Only in Tier IX vehicles
  • 3 times per day
XP Fever at Tier X


  • 12 000


  • Win 5 battles
  • Be among the top 10 on your team by base XP earned


  • Only in Random Battles
  • Only in Tier X vehicles
  • 3 times per day

Experience Summary

  • Types of Experience
  • Use of Experience

Combat Experience of Researchable Vehicles (XP)

XP is accumulated separately for each researchable vehicle and can be spent on vehicle modules or unlocking the following vehicles in the Tech Tree branch.

Combat Experience of Elite Vehicles (Elite XP)

Standard vehicles with all modules and subsequent vehicles researched, as well as Collectors’ vehicles with all modules researched, acquire Elite status. They continue to collect Combat XP, which can be spent on accelerated crew training or converted into Free XP. Premium vehicles are also Elite vehicles.

Free Experience (Free XP)

After each battle, 5% of base XP earned is converted into Free XP. The percentage can be increased during specials and with Personal Reserves. It can be used to research any standard vehicle and modules, as well as to accelerate the perk and skill training of any crew.

Crew Experience (Crew XP)

Every crew member receives experience equal to the XP earned in battle. It is spent on improving their major qualification and acquiring new perks and skills. The amount of XP earned can be increased during specials and with Personal Reserves.

Vehicle Research (XP & Free XP)

Combat XP collected on a researchable vehicle is used to unlock the next vehicle in its Tech Tree line. Free XP can be added if the required XP amount is not met, and it can be used to research any standard Tech Tree vehicle.

Module Research (XP & Free XP)

Modules affect a vehicle's characteristics. They need to be researched with XP before they can be purchased. Combat XP collected on a researchable vehicle is used to unlock its modules. Free XP can be added if the required XP amount is not met, and it can be used to research any module.

Crew Training (Elite XP & Free XP)

Vehicles with Elite status have the option to accelerate crew training. Once enabled, XP earned in battles will not be accumulated but directly converted into Crew XP to improve major qualifications and train perks and skills. Free XP can be directly invested in the training of any crew member via their Personal File.

Experience Conversion (Elite XP to Free XP)

The accumulated experience on Elite and Premium vehicles can be converted into Free XP using gold. The default conversion rate is 25 XP to 25 Free XP for 1 gold, but this can change during specials.

Don't miss out on heaps of XP and the chance to raise your game in time for Frontline!

Roll Out!

Vitasd meg Discordon
