Special Shells Rebalancing: Taking Another Step Forward

Last December, we announced that rebalancing special ammo would be a priority for 2019. This news became one of the hottest topics in the community. The forthcoming changes garnered plenty of suggestions and additional questions, so we carefully analyzed player feedback to understand what steps we should take next.

We also launched several Supertests, experimenting with special ammo settings and tweaking their mechanics, while studying the feedback from our testers. Now we’ve finally gathered all the necessary data and are ready to share more information.  

Taking Another Step Forward

From 4 to 10 June, we're launching a new round of special ammo rebalancing tests on Sandbox, our test open server. An alternative special ammo concept will be featured, different from the one we outlined at WG Fest last December. Full details of the changes will be announced just before the test, so stay tuned!

NOTE: The testing will last only 1 (one) week and will end on June 10, at 11:00 (UTC +2)!

How Can I Take Part?

Everyone can take part in testing – all you have to do is submit an application. After we accept and process your application, you’ll get direct access to the test server. At the same time, you’ll see a special promo screen in your game client.

If you have previously participated in Sandbox tests, then you already have access to testing.


Be the first to experience the revised ammo mechanics and evaluate them for yourself. Join the tests now and share your feedback!

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