Kampfpanzer 07 RH: Strike Hard, Strike Fast


The Kampfpanzer 07 RH is back and available in the Brunnenpanzer 3D style! If this fierce German medium successfully evaded you during The Crystal Challenge, now is the perfect opportunity to capture it and bring it into your ranks.

The VIII Kampfpanzer 07 RH packs a fast-firing 90 mm anti-aircraft cannon capable of causing an incredible 2,400 DPM that a fully trained crew can boost to 3,000 DPM. With standard shells and HEAT shells that offer 205 mm and 255 mm of penetration respectively, this machine has tremendous offensive potential.

Thanks to its top speed of 65 km/h and great mobility, it can also reach crucial positions on the battlefield before other vehicles and flank opponents. In such situations, the oscillating turret, which rotates at 50 deg/s and looks menacing in the Brunnenpanzer 3D style, shines brightest.

Check out the offers below, and don't miss this rare opportunity!

Kampfpanzer 07 RH Offers

Available from January 20 at 06:00 CET through January 27 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)

PACKAGE CONTENTS Kampfpanzer 07 RH 100% trained crew Garage slot Brunnenpanzer 3D style Gold WoT Premium Account x5 XP mission Personal Reserves DISCOUNT

Brunnenpanzer 3D Style Offers

Available from January 20 at 06:00 CET through January 27 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)

Brunnenpanzer 3D Style
PACKAGE CONTENTS Kampfpanzer 07 RH 100% trained crew Garage slot Brunnenpanzer 3D style Gold WoT Premium Account x5 XP mission Personal Reserves DISCOUNT

The parameters displayed are valid for the vehicle with each crew member trained to 100% major qualification level. Some vehicle characteristics can be further improved with the commander's bonus to major qualification level, crew perks, and skills, as well as special in-game items.


Main Characteristics
Kampfpanzer 07 RH
Average Damage
200 / 200 / 320 HP
Average Penetration
205 / 255 / 90 mm
Hit Points
1,350 HP
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
65 / 25 km/h
Commander (Radio Operator)
Average Damage
200 / 200 / 320 HP
Gun Reload Time
5 s
Average Penetration
205 / 255 / 90 mm
80 shells
Dispersion at 100 m
0.35 m
Gun Depression / Elevation Angles
–9 / 15°
Aiming Time
1.5 s
Shell Types
Shell Velocity
962 m/s
870 m/s
853 m/s
The vehicle boasts one of the highest DPM values among its counterparts: 2,400 HP of damage (without possible improvements). Despite the relatively low damage per shot, its combination of accuracy, aiming time, and stabilization allow this vehicle to cause damage effectively.
Concealment of Moving Vehicle
10.77 / 2.42%
Hit Points
1,350 HP
Concealment of Stationary Vehicle
14.36 / 3.23%
Hull Armor
115 / 75 / 25 mm
Signal Range
750 m
Turret Armor
80 / 60 / 60 mm
View Range
390 m
Turret Traverse Speed
50 deg/s
Engine Power
700 h.p.
Specific Power
23.3 h.p./t
Traverse Speed
55 deg/s
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
65 / 25 km/h
The vehicle’s relatively poor armor is compensated with great dynamics. The specific power of 23.3 h.p./t. and top speed of 65 km/h allow this vehicle to take good firing positions quickly, perform sudden attacks, and navigate across the battlefield freely. Use this advantage to provide fire support to allies where it's most needed.

Roll Out!

Vitasd meg Discordon
