Three Gems to Spice Up Your Garage and Prepare You for Update 1.16.1



Roll on Easter, Update 1.16.1, and a new season of epic Frontline battles, currently in common test! Whatever your plans, get acquainted with our latest holiday deals in the Premium Shop and stock up your Garage ahead of time! 

What will you opt for? Will it be the loyal  VIII E 75 TS  , the adaptable  VIII Lansen C  , or the devastatingly-accurate  VI Object 244 ?

E 75 TS, Tier VIII German Heavy Tank

  • Turret Armor: 230 / 120 / 80 mm
  • Top speed: 45 km/h
  • Damage: 360 / 360 / 440 HP

Lansen C, Tier VIII Swedish Medium Tank

  • Top speed: 50 km/h
  • Damage: 320 / 320 / 420 HP
  • Gun Depression / Elevation Angles: -10/+20°

Object 244, Tier VI U.S.S.R. Heavy Tank

  • DPM: 1,894 HP/min
  • Aiming Time: 2.3 s
  • Hull Armor: 120 / 100 / 60 mm

E 75 TS Offers

Available from April 10 at 07:00 CEST through April 17 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).

Say hello to the exciting  VIII E 75 TS  in its Kampfgruppe Becken 3D style

Boasting a top speed of 45 km/h, this steadfast heavy is amongst the first out of base and is always up for a ramming match! The speed may come at the cost of side protection, but the 230 mm turret armor can stand up to almost anything. With 360 alpha damage and brilliant penetration, this German is racing to victory.

E 75 TS
Package Contents E 75 TS Kampfgruppe Becken 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold x5 XP mission Personal Reserves Consumables Discount

Lansen C Offers

Available from April 10 at 07:00 CEST through April 17 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).

Prioritize positioning to outclass unwitting opponents in this mobile Swedish medium tank. What the  VIII Lansen C  lacks in armor, it makes up for with a great power-to-weight ratio and a top speed of 50 km/h, giving Commanders the chance to surprise foes from superior cover. With good alpha damage and –10 degrees of gun depression, it makes the most of its well-earned opportunities.

Join the ranks of the old Norse gods and fight alongside Geri and Freki with the fearsome Odin's Wolves 3D style.

Lansen C
Package Contents Lansen C Odin's Wolves 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold x5 XP mission Personal Reserves Discount

Object 244 Offers

Available from April 10 at 07:00 CEST through April 17 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2).

You'd better make room in your Garage, or this tough mid-tier Soviet heavy will break down the door and move in on its own. The  VI Object 244  wears bouncy armor that is tough to crack, especially for lower-tier tanks. It also has a decent amount of HP and a gun with comfortable handling and good DPM. Best of all, it's the most accurate tank among its heavy Soviet peers, which earns it the title of the sharpshooter of the bunch.

Package Contents Object 244 100% trained crew Garage slot Gold x5 XP mission Personal Reserves Discount

Hop into the E 75 TS, Lansen C, or Object 244—or grab them all and spice up your Garage today!

Roll Out!

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