A Movie Star, a Historic Gem, and a Hero's Favorite: Discover Three Legendary Shermans


Given the Sherman was the most widely used tank by Western Allies in World War II, its cultural significance shouldn't come as much of a surprise. They were admired for their reliability, excellent maneuverability, and 75 mm armament, participating in the war from 1942 onwards. Their capacity to support infantry advances, engage enemy positions, and withstand German Panzer IIIs and IVs highlights why they were mass-produced in the thousands and why this tank features in so many stories. Like many other Shermans, the VI M4A3E8 Fury , VI Sherman VC Firefly , and VI Loza M4-A2 Sherman-je are all unique and memorable—and they make stellar additions to any Garage.

Pick them up together in a bundle, read on to discover what makes each one special, and write your own history with this legend!

General Sherman Offer

Available from February 7 at 06:00 CET through February 14 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)

Each tank comes with a 100% trained crew and a Garage slot.
Loza's M4-A2 Sherman's commander has Sixth Sense as a zero perk.

General Sherman: Birthday Special 2022
Head to Tankopedia to compare the three Shermans' strengths and weaknesses, and don't forget to adjust the parameters to see a greater comparison.

M4A3E8 Fury Offers

Available from February 7 at 06:00 CET through February 14 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)

Sergeant War Daddy's variant of the Sherman tank saw its World of Tanks debut back in 2014 for the release of the blockbuster movie, Fury. The now-legendary VI M4A3E8 Fury did justice to its historic counterparts—three M4 Shermans at the command of Sergeant Lafayette G. "War Daddy" Pool that destroyed 270 enemy vehicles in just 79 days—and has become an icon in its own right.

Take advantage of good gun handling, an excellent 2,090 DPM, and –10 degrees of gun depression to aim for just such an incredible record. With improved maneuverability over the standard Sherman and good dispersion while moving, this highly dynamic tank has all the tools to be the star of your battles.

PACKAGE CONTENTS M4A3E8 Fury 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold WoT Premium Account x5 XP mission +100% to Crew XP for 2 hours DISCOUNT

Sherman VC Firefly Offers

Available from February 7 at 06:00 CET through February 14 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)

Few can boast destroying a whole platoon of three formidable Tigers, and yet the VI Sherman VC Firefly and gunner Joe Ekins did just that in only five shots over a distance of 700 meters! Later that day during Operation Totalize, Ekins took out a fourth German tank, cementing his and his tank's place in history.

Emulate Joe Ekins's impressive achievement with this pin-point accurate sniper that shoots 13 rounds per minute with a great 1,999 DPM. Thanks to a higher top speed of 40 km/h and changes to the armor layout, it has improved survivability over the standard Firefly.

PACKAGE CONTENTS Sherman VC Firefly 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold WoT Premium Account x5 XP mission +200% to Crew XP for 2 hours DISCOUNT

Loza's M4-A2 Sherman Offers

Available from February 7 at 06:00 CET through February 14 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)

Dmitriy Loza was a highly decorated tank commander in the Red Army. He was appointed captain of the 1st Tank Battalion of the 46th Guards Tank Brigade of the 9th Guards Mechanized Corps, and he fought with his battalion of VI Loza M4-A2 Sherman-je tanks in numerous battles, including the battles for Budapest, Vienna, and Prague. He was known as a strategic commander with a feel for the battlefield and even received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his successes.

Take on the role of brave commander with this fast-firing Soviet and its great 2,090 DPM. Employ the excellent –10 degrees of gun depression for hull-down tactics, and use Dmitriy Loza himself—with Sixth Sense as a zero perk—to lead your team to triumph.

PACKAGE CONTENTS Loza's M4-A2 Sherman 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold WoT Premium Account x5 XP mission +200% to Crew XP for 2 hours As a gift Commander with Sixth Sense
as a zero perk

Sherman Stories: Firefly and Fury

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