Discover the Decals from Update 1.3

Ever since December 2017, we have been testing new customization mechanics with big updates coming throughout this year. Update 1.3 is no different and the focal point is large scale projection decals.


These big works of art will certainly add some more character to your tank. All of them can be found in a specific tab. So, check it out and deck out your vehicles in an assortment of new décor.

A total of around 40 original, historical and non-historical, decals will be available for both Tier X and Premium Tier VIII vehicles. Each vehicle will have a maximum of two decal slots per season to add them in and depending on the slot, the size of the decal may change.

The IS- 6 B, T34 B and Schwarzpanzer 58 cannot be customized.

With these newest additions and the year drawing to a close, we thought it would be a perfect time to take a look back from the first big customization update to present.

Honorable Mentions (those tied to other events and activities that aren’t updates):

  •  In June, our first ever 3D model style was available when Warhammer 40K tanks stormed the battlefield. Two style sets, the Mordian and the Valhallan Ragnarok styles, were ready to be draped over the BDR G1 B and KV-2 respectively.
  • With the football looming large in Russia over the summer, a special style was all the rage and for those lucky enough to do well in the in-game tournaments, there were unique weekly rewards to adorn your tanks in.

Update 9.21 – December 2017

  • With this update, we got the ball rolling and detailed that throughout 2018, we would be reshaping customization to make it more sophisticated and complex system.
  •  The groundwork was set by adding style sets and mapping out a set of customizable areas on any given tank.
  •  In December, you could paint the hull, turret, gun, suspension and gun mantlet separately.
  • As well as this, you could adjust camo sizes and give your vehicle a distinct look with visual effects.

Update 1.0.2 – June 2018

  • Building on the foundations we laid at the end of the year, we added customization for Tier VI, VIII and X tanks.
  • Also, when styling out your vehicles it was often hard to see what it would look like on the battlefield when compared to the garage. As such the new Garage allowed for better lighting so whether it was inside or out, it would look ultimately the same.
  • And finally, in the summer we reworked the entire interface to make it more streamlined and easier to use.

Update 1.1 – August 2018

  • We broadened the customization options to a whole new tier: Tier IX.

Future Updates – 2019 Onwards

Well, we can’t give all the details away just yet, but there will certainly be some big changes coming to customization!

Go and let your inner designer out in Update 1.3 and take advantage of months of updates to Customization!

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