Celebrate the Lunar New Year and Hunt Down the Hidden Tiger!

The Holiday Ops event is over, but we’re happy to celebrate once again, Commanders!

With the Lunar New Year approaching fast, we invite you to celebrate the Year of the Water Tiger and prolong the joyful mood! Jump into the special Hidden Tiger event, running from January 28 at 09:00 CET through February 7 at 10:00 CET (UTC+1), and earn a host of cool prizes!

The Hidden Tiger Challenge will award you with a smashing 2D style, essential equipment items, and many other in-game rewards. But the main prize is the powerful WZ-114, a brand-new Tier IX Premium Chinese heavy tank with a mind-blowing 3D style that features two states! In addition, the WZ-114 can earn bonds and will be regularly filling your vault with this valuable in-game currency.

The Hidden Tiger

January 28, 2022, at 09:00 CET through February 7, 2022, at 10:00 CET (UTC+1)

The event consists of two Chapters: Shadow of the Predator (Chapter I) and Tiger Leap (Chapter II). Unlocking and completing Chapter II missions will grant you even more rewards, including the formidable Tiger Claw 3D style.

Hunt Down the Mighty WZ-114!

The day the Hidden Tiger event starts, you will see that everything in your Garage is ready for the celebration! Each Lunar Year is named after one of twelve animals, and 2022 will be held under the patronage of the Water Tiger.

The main prize of the challenge, the brand-new WZ-114, was chosen with this powerful predator in mind. This is the second Tier IX Premium tank in the game, which means it will earn more credits and Combat and Crew XP per battle. On top of that, the WZ-114 will allow you to earn bonds in battle, as a Tier X vehicle does, and swap the crew without penalty.

Bonus to Combat XP per battle Bonus to Crew XP per battle Bonus to credits per battle Bonds for reaching the top of your team Crew transfer without penalty

What about its characteristics? The WZ-114 is a well-armored heavy tank with a menacing 130 mm gun. Its main mission is to fight on the front line where it will be able to fully realize its potential as a powerful assault tank. With a respectable 530 HP of alpha damage, 266 mm of armor penetration with standard AP shells, and decent frontal armor, it can dominate in any duel.

The parameters displayed are valid for the vehicle with each crew member trained to 100% major qualification level. Some vehicle characteristics can be further improved with the Commander's bonus to major qualification level, crew perks, and skills, as well as special in-game items.
Main Characteristics
Average Damage
Average Penetration
Hit Points
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
Average Damage
Average Penetration
Gun Reload Time
Dispersion at 100 m
Gun Depression / Elevation Angles
Aiming Time
Shell Types
Shell Velocity
Concealment of Moving Vehicle
Hit Points
Concealment of Stationary Vehicle
Hull Armor
Signal Range
Turret Armor
View Range
Turret Traverse Speed
Engine Power
Specific Power
Traverse Speed
Top Speed / Reverse Speed

Its high alpha damage is counterbalanced by a rather long reload and aiming time. But the vehicle’s gun depression reaches as low as –10 degrees, which, considering the nation’s standard of –5 degrees, is excellent. You can comfortably bring this tank to hilly terrain and cause a lot of trouble for your opponents. The mobility of the WZ-114 is typical for a heavy, with a top speed of 33 km/h, so before the battle starts, it’s better to decide which flank you will fight on in advance.

Chapter I – Shadow of the Predator: General Overview

Your hunt for the mighty WZ-114 will last 10 days. To get this Tier IX Premium for free, you need to complete 10 consecutive Stages by fulfilling missions for mastery or commitment, all in Random Battles. You can track your progress via a special banner in the Garage without opening a separate Challenge tab.

  • Missions for commitment must be performed using Tier VI–X vehicles. Remember: Your result will only count if you finish in the top 10 on your team by XP earned at the end of the battle, no matter whether your team wins or loses.
  • Missions for mastery are more complex, but fulfilling them will save you time. You can only complete these tasks using Tier IX–X vehicles.

Both sets of tasks can be fulfilled simultaneously (given that all conditions are met), so it doesn’t matter exactly how you end up progressing to the next Stage. The mission that is completed first will count towards your progress for the next task on either path—commitment or mastery.

Interactive image. Select different Stages to view the missions and rewards.
Mission for mastery
Earn at least 800 points of base experience in one battle.
Tier IX and X vehicles only.
Mission for commitment
Earn a total of 3,000 points of base experience.
Only experience for being among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned in Tier VI–X vehicles is counted.
Discount on purchasing the Tier IX Premium Chinese WZ-114 heavy tank
Large First Aid Kit
Automatic Fire Extinguisher
Large Repair Kit
Mission for mastery
Be the top player on your team by damage caused one time.
Tier IX and X vehicles only.
Mission for commitment
Earn a total of 6,000 points of base experience.
Only experience for being among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned in Tier VI–X vehicles is counted.
Discount on purchasing the Tier IX Premium Chinese WZ-114 heavy tank
Personal Reserve: +200% to Free XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP earned in battle for 1 h
Mission for mastery
Cause at least 4,000 HP of damage in a battle two times.
Tier IX and X vehicles only.
Mission for commitment
Earn a total of 10,000 points of base experience.
Only experience for being among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned in Tier VI–X vehicles is counted.
Discount on purchasing the Tier IX Premium Chinese WZ-114 heavy tank
Personal Reserve: +200% to Free XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP earned in battle for 1 h
Mission for mastery
Be the top player on both teams by damage caused five times, while causing at least 3,000 HP of damage.
Tier IX and X vehicles only.
Mission for commitment
Earn a total of 18,000 points of base experience.
Only experience for being among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned in Tier VI–X vehicles is counted.
Discount on purchasing the Tier IX Premium Chinese WZ-114 heavy tank
Training Booklet (China)
1 day of WoT Premium Account
Personal Reserve: +50% to credits earned in battle for 1 h
Large First Aid Kit
Mission for mastery
Be the top player on both teams by experience earned eight times.
Tier IX and X vehicles only.
Mission for commitment
Earn a total of 30,000 points of base experience.
Only experience for being among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned in Tier VI–X vehicles is counted.
Discount on purchasing the Tier IX Premium Chinese WZ-114 heavy tank
Gun Rammer Class 1
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP earned in battle for 1 h
Large Repair Kit
Mission for mastery
Earn at least 850 points of base experience 21 times.
Tier IX and X vehicles only.
Mission for commitment
Earn a total of 32,000 points of base experience.
Only experience for being among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned in Tier VI–X vehicles is counted.
Discount on purchasing the Tier IX Premium Chinese WZ-114 heavy tank
Large First Aid Kit
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP earned in battle for 1 h
Unique Striped Predator 2D Style
Mission for mastery
Cause at least 3,200 HP of damage in a battle 22 times.
Tier IX and X vehicles only.
Mission for commitment
Earn a total of 33,000 points of base experience.
Only experience for being among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned in Tier VI–X vehicles is counted.
Discount on purchasing the Tier IX Premium Chinese WZ-114 heavy tank
Vertical Stabilizer Class 1
1 day of WoT Premium Account
Personal Reserve: +200% to Free XP earned in battle for 1 h
Large Repair Kit
Mission for mastery
Be the top player on both teams by experience earned 13 times.
Tier IX and X vehicles only.
Mission for commitment
Earn a total of 36,000 points of base experience.
Only experience for being among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned in Tier VI–X vehicles is counted.
Discount on purchasing the Tier IX Premium Chinese WZ-114 heavy tank
Personal Reserve: +50% to credits earned in battle for 1 h
1 day of WoT Premium Account
Training Booklet (China)
Mission for mastery
Be the top player on your team by damage caused 30 times.
Tier IX and X vehicles only.
Mission for commitment
Earn a total of 43,000 points of base experience.
Only experience for being among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned in Tier VI–X vehicles is counted.
Discount on purchasing the Tier IX Premium Chinese WZ-114 heavy tank
Enhanced Gun Laying Drive Class 1
Training Booklet (China)
3 days of WoT Premium Account
Mission for mastery
Finish the battle as the top player on your team by experience earned 40 times.
Tier IX and X vehicles only.
Mission for commitment
Earn a total of 53,000 points of base experience.
Only experience for being among the top 10 players on your team by experience earned in Tier VI–X vehicles is counted.
Garage slot
Crew trained to 100% (with Brothers in Arms as a zero perk)

Regardless of the path you end up taking, each completed Stage will bring you rewards, including a unique 2D style, Personal Reserves, equipment items, and days of WoT Premium Account! Plus, each Stage knocks 10% off the final price of the WZ-114. If all 10 Stages are completed within the given timeframe, this vehicle and its 100% trained crew with Brothers in Arms as a zero perk can be acquired for free.

Striped Predator: Get Your Hands on an Amazing 2D Style!

In addition to a new Premium tank and other cool prizes, you will also earn the special all-season Striped Predator 2D style after completing six Chapter I Stages. This unique style features fiery black tiger stripes and a snarling tiger on the upper glacis plate. You can apply it to any vehicle in your Garage and turn it into a formidable predator that will strike fear into your enemies on the battlefield!

Chapter II – Tiger Leap: Get the Gorgeous Tiger Claw 3D Style and Other Extra Goodies!

If you manage to finish Chapter I within 10 days or purchase the WZ-114 bundle, you can go even further! Complete 10 additional daily Chapter II missions (all in Random Battles and only in the WZ-114) to get special rewards for each, such as Personal Reserves, days of WoT Premium Account, and Crew Books. You can view the mission conditions and track your progress while completing tasks on a separate tab in the event's interface.

Chapter II missions will also last for 10 days, from January 28, 2022, at 09:00 CET through February 7, 2022, at 09:00 CET (UTC+1), and they will be available once per account. The faster you get this brand-new heavy by completing Chapter I, the more rewards you can earn from Chapter II missions.

Interactive image. Select a day to view the mission and rewards.
Cause a total of 9,000 HP of damage over any number of battles.
Discount on the Tiger Claw 3D style bundle
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Free XP earned in battle for 1 h
Destroy a total of 7 enemy vehicles over any number of battles.
Discount on the Tiger Claw 3D style bundle
1 day of WoT Premium Account
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Free XP earned in battle for 1 h
Win 6 battles.
Discount on the Tiger Claw 3D style bundle
Universal Training Manual
3 days of WoT Premium Account
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP earned in battle for 1 h
Block at least 2,000 HP of damage in a battle.
Discount on the Tiger Claw 3D style bundle
1 day of WoT Premium Account
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Free XP earned in battle for 1 h
Be among the top 3 players on your team by experience earned and win the battle.
Discount on the Tiger Claw 3D style bundle
1 day of WoT Premium Account
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Free XP earned in battle for 1 h
Earn at least 800 points of base experience and win the battle 2 times.
Discount on the Tiger Claw 3D style bundle
Universal Training Manual
3 days of WoT Premium Account
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP earned in battle for 1 h
Earn a total of 4,500 base experience over any number of battles.
Discount on the Tiger Claw 3D style bundle
1 day of WoT Premium Account
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Free XP earned in battle for 1 h
Be among the top 3 players on your team by damage caused and win the battle.
Discount on the Tiger Claw 3D style bundle
1 day of WoT Premium Account
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Free XP earned in battle for 1 h
Cause at least 3,500 HP of damage in a battle.
Discount on the Tiger Claw 3D style bundle
Universal Training Manual
3 days of WoT Premium Account
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP earned in battle for 1 h
Destroy 3 enemy vehicles in a battle.
Discount on the Tiger Claw 3D style bundle
Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Crew XP earned in battle for 1 h
Personal Reserve: +200% to Free XP earned in battle for 1 h
Complete 8 out of 10 missions for Chapter II: Tiger Leap
Tiger Claw 3D style
Personal Reserve: +50% to credits earned in battle for 1 h
14 days of WoT Premium Account

The total discount on the package with the 3D style, Personal Reserves, and days of WoT Premium Account cannot exceed 100%.

Once you complete any eight Chapter II missions, you’ll get your hands on the gorgeous Tiger Claw 3D style, available exclusively for the WZ-114. This unique custom look is inspired by the mighty Water Tiger, lunar patron of 2022, depicted on the vehicle's hull and turret in a combat jump.

But the main feature of the Tiger Claw 3D style is that it has two states: full and partial. By default, you will see the full version with a tiger’s head and red fireworks on the gun. But if you want, you can disable these two elements in the game client.


Each Chapter II mission completed will provide you with a 12.5% discount on the 3D style bundle, which means you can get it for free if you complete eight missions. Want to take the fast track? Get the 3D style bundle with additional rewards on the Chapter II screen, available for 6,000 gold.

Get the WZ-114 and Other Goodies Immediately!

Can’t wait to grab all Chapter I mission rewards and get the mighty WZ-114? Head straight for the Premium Shop and purchase the whole bundle! It will also give you instant access to the Chapter II missions with additional rewards.

Completing Chapter I Stages beforehand will give you discounts on the final price of the bundle—10% off for each Stage completed. For example, completing 8 out of 10 Stages will knock 80% off the price. You can purchase the bundle from January 28 at 09:00 CET through February 7 at 09:00 CET (UTC+1). But if you miss the deadline, you can get it within a two-day “last call” period, which will finish on February 9 at 09:00 CET (UTC+1). The WZ-114 bundle can only be purchased for real money.

Celebrate the Lunar New Year and hunt down the mighty Hidden Tiger, Commanders!

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