Ranked Battles—Second Beta Season Results

The hotly anticipated results of the Ranked Battles Second Beta Season are here! Check the “Season Leaders” leaderboard in the game client to see where you rank after three weeks of intense competition. If a great performance put you in the top 50%, you’re getting a solid number of Bonds, exclusive badges, and crates full of valuable in-game items. They’ll be credited to your account by 20 October.

Like many of you, we’ve been filled with a mix of emotions over the past weeks. It's been a real whirlwind! And we're not just talking about the level of competition—this season proved instrumental in the further development of Ranked Battles. We can’t thank you enough for the time, effort, and passion you contributed.

We deliberately approached the difficulty level in the 1st and 2nd betas from two different angles making it an easy ride first time around and significantly raising the difficulty the 2nd time. It left us with a sound understanding of just the right amount of difficulty we should keep to ensure healthy competition that lifts your spirits instead of forcing you to give up.

Though each Beta Season made great strides towards making Ranked Battles better, we’re far from done. You gave us loads of varied and comprehensive feedback, and now we're taking time to analyze it and make further refinements to season structure and length, rank and chevron earning, map rotation, and other aspects. Our goal is to facilitate more balanced and exciting matches and ensure Ranked Battles justly rewards skillful performances and teamwork.

As we’ve stated many times, your feedback is critical to the process and something we very much rely on to help us sculpt Ranked Battles into something worthwhile. Thank you for your commitment, and we look forward to discussing further changes that we may explore in the weeks to come.

Vitasd meg Discordon
