Check Out Tank Nuts' Second Episode


The second episode of our podcast is already here! In this new show, Richard Cutland welcomes Craig Moore to the Tank Nuts club. Also known as the "Tank Hunter", Craig is a retired Metropolitan Police Sergeant, who you might know for his work on the Tank Encyclopedia website.

He's also a published author, who wrote Tank Hunter: World War I, which takes a deep dive into the development of the very first tanks - one of his fields of expertise. German SPGs from World War II is another area of his expertise, but as you will soon learn, Craig Moore knows a thing or two about armoured vehicles!

Listen to or watch his conversation with Richard right now! Don't forget to subscribe to Tank Nuts on your favourite podcast platforms (we're available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast and many more) and let us know what you think about Tank Nuts down below. 


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