Get Ready for gamescom 2019


Once again, our tanks will lead us to Cologne, the beating heart of video games in Europe. So get ready for another epic gamescom! We already mentioned our player gathering, but we have many other surprises for you, tankers.

Our Booth

In 2019, we decided to spice things up a bit with a complete tanking journey, which features all-new activities. Complete them, and you will receive your personalized tank drivers license, as well as exclusive in-game and physical goodies

First and foremost, note that we will be back with a new booth. Some gaming stations will be available, but the whole experience will be slightly different.

Our Guests 

Having such a great booth without guests would be a shame. Fortunately, plenty of talented content creators answered our call this year and will stream directly from the event.

Here's the phenomenal setlist of this 2019 edition: Quickybaby, Mailand, Dakillzor, SwedishLadyC, Moerp, Mootality, Ohare, Kreilo_, L4ny, Algo_24, and Handofblood - back to World of Tanks after Twitchcon Europe!

But that's not all: we still have some names to announce, and we guarantee they will rock our booth and add some rhythm to your gamescom experience... 

Cannot wait for this new edition? Here, take a look at last year's recap!


Roll out!

Vitasd meg Discordon
