Have a Sneak Peek at our October Specials


It's getting cold out there, so stay put. Pour some hot chocolate in your favourite mug, leave your pumpkins for a minute, and let the leaves fall around you as you enjoy a ton of new specials during October! Take a look at this month's schedule through our brand-new widget!

Top of the Tree
1-30 October: This month, we're going heavy with our new Top of the Tree! It's time for the Object 705A to shine. This Soviet beast and its line will be discounted during the whole month of October. The perfect time to climb your way up to the top of the famous Soviet Heavies tech tree!


  30–50% discount on the line leading up to the Object 705A
German Reunification
3-9 October: If you were looking to add more German tanks to your garage, this special will give you the perfect excuse to go for it! So be prepared for the celebration of German reunification and its great discounts.


A Supply Box containing equipment and more!
Germany United
6-9 October: German celebration: part 2! Extend the fun with some great discounts and new missions!


  x4 XP on the first victory of the day
Crew is Crucial
13-15 October: You know it, you love it, Crew is Crucial is back, so be kind to your crews through this special which focuses on the men and women in your favourite vehicles!


x2 Crew XP per battle
Damage With Style
20-22 October: Doing cool stuff is cool. But doing cool stuff while looking cool is even cooler. That's a lot of cools for one sentence, but you get the idea. With this special, you'll be able to gather lots of consumables and give a fresh lick of paint to your tanks.


-50% on customisation items
Ready Up
9-11 October: Stay close to the fireplace and prepare for another season of epic gaming, starting with this new special featuring Personal Reserves, consumables, and equipment as rewards!


-50% on Barracks Slots
XP Stands for Xtra Progress
16-18 October: Another special Xtraordinaire! With this new event, you'll be able to win sums of XP through exciting missions!
12-25 October: Gift season is getting close, and we will give you a taste of the end of the year's celebration with this special and its unique feature: trading vehicles! It's time to write your tank wishlist already!


Trade your vehicles and treat yourself!
XP Fever
23-30 October: The fever is rising! Our well-known special is back, and this time, it brings a friend with it to convert your Free XP to Crew XP!


x4 XP on the first victory of the day
100 Years of Czechoslovak Independence
27 October - 1 November: Another historical article to celebrate! And obviously, the Czechoslovak vehicles will be the stars of this special!


A Supply Box containing equipment and more!
Team Up with Discounts
30 October - 1 November: Team play will be the way to go during this special! Don't forget that there's strength in numbers. Get ready for cool missions too, as well as better Elite to Free XP conversion!


-50% on Equipment
Friendly Friday #1
Holy tank Batman! This month, we're having a different type of special. You've guessed it: the Friendly Fridays will happen every week of October with new challenges to complete with your fellow tankers. So prepare your platoons!
Friendly Friday #2
Holy tank Batman! This month, we're having a different type of special. You've guessed it: the Friendly Fridays will happen every week of October with new challenges to complete with your fellow tankers. So prepare your platoons!
Friendly Friday #3
Holy tank Batman! This month, we're having a different type of special. You've guessed it: the Friendly Fridays will happen every week of October with new challenges to complete with your fellow tankers. So prepare your platoons!
Friendly Friday #4
Holy tank Batman! This month, we're having a different type of special. You've guessed it: the Friendly Fridays will happen every week of October with new challenges to complete with your fellow tankers. So prepare your platoons!


Roll out!

Vitasd meg Discordon
