Ranked Battles: Season 2 is Over


The second season of our Ranked Battles has come to an end today, 16 August at 10:00 CEST (UTC+2).

We wanted to thank all our tankers who took part in this big event. Without you, Ranked Battles would not have known a second season, and we hope to come back to you with new and exciting stuff very soon.

In the meantime, note that the rewards of this season will be granted in the 14 days after the season close. In other words, you should receive them by the end of August.

Important: the closing leaderboard is not the final results. We'll be looking for cheaters and will remove them from the leaderboard before sending the rewards.

Check the season leaderboard and find out the required ranks for the First, Second and Third League:


Roll out!

Vitasd meg Discordon
