Earn More Bonds!

Greetings, Commanders!

Bonds are a valuable in-game currency and one of the most coveted prizes for both novices and experienced tank aces. They can be used to purchase unique vehicles and other goodies that can’t be obtained with other currencies. Moreover, bonds give you access to vehicle upgrades that can maximize your battle performance.

But under the current system, it’s not immediately obvious how you should go about earning more bonds. We aim to change this in Update 1.10.

The Current System

At this moment, you can get bonds by playing in modes such as Ranked Battles, Frontline, or Steel Hunter. But all of them are time-limited and require a certain level of experience and skill.

The main and most accessible way to earn bonds is to play Random Battles. You need to:

  • Play single-tier battles in Tier X tanks
  • Earn epic medals and Battle Heroes achievements in tanks Tier IV and higher

However, you can’t predict how many bonds you’ll earn per battle, nor whether you’ll receive an epic medal or Battle Heroes achievement. There’s also no way to know in advance if you’ll be matched into a single-tier battle.

When you’re looking forward to getting bonds for your next big purchase, you want to have a clear idea of how to achieve your goal and how long it will take you to get there. With this in mind, we want to make the bond system in Random Battles more understandable, predictable, and transparent.

Earning Bonds in Random Battles

Starting from Update 1.10, you’ll earn bonds not only in single-tier battles, but in all Random and Grand Battles in Tier X tanks, so long as you rank in the top 10 on your team by base experience earned. The number of bonds you’ll receive depends on your performance in battle, as shown in the table below:

Position on Your Team by Base XP Earned Victory Defeat / Draw
TOP 3 7 5
TOP 10 5 3

In Grand Battles, similar rules apply. The only difference is that you need to be in the top 6 or the top 20 on your team by base experience earned.

Now, you no longer have to wait for a single-tier battle with Tier X vehicles to earn bonds! In addition, there’s no need to earn a minimum amount of base XP. This will give you the opportunity to earn bonds in every battle you play in a Tier X tank!

However, epic medals and Battle Heroes achievements will no longer earn you bonds.

Under the new system, each Tier X tank can earn up to 100 bonds per week. If you hover over the vehicle in the tank carousel, you’ll see how many bonds you've already earned in a particular tank and the remaining limit in the pop-up window.

Every seven days, this value is reset, and a purple icon will appear under the tank. This means you can once again earn bonds in it.

By clicking on the “Bonds” icon in the upper right corner of the screen, you can see detailed information about the new rules for earning bonds.

Simpler and More Profitable!

If you’re an active player, you’ll definitely appreciate the benefits that the new system provides. And the more Tier X vehicles you have in your Garage, the more interesting it will get. For example, if you want to earn 50 bonds, here’s how the current* and new systems would compare.

According to the average bond earning rate under the current system

Current Bond Mechanics

  • The average player has to play a large number of battles to achieve this goal. At the same time, some of these battles won't award bonds at all because you’ll be matched with commanders in Tier VIII–IX vehicles.
  • Single-tier battles don't always earn you bonds because you may not perform well enough to get at least 400 base XP. And if your team loses, you don't earn bonds at all.
  • If Lady Luck is on your side, you may earn some bonds for getting an epic medal, which can be quite challenging.

Reworked Bond Mechanics

Under the new system, earning 50 bonds is much easier. On average, you should be able to do it in half the time. You will receive bonds for the majority of battles you play in a Tier X tank, no matter which vehicles are on the battlefield. You can earn bonds even if you lose. You just need to perform your best and help your team.

Look out for new additions to the in-game bonds shop with the launch of Ranked Battles 2020–2021! More items will be added in the future, so join battles and start stockpiling those bonds!

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