A Sneak Peek of May's Specials

Get ready for May, commanders!

Next month will be a good one, as we're introducing new specials to spice up your World of Tanks experience. They will celebrate the best damage dealers out there, remember one of the most iconic battles of World War II, and even offer you an alternative to Frontline. In short, May will be full of surprises.

May Specials

  • Crew is Crucial
  • Wreckfest
  • Military Parade Weekend
  • Backline
  • Team Effort
  • Battle of Monte Cassino
  • XP Fever
  • General Maintenance
Crew is Crucial

4-6 May: Let's start the month with a classic. On Star Wars Day, don't forget that a crew is always crucial, whether you're talking tanks or spaceships.


x3 Crew XP


7-10 May: Time to wreak havoc with this new special focused on damage dealing, and damage dealing only!


Stack some Personal Reserves

Military Parade Weekend

11-13 May: Can you hear the trumpets and the drums already? A great parade is coming, with a prelude event, tons of discounts, and great missions as confetti!


x5 XP on the first victory


14-17 May: You're not into Frontline that much? Don't worry, this special will provide another challenge for all vehicles from Tier IV to X. Jump into battle for these new chained missions!


Get some equipment

Team Effort

18-20 May: Strength is always in numbers, so take one for the team with this new edition of a classic event!


Extra goodies for team players

Battle of Monte Cassino

21-27 May: This month, we're introducing historical special! And we will start with one of the most iconic battles from World War II: Monte Cassino.


Pick a side and grab the loot

XP Fever

25-27 May: Summer will be around the corner at this point, and yet, you might catch a fever with this new iteration of a beloved special.


Great sums of XP

General Maintenance

28-31 May: We will finish the month by having a look at our tanks. With the temperature increasing, it's always good to check on our favourite machines!


Consumables to take care of your tanks


Roll out!

Vitasd meg Discordon
