New Customizations for the Tour of Duty


Since its introduction back in October 2020, clans big and small have taken the Tour of Duty and their members have earned special clan customizations, Industrial Resources, Personal Reserves, and much more. We have received a lot of positive feedback about this two-week-long recurring event, but also one big request. As progress gets reset every two weeks for a new chance to earn rewards, players have asked for even more clan customizations as prizes for personal progress.

The time has come to expand the prize pool with brand-new inscriptions and projection decals, of course in addition to all the already available ones.

  • New Reward Additions
  • Current Customizations

Important to Know

  • Prizes for Personal Progression are randomly distributed. Therefore, you might not immediately receive one of the new customizations as a reward.
  • You will receive two identical but mirrored parts of each “face/eye” decal that can be applied to the right or left side of a tank.
  • Camouflage rewards are now given out in packs of three to color all parts of one tank.

Join the Tour of Duty, contribute to your personal and clan progress, and earn great rewards as a team!

What is “Tour of Duty”?

The Tour of Duty is a recurring two-week-long clan activity, which means the progression gets reset every two weeks for a new chance to earn prizes. During this activity, clan players work together to gain glory on the battlefield and earn valuable rewards.

The social aspects of being in a clan are just as important as the competitive elements. This is especially true for small clans that find it difficult to compete for supremacy on the Global Map or during other intense activities. The Tour of Duty is intended to help such clans become more competitive, as well as develop and fortify their Strongholds. In addition, it is an opportunity for each clan player to feel valued and important in their clan while earning nice prizes along the way.

What's next?

We are planning to hold our regular summertime GM event in the second half of July. Stay tuned for more details.

Check the guide for more information on how to participate, Tour of Duty missions, the progress system, and more.


Roll Out!

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