Spring Into March With Fresh Specials


March brings a new season and we are not just talking Spring. While days are getting longer and the sun wins more fights against cold and gloomy days, you can prove yourself once again at Frontline and plenty of other specials.

March Specials

  • Top of the Tree
  • Choose your difficulty
  • Spice up your collection
  • St. Patrick
  • XP Fever
Top of the Tree

5–20 March and 20 March – 5 April: We know, we said the same thing last month, but this time, we are pretty sure that the first half of March will finally see the Swedish heavy tanks up to the Tier X Kranvagn in the spotlight. And, for what it's worth, the second special will most likely focus on German medium tanks up to Leopard 1. No promises, but we are, like, 95% sure.

Choose your difficulty

7–10 March: What’s your favourite tank class? SPGs don’t count! It’s got to have “tank” in the name. No matter your answer, this special will put you to the test. Do you have what it takes to be a master of all?


Up to x2.5 XP

Spice up your collection

14–17 March: Add a bit more flavour to your Garage with discounts for a variety of vehicles and Garage Slots.


50% Off

St. Patrick

21–24 March: The Luck of the Irish will have plenty of discounts and rewards for you and your crews.


x2 Crew Experience

XP Fever

28–31 March: The first days of spring will be extra warm with this beloved special.


XP all over


Roll Out!

Vitasd meg Discordon
